
Humanistic Psychology Assignment Discussion

Humanistic Psychology Assignment Discussion

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Topic 2: Humanistic Psychology 804 (Module 2Q2)
1. Summarize the events that led to the American Humanistic Psychology movement becoming its own division in the American Psychological Association (APA).
2. Associate theorists with major schools of thought in the humanistic psychology movement.

Assignment Description
First Old Saybrook Conference (1964) was a significant event in the history of psychology. Attendees such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and Gordon Allport represented several major schools of thought in the budding humanistic psychology movement.
1) What did Maslow, Rogers, May, and Allport express as necessary components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement?
2) In what ways did the schools of thought expressed by these conference attendees contribute to humanistic psychology’s place in America? Explain.
****BELOW is the book reference for this course. I am not sure if you have it. Or use articles or any relative book.
Schneider, K. J., Pierson, J. F., & Bugental, J. F. (Eds.). (2014)Humanistic Psychology Assignment Discussion. The Handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research, and Practice. Sage Publications.
*****PLEASE, no String citation and no citation at the beginning of a paragraph or at the end of a paragraph.(pls. this is an instruction from the school). Thank you.


1) What did Maslow, Rogers, May, and Allport express as necessary components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement? 2) In what ways did the schools of thought expressed by these conference attendees contribute to humanistic psychology’s place in America? Explain.

The humanistic psychology movement is based on the premise that humans have a natural drive to pursue health, and that every person has humanistic values and seeks to make a difference. This statement summarizes humanistic psychology as emphasizing the conscious ability to create and make choices. Still, the movement recognizes that these humanistic ideal can only be held onto if the world is not rigid, violent or fearful (Joseph, 2021). In the late 1950s, the humanistic psychology movement emerged as to behaviorism and psychoanalysis. In this case, the humanistic movement criticized behaviorism and psychoanalysis, noting that behaviorism ignored consciousness as a private component and inaccessible to scientific study owing to subjectivity, while psychoanalysis was criticized for regarding consciousness as relatively superficial expression of unconscious drives. For that matter, the criticism was that irrespective of whether consciousness is subjective, it is an important basic value in humans that cannot be ignored. In presenting humanistic psychology movement as the third force (behaviorism and psychoanalysis being the other two forces) that presented a more meaningful and humanistic vision in psychology (Maurer & Daukantaitė, 2020)Humanistic Psychology Assignment Discussion.

The humanistic psychology movement was formally launched with sponsorship from Brandeis University in 1961 under the name American Association of Humanistic Psychology, going on to publish the first issue of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology in 1963 (Weiten, 2021). The movement held its first invitational conference in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, in 1964, with attendees such as Carl Rogers, Rene Dubos, Jacques Barzun, Floyd Matson, Henry Murray, Gardner Murphy, Rollo May, Abraham Maslow, Charlote Buhler, and Gordon Allport. The conference asked the main question as to why behaviorism and psychoanalysis did not deal with humans as uniquely human. They noted that the two schools of thought narrowed the academic discipline of psychology owing to behaviorism biases. Consequently, they presented behaviorism as addressing this shortcoming by focusing on human attributes such as self-consciousness and values that had previously been deemphasized as subjective, thereby offering a fuller experience and concept of what it implies to be human (Parker, 2015; Rowan, 2015)Humanistic Psychology Assignment Discussion.


Joseph S. (2021). How Humanistic Is Positive Psychology? Lessons in Positive Psychology From Carl Rogers’ Person-Centered Approach-It’s the Social Environment That Must Change. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 709789.

Maurer, M. M., & Daukantaitė, D. (2020). Revisiting the Organismic Valuing Process Theory of Personal Growth: A Theoretical Review of Rogers and Its Connection to Positive Psychology. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 1706.

Parker, I. (Ed.) (2015). Handbook of Critical Psychology. Taylor & Francis.

Rowan, J. (2015). Ordinary Ecstasy: The Dialectics of Humanistic Psychology (3rd ed.). Taylor & Francis.

Weiten, W. (2021). Psychology: Themes and Variations (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Topic 2: Humanistic Psychology 804 (Module 2Q2)


  1. Summarize the events that led to the American Humanistic Psychology movement becoming its own division in the American Psychological Association (APA).
  2. Associate theorists with major schools of thought in the humanistic psychology movement. Humanistic Psychology Assignment Discussion

Assignment Description

First Old Saybrook Conference (1964) was a significant event in the history of psychology. Attendees such as Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rollo May, and Gordon Allport represented several major schools of thought in the budding humanistic psychology movement.

  • What did Maslow, Rogers, May, and Allport express as necessary components of the Humanistic Psychology Movement?
  • In what ways did the schools of thought expressed by these conference attendees contribute to humanistic psychology’s place in America? Explain.



****BELOW is the book reference for this course. Am not sure if you have it. Or use articles or any relative book.

Schneider, K. J., Pierson, J. F., & Bugental, J. F. (Eds.). (2014). The handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research, and practice. Sage Publications.

*****PLEASE no String citation and no citation at the beginning of a paragraph or at the end of a paragraph.(pls. this is an instruction from the school). Thank you.

Humanistic Psychology Assignment Discussion

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