
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3

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  • NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing.

Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Technology in clinical benefits has incited various progressions that work on calm consideration. As an accessory head of nursing for long-term care, I, an enormous piece of the time, look for ways of improving patient consideration. Falls and tension ulcers are the regions I pivot around the most as they are the most obvious patient personal satisfaction issues I experience.

I solicited the Capella library to get to informational indexes, such as Bar Prescription and OVID, to pick peer-studied educational articles within the last five years. During my exploration, I used terms such as “patient sensor falls prevention technology” and “technology to diminish pressure ulcers” during my exploration. I then picked the examination that focused most on consistent monitoring technology that can be used to diminish falls and tension ulcers in long-term care. Explore our assessment NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2 for more information.

Ali, H. B., and Li, H. (2015). Developing a fall-prevention structure for nursing homes. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Yearly Meeting, 59(1), 601-605.


  • Technological Advancements in Fall Prevention for Nursing Homes

In this article, the essayists review current fall prevention structures executed in nursing homes, the challenges involved with these ongoing plans and how technology can be used to diminish these troubles. The article examines the advantages and challenges of present-used structures like seat/bed sensors, cut cautions and call light systems. A writing study showed that these plans may not be strong in preventing falls—a cautious report involved interviews with nursing and administrative staff, field observations, and a work examination. Staff were interviewed regarding ordinary routines and how they respond to call plans and falls. Observations included 120 hours among changes in four long-term care nursing homes in upstate.

New York. The challenges connected with using these plans included inconvenience in identifying the wellspring of caution given the nonattendance of clear indicators, inability to show more than one caution at a time and false cautions.

Using the information assembled, the makers proposed a fall prevention structure that uses technology to predict falls and tell staff. Electromyography information is used to expect a patient to be better for falls and consequently conveys findings to glorious watches worn by staff. The insightful offers a distinguishable sign for staff, a code indicating what kind of caution it is and the time it has been ringing. A hearable construction joined by a visual notification system that is genuinely open by staff will increase response times.

The article examines how impeding falls can be for patients and nursing homes. Falls are the leading reason for serious injuries among the old population. Those living in nursing homes are at a higher bet. Accordingly, fall prevention is an enormous quality improvement objective. Technology can also be used to develop fall prevention plans and decrease the number of falls in nursing homes.

Genovese, V., Mannini, A., Guaitolini, M., and Sabatini, A. (2018). Wearable inertial sensing for ICT is the leading method of gathering fall detection, prevention, and evaluation in old age.
Innovations, 6(4), 91. doi:10.3390/technologies604009

This article examines a patient consideration monitoring contraption called the Wearable Inertial Estimation Unit and how it will, generally, be used to review a patient’s bpatient’sfalls and developed reaction time in response to falls. The WIMU fall indicator consists of a contraption worn on a patient’s midsection level during practices and during a SIX-minute walking Test to determine fall risk. The sensor involves calculations, a vaporous tension sensor, and information about the patient’s walk model and strength. On the unthinkable occasion that a fall is distinguished, the sensor will send a caution message to the fall finder system and android contraption. Explore our assessment NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

This information gets moved off a call area, and various individuals, like clinical consideration providers and relatives, are informed. The review tried the method for 50 tenants, both high bet for falls and, for the most part, defended in solicitation to determine a correlation between walk models and an opportunity for falls using the WIMU contraption. There was a correlation between distance walked, step time, and walk plans for a fall bet. Subsequently, the WIMU contraption isn’t only gainful in cautioning staff when a patient falls in any situation but can also be used as a fall risk evaluation gadget.

The article suggests that information and communication innovations have refreshed the personal satisfaction of additional settled adults while right presently promoting their autonomy. It has been credited with immensely reducing the expenses connected with caring for additional seasoned adults. The WIMU contraption is a model regarding how information and communication technology can be used to develop security among additional seasoned adults. This article was picked since it isn’t only a patient monitoring device but a bet evaluation instrument. Exact fall risk evaluations are an essential viewpoint in fall prevention. Being prepared to distinguish and focus in personalized interventions on tenants determined to be everything considered raised chance will diminish the speeds of falls.

Ren, L., and Peng, Y. (2019). Exploration of fall detection and fall prevention innovations: A determined overview. IEEE Access, 7, 77702-77722. Recuperated from

  • Innovations in Fall Detection

This article is a comprehensive overview of various fall detection and prevention innovations. Articles for the conscious review were picked using informational indexes like PubMed and PubMed Central. More than 1,000 papers were amassed, and 150 were picked for review. Four fall detection and prevention structure classifications were studied. The

Classifications are accelerometer-based, smartphone-based, vision-based and multisensory fusion-based structures. Different accelerometer-based fall detection structures were contemplated. The ones with a calculation that included speed, impact, and position had the most raised responsiveness and the best fall detection accelerometer-based procedure. Smartphone-based systems utilize a sensor and sensing component.

