
MBA FPX 5007 Assessment 2 Managing the Toxic Leader

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  • MBA FPX 5007 Assessment 2

Performance Concerns in Jackie’s Leadership

Jackie’s leadership performance reveals significant issues that need immediate attention. One key concern is her lack of support for the nursing staff, particularly in challenging patient-related situations. For example, when nurse Kyle sought Jackie’s help regarding a problematic patient, she dismissed his concerns instead of providing the necessary assistance. This left Kyle frustrated and interfered with his ability to deliver proper patient care (Lindgren et al., 2020).

Additionally, Jackie’s communication skills are notably inadequate. Her failure to cancel a patient care conference and inform Kyle and the recreational therapist resulted in confusion among team members. Furthermore, her lack of response to Kyle’s email request for a meeting highlights a recurring issue with her communication. Effective communication is crucial for operational efficiency, and Jackie’s failure to maintain this standard in MBA FPX 5007 Assessment 2 negatively impacts team coordination.

Managing the Toxic Leader

Jackie’s performance as a leader in the psychiatric unit violates critical professional standards, such as stress management, effective communication, and staff support. According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), proper communication ensures collaboration, prevents errors and promotes safe patient care (ANA, 2020). Jackie’s inability to relay important information disrupts team dynamics and compromises patient outcomes (Moreira et al., 2019).

As the head of the facility, Jackie is also responsible for creating an environment that supports nurse development, patient advocacy, and overall organizational effectiveness. However, her lack of leadership has undermined the team’s ability to meet these expectations, as outlined by the ANA standards.

Implications of Jackie’s Behavior

Effects on Patients and Their Perceptions

Jackie’s failure to support and guide the nursing team directly impacts patient satisfaction and safety. Without strong leadership, care delivery becomes inconsistent, reducing patient trust and satisfaction. Patients expect healthcare providers to be responsive, empathetic and focused on their well-being (Albalawi et al., 2020). Jackie’s actions undermine this mission and negatively affect the organization’s reputation.

Impact on Professionalism and Quality of Care

Jackie’s behavior compromises the quality of care delivered to patients. Delays in addressing patient concerns and resolving issues reflect poorly on clinical standards and organizational safety. Leaders play a crucial role in maintaining high clinical quality, and Jackie’s shortcomings prevent the team from performing at their best.

Impact on Staff Satisfaction and Well-being

Jackie’s lack of communication, support, and respect for the nursing staff fosters a hostile work environment. Low morale, stress, and job dissatisfaction are common outcomes when leadership fails to create a supportive organizational culture (Søvold et al., 2021). This reduces staff engagement and increases the likelihood of burnout and turnover among healthcare professionals.

Implications and Consequences

Lower Patient Satisfaction and Trust

Jackie’s unresponsiveness and poor communication can disappoint patients, leading to lower satisfaction and diminished organizational trust. Patients expect leaders to advocate for their care, and Jackie’s failure to fulfill these responsibilities reflects poorly on the organization (Irshad et al., 2021).

Compromised Patient Safety

Negligence in leadership jeopardizes patient safety. Effective leaders ensure protocols and procedures are followed to avoid errors and patient harm. Jackie’s inability to address staff concerns or support patient care increases the risk of medical errors and adverse outcomes.

Decreased Staff Morale and Engagement

When leaders like Jackie neglect their responsibilities, staff become demoralized and disengaged. Healthcare teams rely on strong leadership for guidance, support, and a positive workplace culture (Wisetsri, 2020). Jackie’s lack of involvement contributes to low morale and reduced team productivity.

Negative Organizational Culture

Jackie’s behavior fosters an unhealthy organizational culture marked by distrust and poor communication. Leaders are responsible for shaping the work environment, and Jackie’s actions create barriers to teamwork and effective collaboration. A toxic culture ultimately hinders the organization’s ability to achieve its goals (Hamouche, 2021).

Action Plan for Leadership Improvement

The GROW model (Goal, Reality, Options, Will) is recommended as an effective performance improvement framework to address the leadership deficiencies identified in MBA FPX 5007 Assessment 2.

Implementation Steps

  1. Goal Setting: Establish clear leadership goals for Jackie, such as improving communication, supporting staff, and enhancing teamwork.
  2. Reality Assessment: Evaluate Jackie’s current leadership challenges, including communication gaps and failure to address staff concerns.
  3. Options for Development: Implement leadership training, mentorship programs, and communication workshops to help Jackie develop the skills necessary for effective leadership.
  4. Will and Action: Monitor Jackie’s progress over 40 days with measurable objectives and regular feedback sessions to ensure continuous improvement (Ibarra & Scoular, 2019).

Jackie can strengthen her leadership capabilities by implementing this action plan, fostering a positive work environment, and improving patient outcomes. Effective leadership is essential for encouraging collaboration, ensuring high-quality care, and maintaining staff satisfaction (De Brún et al., 2019).

Assumptions for the Action Plan

The success of the MBA FPX 5007 Assessment 2 action plan assumes that Jackie is open to feedback and willing to change. It also presupposes that the organization will provide adequate support, training opportunities, and a conducive environment for leadership development. Jackie must recognize the significance of her role in influencing patient outcomes and team performance.


In conclusion, Jackie’s leadership performance evaluation highlights key deficiencies that undermine the team’s efficiency, patient care, and organizational culture. Her lack of communication, failure to support staff, and neglect of leadership responsibilities must be addressed in MBA FPX 5007 Assessment 2 through a structured action plan. Implementing the GROW model will help Jackie improve her leadership skills, foster better collaboration, and enhance overall healthcare delivery.

Through leadership development, Jackie can become an effective leader who prioritizes patient care, supports her team, and contributes to achieving the organization’s mission and goals. This improvement will boost staff morale and patient satisfaction and strengthen the organization’s ability to deliver high-quality healthcare services.


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The main issues include Jackie’s lack of communication, failure to support nursing staff, and her inability to foster a positive and collaborative work environment.

Poor leadership results in reduced staff morale, inconsistent care delivery, and increased risks to patient safety, ultimately lowering patient satisfaction and trust.

The GROW model stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will. It helps identify leadership gaps, set goals, and create actionable steps for performance improvement.

Effective leadership fosters better communication, enhances teamwork, improves staff satisfaction, and ensures high-quality patient care, leading to overall organizational success.

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