
Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment

Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment

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I need the following diagnosis along with the differential diagnosis explained. I also need required test needed to determine Eczema and a treatment plan for Eczema. I have attached the required template.

You do not have to fill out the “Problem Statement” section.

Diagnosis: Eczema

Differential Diagnosis: 1. Allergic Dermatitis
2. Irritant Contact Dermatitis
3. Psoriasis Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment


Management Plan Template– must include these headings: This section is worth 40 points.

  1. Primary Diagnosis—10 points (all areas must be addressed)

Primary diagnosis: Eczema ICD-10 code L30.9.

The rationale for selecting this primary diagnosis: The client is a 1yo male who presented to the clinic with cracked and dry skin on both cheeks that is itching. His mother reports that the itchiness worsens at night. Additionally, rashes are seen on the swollen skin. According to, eczema is one of the most common skin condition in children that is characterized by dry and cracked skin, itching that worsen with dryness, rash on the swollen skin, small bumps, thickened skin, and oozing and crusting that might release foul-smelling discharge (Gill & Sharda, 2021)Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment. Therefore, eczema qualifies as the client’s primary diagnosis.

CPT codes and special dermatological procedures: The CPT Code is 96913, while other procedures include Special Dermatological Procedures and Medicine Services and Procedures.

  1. Guidelines were used to develop this primary diagnosis. 5 points

The client’s primary diagnosis was developed based on presented clinical manifestations, physical examination findings, CPT codes, and special dermatological procedures.

  1. Differential diagnoses (ddx)

DDx#1: Allergic Dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is characterized by vesicles and pruritic papules, which form on an erythematous base (Nassau & Fonacier, 2020). The client has rashes on the swollen skin, qualifying for allergic dermatitis diagnosis. However, the condition is ruled out since the rashes do not form on an erythematous base.

DDx#2: Irritant Contact Dermatitis

This condition is characterized by an itchy rash, darker leathery patches; dry, scaly, and cracked skin; and blisters and bumps that might be oozing and crusting (Kiely et al., 2021). The client reports cracked, dry, and itching skin, qualifying for this diagnosis. Nonetheless, this condition was ruled out since blisters and bumps that might be oozing and crusting were absent.

DDX #3: Psoriasis

Psoriasis is the last differential diagnosis for this client. This condition is characterized by dry skin lesions, which are covered in scales. The lesions mostly form on the elbows, scalp, knee, and lower back (Rendon & Schäkel, 2019)Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment. The client reports rashes, qualifying for this diagnosis. However, this condition is ruled out since the client’s rashes were not on the elbows, scalp, knee, or lower back.

  1. Medications
    1. Medications: Cyclosporine 1.25 mg/kg PO twice daily is prescribed to children with eczema to manage symptoms (Wairkar et al., 2022).
    2. education: Creams and lotions should be used to keep the skin moist to prevent itching, which would result in an infection.
    3. Additional Ancillary: Individuals with eczema usually experience “flare-ups” of the itchy rash as a way of responding to conditions or substances.
    4. Referrals: The client should be referred to a dermatologist for further evaluation and management.
    5. Follow-ups: The client should return to the clinic after 2 weeks to allow the healthcare provider to monitor his progress.
  2. Social Determinants of Health to consider, Health Promotion and Pt risk factors – 5 pts 
    1. Social Determinants of Health: The patient’s health status is significantly influenced by education level. People with low academic attainment experience challenges in managing eczema due to a lack of knowledge.
    2. Health Promotion: The client’s skin should be moisturized regularly to prevent cracking, which worsens itching and increase the risk of infection.
    3. Risk Factor: The most significant risk factor for eczema in this client is a young age. Eczema is common in young children and the likelihood of flare-ups reduces with aging. Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment


Gill, D. G. K., & Sharda, D. S. (2021). Atopic dermatitis: The lesser indicated homeopathic medicines. Int. J Hom Sci5(4), 255-258.

Kiely, L. F., Moloney, E., O’sullivan, G., Eustace, J. A., Gallagher, J., & Bourke, J. F. (2021). Irritant contact dermatitis in healthcare workers as a result of the COVID‐19 pandemic: a cross‐sectional study. Clinical and experimental dermatology46(1), 142-144.

Nassau, S., & Fonacier, L. (2020). Allergic contact dermatitis. Medical Clinics104(1), 61-76.

Rendon, A., & Schäkel, K. (2019). Psoriasis pathogenesis and treatment. International journal of molecular sciences20(6), 1475.

Wairkar, S., Patel, D., & Singh, A. (2022). Nanostructured lipid carrier based dermal gel of cyclosporine for atopic dermatitis-in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology72, 103365.

Management Plan Template– must include these headings: This section is worth 40 points.

  1. Primary Diagnosis—10 points (all areas must be addressed)
    1. What is the ICD-10 code:
    2. What is your rationale for arriving at this primary diagnosis? You must integrate the pertinent finding and support your rationale with evidence-based literature (resources)
    3. . Include CPT codes, and any procedural codes (such as nurse lab draws, vaccinations given, biopsies).
  2. Guidelines used to develop this primary diagnosis. 5 points
  3. Differential diagnoses (ddx)with rationale and resources. Minimum of 3-5 differentials (primary dx does not count as a differential). For well-child visit, if there are no other health issues, then differentials are not needed. 5 points Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment



DDX #3-

  1. Medications including OTC, dosage and education, additional ancillary


 tests needed, referrals and follow up – 10 pts 

  1. Medications-
  2. education-
  3. Additional Ancillary
  4. Referrals-
  5. Follow-ups-
  6. Problem Statement – 5 pts
  7. Social Determinants of Health to consider, Health Promotion and Pt risk factors – 5 pts 
  1. Social Determinants of Health
  2. Health Promotion-
  3. Risk Factors—


Must have 3 and must show that it is cited within your text. Please understand that references provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text. If your references are not cited within your text, then points will be deducted.

**NO MAYO CLINIC, no pt. education websites, must be peer-reviewed literature.

Case Study For Patient With Cracked And Dry Skin Assignment

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