
NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 1 Technology-Informatics Use in Your Practice Setting

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  • NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 1 Technology-Informatics Use in Your Practice Setting.


Treatment modalities continue to be enabled in the healthcare setting. Implementing electronic clinical records (EMR) gives healthcare suppliers the information to execute patient-focused modalities with nature-of-care administrations. According to Bruns et al. (2018), key bits of the electronic wellbeing records (EHR) include standard fields like youth and family information, analysis, assessment information, and progress notes. What is more, Consumes et al. (20180 state that there is the maintenance of a coordinated plan of care, progress evaluation on structures and administrations, correspondence among frills, and reporting on administrations, uses, and results.

Moreover, the indispensable bits of the EMR structure and its parts, as defined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), include announcements of patient outcomes, arrangement writing, a show of different remarks, program interfaces, reference demands, inpatient nuances, and patient ensuing information, mechanized chart records (Jimma & Enyew, 2022). In the acute mental healthcare setting I am connected to, my avatar, a cloud-based Netsmart structure, is the EHR used. The EMR structure part is intended for clinical care organizations that arrange lead wellness administrations, such as drive treatment administrations, secret administrations, and social inpatient programs.

Within this turn of events, inpatient healthcare interdisciplinary staff use the EMR to coordinate the patient healthcare conveyance framework and plan the beginning of the assertions interaction through the ensuing cycle at release. Patient security is the primary need in working in a mental, inpatient clinical care setting. With a definitive target of this paper, an analysis of the benefits and obstacles will be outlined with the implementation of my avatar in the inpatient mental setting with a particular spotlight on standardization of information, exchange of Information gathering, and treatment administrations while decreasing workaround frameworks with the assistance behind proficiency in the care conveyance. Explore our assessment NURS FPX 8012 assessment 5 Quality Improvement Project Plan for more information.

Benefits of Implementation of Technology in an Acute Care Setting

Modernized technology has transformed into a fundamental structure in healthcare change endeavors. Systems incentivize EHR gathering by healthcare organizations, such as the Reasonable Care Act and the Wellbeing Information Technology for Financial and Clinical Wellbeing Act (Stanhope & Matthews, 2019). Implementing an EMR structure requires proficiency in the conveyance framework to streamline administrations. Training is the primary model for the supportive integration of any new technology.

Implementing my avatar (EMR) in the inpatient mental setting has significantly improved patient care by streamlining coordinated, patient-focused treatment plan cycles and treatment and medication management. In the context of NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 1 Technology-Informatics Use in Your Practice Setting, healthcare leaders from various disciplines, alongside frontline nursing staff, can collaboratively engage in a complex process to enhance communication and optimize patient care services.

Obstacles of Chosen Technology

In any circumstance, with the implementation of this new EMR framework, a couple of obstacles have resulted in relentless purchases from physicians, clinical staff, and nurses. Regardless of anything else, with the securing of this plan, the arrangement was with outside merchants. It was achieved by purchasing the base model with the capacity to expand information cycles and shows, subject to the circumstances. Tragically, the utilization of this EMR required a cross-kind of continued paper charting, which surrendered credibility in the patient care process because of correspondence openings.

NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 1 Technology-Informatics Use in Your Practice Setting

With the applied plan for myAvatar, more settled specialists with minimal involvement with utilizing EMR structures saw the initial training as fanciful while offering confined insight into the framework’s intricacies. A couple of segments added to obstacles, like the organization’s internal infrastructure, and I was not prepared to handle the unreasonable use of the EMR at one time. This typical expert to screen use and guarantee the individualized advancement was not permitted to remain open when not in use. Finally, The plan is not viewed as quick; one should investigate a couple of cycles to find express information.

Redesigned Workflow

Workflow redesign in EMR requires an examination of the ongoing workflow and reconstructing the cycle to other than foster proficiency through new workflow plans. In saying this, studies have shown that healthcare professionals have changed workarounds to continue routines, disregarding the intended presentation of the EMR. According to Boonstra et al. (2021), workarounds indicate that working routines embrace that distinction from the construction’s maintained use. In addition, Boonstra et al. (2021) express that, from an uplifting standpoint, workarounds indicate structure-independent individuals and may initiate enhancements to the workflow.

Improving RN Risk Assessments

With wellbeing being the primary need in mental inpatient administrations, Enrolled clinical caretakers (RN) standard breakdown risk assessments are ordinary for our most feeble patients. This ordinary brief idea was a fast consequence of the Joint Commission requiring breakdown risk evaluations for mental clinical clinics. The ongoing workflow configuration requires the physician to outline the patient using the Columbia-Breakdown Genuineness Rating Scale (C-SSRS).

Considering the findings, arrangements for ordinary RN breakdown screening should be initiated for a minimum of 30 days, depending on the truth of the evaluation. The orders and RN evaluations are seen in the EMR by our Performance Improvement (PI) office for compliance. It was seen that physicians’ plans were being made, yet there was no consistency in RNs doing the ordinary assessment. By having no consistency, the basis for a redesign in workflow with the EMR determined to incite the RNs that a breakdown evaluation should be finished. Figure 1 shows the redesign.

Figure 1

Workflow Redesign


Identifying individually canny features is essential in assessing breakdown risk across various settings, such as in neighborhood health and acute mental inpatient settings, where patients are being evaluated for a range of factors, and quick identification of breakdown risk levels is needed (Brown et al., 2021). Leveraging technology and informatics as part of NURS FPX 8012 Assessment 1 Technology-Informatics Use in Your Practice Setting can reduce workarounds and adopt artificial intelligence (AI). Integrating the DIKW (data, information, knowledge, and wisdom) pyramid will help increase awareness, capacity, and practicality in using AI.


Boonstra, A., Jonker, T. L., van Offenbeek, M., & Vos, J. (2021). Persisting workarounds in electronic health record system use: types, risks and benefits. BMC medical informatics and decision making21(1), 183.

Brown, S. L., Marshall, A. J., Mitchell, S. M., Roush, J. F., Mumma, G. H., Jahn, D. R., Ribeiro, D., Joiner, T. E., & Cukrowicz, K. C. (2021). Suicide ideation and thwarted interpersonal needs among psychiatric inpatients: A network approach. Clinical Psychological Science9(6), 1080–1094. https://doi-

Bruns, E. J., Hook, A. N., Parker, E. M., Esposito, I., Sather, A., Parigoris, R. M., Lyon, A. R., & Hyde, K. L. (2018). Impact of a web-based electronic health record on behavioral health service delivery for children and adolescents: Randomized controlled trial. Journal of medical Internet research20(6), e10197.

Jimma, B. L., & Enyew, D. B. (2022). Barriers to accepting electronic medical records from the perspective of physicians and nurses: A scoping review. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked31, 100991.

Stanhope, V., & Matthews, E. B. (2019). Delivering person-centered care with an electronic health record. BMC medical informatics and decision making19(1), 168.

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