For any situation, the way that the phone ought to be worn on a patient’s body and that there is a confined battery duration makes this a not ideal solution. Vision-based structures use shape features, see inactivity and significance investigation to see a fall. For instance, the camera will truly investigate the separation from a patient’s head to the floor to see on the doubtful occasion that a fall occurred. Multi-material fusion-based structures combine general media and accelerometers to see falls.

This study conveys that 28-35% of adults 65 and more coordinated fall dependably. As people age, their risk for falls increases. The makers suggest the World Prospering Affiliation, which coordinated that by 2050, people who are late will address 22% of the immovable people.

Considering are living longer and falling at risk for expansion in age, this issue will make a difference. This decided audit was picked since it offers a close review of different fall revelation/refutation strategies. By understanding how various developments are utilized in fall certification and offensiveness, an affiliation could pick one that will best work on calm security inside their partnership.

Prattle, T. L., Kennerly, S. M., and Ly, K. (2019). Pressure injury countering: Results and bothers to the usage of tenant seeing improvement in a nursing home. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Restriction Nursing: Official Vehicle of the Injury, Ostomy and Harmony Clinical Supervisors Society, 46(3), 207-213. Recuperated from

  • Sensor-Based Pressure Ulcer Prevention

This survey used a pre- and present test to anticipate and determine the benefits and troubles of improvement, disturbing the conviction that offices get pressure ulcers in nursing homes. The audit examined solace, staff smarts, and consistency while truly exploring progression. The review used the maintained Nursing Society Evaluation Contraption to wrap up changes in nursing society related to the execution of the sensor.

Occupants wore sensors on their front chests, and data from the sensors were presented from a distance to a central-looking station to develop consistency with the turning and repositioning of inhabitants. The LCD screen at the nursing station will have each inhabitant repositioning information tone-coded. Green shows that the patient was last turned under 105 minutes sooner, yellow indicates that the occupant was last turned 105-120 minutes sooner, and red means that it’s been more than 2 hours since the inhabitant was last turned. The spot of the occupant, consistency of staff and unattached sensors are nearly displayed on the screen.

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

The staff chatted with in the survey saw the truly researching structure as obliging. Staff didn’t have to rely on their memory to pick when inhabitants ought to be turned. The insight system prevented staff from ignoring or excusing time. In addition, the consistency of standards of care concerning turning and coordinating the lifestyle of the unit was noted to have changed. Staff collaborated on the ordinary goal of staying aware of turning and repositioning consistency. This included accomplices reminding each other to turn their occupants or tenants not allocated to them.

This study sees the commonness of strain wounds in expanded length through working conditions. Aggravates from pressure ulcers consolidate sepsis, obliteration and various consequences for classified fulfilment. The costs of treating pressure ulcers were, in like manner, noted to be higher than the cost of countering.

In this way, truly brilliant pressure ulcer equilibrium ought to be fundamental in critical length thought workplaces. This study was picked as it gives an immediate checking structure that has been shown to increase consistency with turning and repositioning tenants. Turning and repositioning is a colossal strain ulcer balance mediation. This patient thought the headway contraption could be a valuable gadget to hinder office pressure ulcers in expanded length thought.


The four vehicles picked are phenomenal resources concerning how patient progress devices can chip away at the nature of care in long-term care settings. Pressure ulcers and fall prevention are critical issues in long-term care and have challenging outcomes for patients. Falls and pressure ulcers encountered in extended care settings are also linked to significant costs for these organizations. Thus, organizations should consider utilizing these technology-based prevention tools. As highlighted in NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing, it is crucial for organizations to reflect on nursing culture, accountability, and training when selecting and implementing technological advancements in healthcare.

  • Enhancing Care with Technology Integration

It is essential to have input from staff regarding comfort (Ali and Li, 2015). Using diverse communication and training strategies can help improve staff compliance during the introduction of new patient care technologies (Jibber Jabber et al., 2019). The Nursing Society Evaluation Tool can be utilized to assess changes in nursing culture related to implementing new patient care advancements (Talk et al., 2019). As demonstrated in NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing, technology serves as a powerful tool in healthcare, showcasing that evidence-based care is not only more efficient and effective but also instrumental in improving quality of life and enhancing patient safety. For instance, it can help reduce the occurrence of pressure ulcers and falls, which are pervasive issues in long-term care facilities.


Ali, H. B., & Li, H. (2015). Developing a fall-prevention structure for nursing homes. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Yearly Meeting, 59(1), 601-605.

Genovese, V., Mannini, A., Guaitolini, M., & Sabatini, A. (2018). Wearable inertial sensing for ICT is the leading method of gathering fall detection, prevention, and evaluation in old age. Technologies, 6(4), 91.

Ren, L., & Peng, Y. (2019). Exploration of fall detection and fall prevention innovations: A determined overview. IEEE Access, 7, 77702-77722.

Prattle, T. L., Kennerly, S. M., & Ly, K. (2019). Pressure injury countering: Results and bothers to the usage of tenant seeing improvement in a nursing home. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, 46(3), 207-213.

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