
NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 Doctoral Project Presentation

  • NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 Doctoral Project Presentation.

Doctoral Project Presentation

Hi! My name is (Student). The most striking technique for directing and sharing a graduated class project was critical as it organized the going with; it clarified, presented the goal, and showed the outcomes. It was generally o The teaching program that was fanned out for the providers with a clarification for making how many people with OSA were screened.

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The STOP-Bang contraption is related to the instructive module that helps clinical benefits workers sort out a shrewd framework so that using the gadget could see the worth in how likely it is for the patient to have OSA. This was especially important in the conversation as it gave various episodes of how strategies were applied to ensure the project’s objectives were achieved. Moreover, the sums were used to show that the plans were serious solid areas for where they were joined to achieve the project’s goals.

Project Purpose

Likewise, the objective of the doctoral project is to update the turnover of screening probability interest of OSA by showing a program that relies upon providers. The thorough obliging of the openness given during the provider-based level is to attract specialists to organize the STOP-Bang contraption.

  • Improving OSA Screening Practices

The training obliged the staff to help them drive the right OSA screenings this wide the degree of exploring for OSA. A concern that has risen out of the study is whether patients who got a negative screening result using the STOP-Bang can be perceived to be protected from OSA or its interests. Through the execution of STOP-Bang, how many people could be assessed for OSA remained mindful, making patients safer (Stansbury et al . , 2020).

NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 Doctoral Project Presentation

83% of respondents showed that they had never expected the OSA’s cycle for screening proposers. This is one side interest for why hardly any staff followed the collaboration enterprisingly as demonstrated by the project’s objectives. The rules of provider-based showing worked with improving the right screening done by the clinical idea staff areas of strength for and a colossal piece of the patients agreed to the screening structure. There was an improvement in OSA screening as the STOP-Bang frame was done fittingly (Carr et al., 2020).

Appropriately, the significance of the pre-and post-data will be used to determine the level of progress of the given project. Expecting more staff to follow the right philosophy for directing and perusing up for OSA reflects that they will be a great deal of helpful in the project. More people on the staff who were ready drew closer to getting screened for OSA, which empowered the speed of assessing the issue. Even with this need, planning from the provider-based model of OSA screening and using the STOP-Bang made the staff bound to guarantee beginning and end extremely far.

Project Outcomes

To get a limit on the project’s progress, it took much work to add explicit data in areas like the speed of evaluation for OSA and staff consistency with consistency. Outcomes for the OSA screening acquainted in the project alluded with the speed of OSA screening from 5 during the five months of 2024—3% to 8. Of the respondents, 2% had seen their preparation from the provider-based programs.

NURS FPX 9904 Assessment 5 Doctoral Project Presentation

The presented disclosures further showed that the speeds of OSA screening show were related from 7. 5% to 14. After the intervention, it was 3%, and a further extension in how many staff who kept the standards that were spread out in the principal five months of 2024 showed that a provider-based screening program worked fittingly (verbal correspondence, 10-10-2023). In a close to outline, 93. 7 % of the staff agreed that training surrendered as information kept with the STOP-Bang.

  • Enhancing OSA Screening Processes

As a result of the graduated class project, they were significant considering the superfluously extended speed of OSA screening and the staff consistency consistency. This supports the idea that the potential outcomes of the project will be added to the database inside a scrap of information on clinical ideas. For instance, the key result is the screening pace of OSA, which spins around, including the sensible perusing up mechanical social affairs for particular patients. The targets interface with the clinical benefits workers to apply STOP-Bang, which concentrates on gadgets, considering everything when in doubt and conditions (Pignatelli et al., 2020).

It is essential to understand the project’s purpose and state it clearly—the principal objective of the work completed for this project is to maintain the OSA reviewing process for patients. Besides, discarding an entrance to show the staff the OSA screening structure helped make clinical benefits rules and care given to the patients on the statement.

Having even more clear support to get an OSA test shows that appearance considering the staff of the provider is fit. While completing my doctorate project, I made heads or tails of that to improve the clinical benefits industry, so deciding on the right screening contraptions is crucial.

Key Audience Takeaways

The best expansion will be showing the public that a graduated class project will genuinely be confined to extra motivating the assessing structure for OSA patients. The genuinely extended progress of patients through the right screening steps makes people who are screened more in OSA and patients safer.

  • Improving OSA Screening Implementation

The provider preparation nearly impacted staff and their commitment towards doing the screening structure, adding to the ID of OSA on early phase and treatment. Other clinical idea specialists may see that executing the legitimate looking-over approach for OSA and the STOP-Bang (Sheta et al., 2023) procedure for planning its regional region is fundamental.

That is, explaining OSA from the side of a clear provider can help specialists develop the speed of isolating OSA and doing the right screening. It attracts staff to coordinate acquitted OSA and makes patients safer in this surprising situation. The graduated class project draws in clinical idea workers with data on the best method for gathering the fitting OSA screening as required, guarding patients.


Carr, S. N., Reinsvold, R. M., Heering, T. E., & Muckler, V. C. (2020). Integrating the STOP-Bang questionnaire into the pre-anesthetic assessment at a Military Hospital. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing35(4), 368–373.

Pignatelli, G. F., Neri, G., Khasawneh, L., Vito, A. D., Pacella, A., & Sorrentino, A. (2020). Stop-bang questionnaire: Practical approach to diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea in homeopathic subjects. Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists Medical Science7(3), 93–105.

Sheta, A., Thaher, T., Surani, S. R., Turabieh, H., Brack, M., Too, J., Rub, N. A.-E., Mafarjah, M., Chantar, H., & Subramanian, S. (2023). Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea using feature selection, classification methods, and data grouping based on age, sex, and race. Diagnostics13(14), 2417.

Stansbury, R., Abdelfattah, M., Chan, J., Mittal, A., Alqahtani, F., & Sharma, S. (2020). Hospital screening for obstructive sleep apnea in patients admitted to a rural, tertiary care academic hospital with heart failure. Hospital Practice48(5), 266–271.

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