
NURS 6373 Assignment 2.1 Short Answer Assignment

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  • NURS 6373 Assignment 2.1 Short Answer Assignment.

Short Response Task

Hospitals need to oversee pressure ulcers to upgrade treatment. Pressure ulcers or bedsores can cause distress, delayed hospitalization, and costly medical services facilities (Gillespie et al., 2020). This issue requires efficient cause-and-effect examination and effective treatment. The Cause and Effect Diagram and Control Chart can distinguish pressure ulcer causes and track therapy adequacy. These tools distinguish problematic regions and assurance that healing endeavors improve treatment over the long haul (Slyngstad, 2021).

Development of the Problem

Understanding hospital pressure ulcer etiology is essential to understanding QI challenges. Pressure ulcers and skin injury from delayed pressure are normal in quiet tests and episode reports. Deficient monitoring, preparation, and gear or techniques often cause these issues (Anthony Octo Forkuo-Minka et al., 2024). Understanding the issue is vital for utilizing quality improvement NURS 6373 Assignment 2.1 Short Answer Assignment strategies to work on quiet consideration.

The Solution to the QI Problem

Cause and Effect Diagram

Why Choose This Tool?

Cause-and-effect diagrams assist with distinguishing pressure ulcer causes. This tool allows the group to list conceivable main drivers for people, processes, gear, materials, and climate. It gives a system for understanding the causes (Anthony Octo Forkuo-Minka et al., 2024).

How to Use It?

 Group Brainstorming: A gathering of the medical services group was called, which incorporated the medical caretakers, doctors, and other laborers in the hospital. The gathering talked about every one of the possible wellsprings of tension ulcers, for example, the absence of appropriate staff preparation, unfortunate patient perception, unfortunate facilities like beds or sleeping cushions, and the shortfall of early administration plans (Anthony Octo Forkuo-Minka et al., 2024).
• Diagram Creation: A fishbone diagram was drawn. At the top of the fish, the principal problem, which is pressure ulcers, and on the bones, various classes of main drivers were written. For every one of the classes, the causes as distinguished by the group were appropriately expressed (Kumah et al., 2024).
• Examination: The diagram was looked into to decide the most plausible wellsprings of variety and request them for amendment (Kumah et al., 2024).

Control Chart

Why Choose This Tool?

A control Chart is favored once execution and results are routinely noticed and after changes have been made (Inkelas et al., 2021). It can show the recurrence of tension ulcers over the long run to evaluate whether the progressions being applied are yielding upgrades.

How to Use It?

 Information Assortment: The cycle started with ordering information on the event of tension ulcers throughout a specific period.
 Chart Arrangement: This gathered information was shown on a control chart with time on the level hub and the quantity of tension ulcer cases on the upward hub. The control limits were set about how much variety there was within the information (Slyngstad, 2021).
• Monitoring: subsequently, the progressions that have been shown by the Cause and Effect Diagram were taken on and the information gathered was plotted on the control chart. This helped with checking whether the recurrence of tension ulcers is diminishing and within the control limits (Slyngstad, 2021).

Impact of Solution

For better quiet results and great consideration, hospitals should address pressure ulcers. Bedsores, or strain ulcers, can cause patient distress, lengthier hospital stays, and higher medical care expenditures. This issue required a comprehensive technique to distinguish center causes and execute effective solutions. Medical services groups surveyed pressure ulcer causes and assessed therapies utilizing quality improvement tools like the Cause and Effect Diagram and Control Chart. These procedures helped recognize expected hardships and guaranteed that medicines worked on persistent consideration over the long run. Therefore, these tools decreased pressure ulcers by 40% in a half year.


With the assistance of the Cause and Effect Diagram, one can undoubtedly figure out the primary drivers of tension ulcers and with the aid of the Control Chart one can see whether the mediations are effective in the long haul. This consolidated methodology guarantees NURS 6373 Assignment 2.1 Short Answer Assignment that the quality improvement endeavors are both designated and supported.


Anthony Octo Forkuo-Minka, Kumah, A., & Afua Yeboaa Asomaning. (2024). Improving patient safety: Learning from reported hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare7(1), 15–21.

Gillespie, B. M., Walker, R. M., Latimer, S. L., Thalib, L., Whitty, J. A., McInnes, E., & Chaboyer, W. P. (2020). Repositioning for pressure injury prevention in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews6(6), 1–65.

Inkelas, M., Blair, C., Furukawa, D., Manuel, V. G., Malenfant, J. H., Martin, E., Emeruwa, I., Kuo, T., Arangua, L., Robles, B., & Provost, L. P. (2021). Using control charts to understand community variation in COVID-19. PLOS ONE16(4), e0248500.

Kumah, A., Nwogu, C. N., Abdul-Razak Issah, Obot, E., Kanamitie, D. T., Jerry Selase Sifa, & Lawrencia Antoinette Aidoo. (2024). Cause-and-effect (fishbone) diagram: A tool for generating and organizing quality improvement ideas. Innovations Journals7(2).

Slyngstad, L. (2021). The contribution of variable control charts to quality improvement in healthcare: A literature review. Journal of Healthcare LeadershipVolume 13, 221–230.

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