
Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper

Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper

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As stated in the introduction above, there have been remarkable changes in nursing as a profession over the years to the current time. This change has been evident in the approach to practice and education of nurses. Initially, nurses were meant to be helpers to physicians and would only be concerned with carrying out orders written by the clinicians without questioning. This period is represented by the early days of nursing when Florence Nightingale first went to take care of wounded soldiers in the Crimean War in the mid-19th century. This meant that nurses were passive care givers who did not have to understand disease and its management in any deep sense. Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper


The matter of scope of practice was not relevant as nurses were only carrying out orders given by physicians. They were not independent clinicians in any sense. This was to change later in the mid-20th century, about 100 years since Nightingale laid the foundations of nursing education and nursing practice. The change came when the concept of the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) came about. Postgraduate education and training of nurses in the four roles of nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, and clinical nurse specialist began in earnest (Sabo et al., 2017). At this time, the question of scope of practice became relevant as these APRNs would practice as clinicians and treat illnesses, injuries, and disease without necessarily requiring the input of a physician.

To date, this change has brought about the clamor for APRNs to have autonomous or full practice authority (FPA) across all states (Duncan & Sheppard, 2015). Definitely, the approach to treating the individual also changed in that nurses would no longer be mere helpers to physicians but also clinicians in their own right. They would be able to offer primary healthcare to communities and populations that sorely needed it.  Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper

The differentiated practice competencies between a nurse with an associate degree and the one with a bachelor’s degree are evident. The two are similar in that they are levels of education and training that make the nurse more efficient, discerning, and a critical thinker when delivering care to the patient. They both result in better patient outcomes. However, there is a major difference in that the ADN nurse is trained to acquire more practical competencies.

The ADN nurse does not have competencies in leadership and research. In contrast, the BSN nurse also possesses practical competencies but in addition also has research and leadership competencies (Nightingale College, 2017). These differences in competencies are what cause changes in scope of practice between a BSN nurse and an ADN nurses. An ADN nurse assists physicians and other clinicians by taking care of their patients through administering medications, taking vital signs, and recording the patient’s condition. On the other hand, a BSN nurse is a clinical nurse leader who manages, delegates, and directs a clinical team in the delivery of evidence-based nursing care. Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper

An example of a patient care situation that can illustrate this difference in scope is a sudden change in the acuity level of a patient who then needs transfer to the critical care unit. The ADN nurse will concern themselves with keeping patient parameters within physiological levels by administering oxygen, making the patient comfortable, and reassuring the patient amongst other things. As for the BSN nurse, they will be concerned with decision making. They will inform the multidisciplinary team members of the change in the patient’s condition and the need to transfer them to the ICU. In other words, they will provide leadership and direction.

Importance of Applying EBP to Nursing Care and Contemporary Nurse Communication and Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Teams

It has been stated in the introduction to this paper that EBP is the current philosophy of practice for the nursing profession. The importance of applying it to nursing practice is that it is the only kind of practice that guarantees the realization of desired patient outcomes. The fact that EBP makes use of only those interventions that have proven efficacy supported by research evidence means that these interventions have a high likelihood of succeeding. The academic preparation of an RN-BSN nurse supports the application of EBP in that the nurse is trained in leadership and research. Knowledge about research is paramount for understanding and practicing EBP. Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper

Nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary members through a variety of means. This is mainly through technological interfaces such as the EHR platform. Nurses are the largest group of users of any EHR system in any healthcare organization. They can communicate with other team members using the system and also using the components such as the patient data management system or PDMS. This facilitates the provision of safe care leading to desirable patient outcomes.


Nursing as a profession has changed tremendously over time. This has been more evident in terms of nurse education and training. With greater educational achievement and broader training, nurses became practitioners in their own right with the need to have a more autonomous practice environment. This paper has used the example of the ADN nurse and the BSN nurse in illustrating the changes that have taken place in nursing with the passage of time.  Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper



American Nurses Association [ANA] (n.d.). IOM future of nursing report.

Duncan, C.G. & Sheppard, K.G. (2015). Barriers to nurse practitioner full practice authority (FPA): State of the science. International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship, 2.

Hooper, V.D. (2016). The Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing: Where are we 5 years later? Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 31(5), 367-369.

Melnyk, B.M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice, 4th ed. Wolters Kluwer.

Nightingale College (January 31, 2017). ADN vs BSN debate: These are the real differences between ADN and BSN prepared nurses.,well%20as%20clinical%20skills%20training

Sabo, J.A., Chesney, M., Tracy, M.F., & Sendelbach, S. (2017). APRN consensus model implementation: The Minnesota experience. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 8(2), 10-16.

A philosophy of nursing is a mission statement to outline a nurseâ€s values, ethics, beliefs, theories for being part of the profession, helps you identify yourself and shape professional choices that you make. Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper

In this assignment, you are being asked to engage in an activity to critique and revise a sample philosophy of nursing practice professional statement. Additionally, you will also develop philosophy statement to align with your advanced practice career.

Assignment Overview

The purpose of this assignment is to guide the student to define, describe and explain their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm and their interrelationship to one another as they guide your current beliefs in nursing and nursing practice. There are no right or wrong thoughts, feelings, or beliefs; these represent your own philosophical beliefs.

Prompt: What is wrong with the statement – if any? What can you do to improve it?

Sample Philosophy of Nursing Professional Statement:

“Nurses provide quality nursing based on holistic care principles. Core nursing values include advocacy, compassion, and evidence-based practice. Patients are partners in their care when a patient-centered care approach is used to produce the best healthcare outcomes.” Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper

Provide a full philosophical critique of a sample philosophy statement provided.
Propose a revision to improve alignment with nursing values, beliefs, and professional standards.
Develop a philosophy statement draft for your APN role. (Certified Nurse Practitioner)
Criteria for Personal Philosophy Statement For APN Practice:


Introduction – identifies the purpose of the philosophy statement.
Brief description of the factors influencing the development of your personal philosophy of advanced practice nursing
Define, describe, and explain your personal thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs about the nursing metaparadigms and your APN philosophy statement Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper
Explain linkages of your philosophy statement and nursing metaparadigms, the Consensus model, your APN population specialty, and specific NP leadership behavior and competencies for APN practice. Be clear about the interrelationship of the nursing metaparadigms. Incorporate your personal thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs about the metaparadigms and literature sources to support your narrative.
Identification and a brief description of a grand or middle-range nursing theory found to be the most compatible with your APN philosophy. Explain the interrelationship of concepts of the selected theory and how the theory aligns with the metaparadigms.
Summary and Conclusion Critique and Development of Nursing Practice Philosophy Discussion Paper



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