The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper
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Write My Essay For MeThe epidermal cells often have protein keratin which is waterproof to the skin. This protects the skin from any invasion by microbes. The skin has other mechanisms such as antimicrobial peptides, low PH, and high stalks and this is part of its protection mechanisms. In addition, the skin has different kinds of microbes that make up the normal biota and this represents the five main taxa. There are several conditions affecting the skin that are caused by microorganisms. The first is soft tissue infection. This is a condition commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Which is methicillin-resistant. Soft tissue infection is common in the non-hospitalized population The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper.
The other common condition affecting skin disease is impetigo. This is a condition that is highly contagious causing a superficial bacterial infection making the skin peel. The condition is often caused by direct contact and through mechanical vectors and fomites. The causative organism can either be streptococcus pyogenes or staphylococcus aureus. Cellulitis is another condition that affects the patient; skin. It is caused by a fast-spreading infection that affects the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue.
Other conditions affecting the skin and are caused by microorganisms are gas gangrene and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSS)The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper. SSS is caused by S. uraeus and affects newborns and babies with impetigo. Nonetheless, gas gangrene is also referred to as clostridial myonecrosis and it is common.
Pustular and vesicular rash diseases are also common. A good example of such a disease is chicken pox. It is characterized by skin lesions that progress faster from the papules to macules and they have clear fluid. Shingles is another condition under this category which is a virus related to recuperation from chickenpox. Smallpox is another condition believed to be a bioterror threat that is characterized by rashes in the human body. Hand. Foot and mouth disease is also common and it is caused by lesions in the mouth.
The skin is also affected by maculopapular rash conditions. The first is measles and an individual has oral lesions. The disease is serious and rare but it could cause serious complications such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper. Rubella is another disease in this category and it occurs in two forms, and that is a congenital and postnatal infection of the fetus. The fifth disease also known as erythema infection occurs and it is a mild and highly contagious condition. Roseola is another condition whereby people get a maculopapular rash.
The eye’s surface can also be prone to several conditions. The tears are responsible for flushing out the tears and it contains lactoferrin and lysozyme. The eyes have the same microbes as the skin but they are lower in number. The eyes are responsible for diseases that are caused by microorganisms. Conjunctivitis is an example of an infection that occurs in the conjunctiva and it has many clinical presentations. Neonatal eye infection is common and it is caused by t chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhea from the child’s mother during birth. Trachoma keratitis and river blindness are other conditions of the eye caused by different organisms and they have different signs and symptoms. For instance, Keratitis is a more serious eye infection than conjunctivitis, and Herpes Simplex Viruses, and acanthamoeba lead to different kinds of diseases and complications.
The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is crucial in implementing new healthcare systems. It develops the key steps in the process, including planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. All the steps have to be successful outcomes. In most situations, a lack of nurse involvement in the process can hinder the likelihood of success. The SDLC looks at the task of multiple disciplines to accomplish and produce a user-friendly, regulatory compliant and technically sound patient care delivery (Risling & Risling, 2020)The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper. The lifecycle supports in production of efficient, effective, and safe delivery. The SDLC framework starts with planning for changes in the healthcare facility and determining the problem affecting them. The other step involves designing and building the options to make huge changes in the healthcare facility, implementing the changes being made, monitoring them, and evaluating the expected outcomes.
For success to be witnessed in developing new health systems. Nurses need to be part of every step in the process. When they have poor listening skills and do not advocate receiving feedback in the nursing process, this may negatively impact the program’s implementation. For instance, in my organization, the management team is responsible for deciding how they will implement a new process related to time stamping after finishing the pre-procedure in the pre-operation area (Risling & Risling, 2020)The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper. The team never involved the nurses in any of the SDLC processes, and the management faced great resistance and negative feedback concerning the new process related to time stamping. The processes never favored the nurses, creating huge problems in the facility. This forced the management to re-evaluate the decision, and it gathered feedback from the nurses, making them adjust the process to include the nurses in the decision-making process (Risling & Risling, 2020). The management would have saved a lot of resources and time by involving the nurses in making improvements within the facility.
A successful approach to management that could have been used is involving the nurses at each stage of the SDLC. For instance, the management could have involved the nurses in the planning phase by sharing the project goals and discussing the planned project (Risling & Risling, 2020)The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper. The nurses had to be involved in the analysis phase by analyzing the problem witnessed and reflecting on the current procedures involved in time stamping. Another step that the nurses would have been part of is the design phase. They had the chance to develop a successful model concerning time stamping and the process (Risling & Risling, 2020). The most critical part of nurse involvement is the implementation stage. With the nurses at the bedside giving direct patient care and being active members of the nursing process, this would be a vital step in getting the nurses’ feedback and thoughts. The nurses could have been involved in making necessary enhancements and changes to help in a smooth process of time stamping.
Using the SDLC process is part of the technology applied in healthcare. The technology costs have been high, increasing the risks of financial losses in healthcare facilities due to poor implementation. The vendors tend to deliver the same software to the clients to ensure the success of the information system project rests well on the well-executed and planned implementation. The SDLC process involves achieving an organisation’s strategic culture and goals and assimilating technology and workflow changes in daily practice within healthcare delivery (Risling & Risling, 2020). The process is vital in ensuring that the decisions and changes made within the healthcare sector lead to improvements in the current system. It also makes it easy to switch to a new system since there have been enough consultations that have been done (Risling & Risling, 2020)The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper. Making decisions without incorporating the SDLC increases the risk levels of a project, and they make sure that risks are avoided in the healthcare profession. The risks could affect the quality of care provided, and it could lead to inefficient processes that would cause problems like medical errors in the sector. The SDLC process encourages inclusivity in making a positive impact within an organization.
In summary, for successful system implementation, all stakeholders have to be involved. The stakeholders that are directly impacted, like the nurses, should be part of the decision-making process. Time stamps in healthcare providers help healthcare providers to measure the length of the examinations and other time-related aspects of care. They also assist in collecting actionable insights on the patient journey. In the case scenario, the management team could have involved the nurses in the decision-making process to make positive changes in the community. The nurses are always interacting with the patients. They know the different needs that they have, and they would have a better judgement of the decision that was supposed to be made.
Risling, T. L., & Risling, D. E. (2020). Advancing nursing participation in user-centred design. Journal of research in nursing: JRN, 25(3), 226–238. The Common Condition Affecting Skin Disease Assignment Paper
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