
(Solution) NR581NP Week 2 Assignment: NP Scope of Practice


NR581NP_Scope of Practice Assignment Rubric
NR581NP_Scope of Practice Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Intended State of Practice

3 Required Criteria

1. Identify the state in which you intend to practice and the licensure requirements for that state.

2. Identify the NP scope of practice in the state in which you intend to practice.

3. Use the board of nursing or the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice. Provide the link to the source.

20 pts

All requirement met.

17 pts

2 requirements met.

10 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
20 pts
Educational and Certification Requirements

3 Required Criteria

1. Describe the educational requirements for NP licensure in the state in which you intend to practice.

2. Describe the certification requirements for NP licensure in the state in which you intend to practice.

3. Use the board of nursing or the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice.

35 pts

All requirements met.

29 pts

2 requirements met.

17.5 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
35 pts
Practice Environment

3 Required Criteria

1. Identify the practice environment (full, reduced, or restricted NP practice) in the state in which you intend to practice.

2. If the state has reduced or restricted NP practice, specify what supervision or collaborative practice agreements are required. If your state is full practice, write N/A for this question.

a. Students who intend to practice in California should also include the use of written standard procedures that guide NP practice in the state and physician supervision ratios.

3. Use the board of nursing or the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice.

35 pts

All requirements met.

29 pts

2 requirements met.

17.5 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
35 pts
Prescribing Regulations

3 Required Criteria

1. Discuss NP prescriptive authority in the state in which you intend to practice.

2. Explain regulations related to prescribing controlled substances.

3. Use the board of nursing or the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice.

35 pts

All requirements met.

29 pts

2 requirements met.

17.5 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
35 pts
Professional Practice

2 Required Criteria

1. Describe the licensure, certification, and continuing education requirements for ongoing NP practice in the state in which you intend to practice.

2. Use the board of nursing or the Nurse Practice Act for the state where you intend to practice. Provide the link to the candidate handbook for the chosen certification examination.

35 pts

All requirements met.

17.5 pts

Needs Improvement
1 requirement met.

0 pts

No requirements met.
35 pts
Writing Requirements

Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.

8 pts

0-1 errors.

7 pts

Very Good
2-3 errors.

6 pts

4-5 errors.

4 pts

Needs Improvement
6-7 errors.

0 pts

More than 7 errors.
8 pts
Reference Citation

Uses current APA format to format citations and references and is free of errors.

7 pts

0–1 errors.

6 pts

Very Good
2–3 errors.

5 pts

4-5 errors.

3.5 pts

Needs Improvement
6-7 errors.

0 pts

Points Deducted
More than 7 errors.
7 pts
Template Used

Used provided template

0 pts

No Points Deducted
Correct template used. No points deducted.

0 pts

Points Deducted
17.5 points deducted (10%) for incorrect or no template used.
0 pts
Late Penalty Deduction

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

0 pts

No Points Deducted
Assignment submitted on time. No points deducted.

0 pts

Points Deducted
-10% points/day up to 3 days late
0 pts
Total Points: 175

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