
The Credentials And Licensure Of Advanced Practice Nurses Discussion

The Credentials And Licensure Of Advanced Practice Nurses Discussion

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For the longest time, the credentials and licensure of advanced practice nurses in the United States have been affected by many issues. The main issue facing this credentialing and licensure is the unavailability of consistency and uniformity across the states. There is a wide variation in the systems currently used by different states, which hinders the utilization of expertise, and APRN skills for it is a big barrier. The existing differences in licensing across the states become a big issue also to the nurses who wish to work in different states, but they need more consistency to allow them to do so. The lack of uniformity affects their flexibility and mobility, thus becoming a barrier to the delivery and accessibility of care services, especially among rural communities. Also, variations in different states prevent APRNs from utilizing their training and skills fully due to the existence of restrictive regulations in some states, which sometimes require them to work under supervision The Credentials And Licensure Of Advanced Practice Nurses Discussion.

Barriers or challenges slowing the progress of APRN

Several barriers and challenges have slowed down the progress of APRNs. One of these barriers is the existence of variations from state to state in terms of certification, licensure, and scope of practice (Kleinpell et al., 2023). This results in additional costs, administrative burdens, and delays, thus limiting these nurses’ ability to work across different states and their overall mobility. Restrictive scope of practice is another challenge where nurses are required to collaborate with the physicians or under supervision, thus limiting the independence and autonomy of these APRNs. Also, APRNs sometimes are opposed by physician groups who cite patient safety concerns in the hands of these APRNs (Kleinpell et al., 2023)The Credentials And Licensure Of Advanced Practice Nurses Discussion.


Current policy influencing the policies APRN Practice

Full Practice Authority (FPA)- A policy pursued at national and state levels and grants registered nurses’ autonomy to work without supervision or collaboration with physicians (Smith, 2020). This allows them to freely exercise their education and skills without being guided or controlled by other professionals. The policy will enable APRNs to prescribe medication, make independent decisions, and provide comprehensive care within the scope of their professional practice (Smith, 2020).


Hudspeth, R. S., & Klein, T. A. (2019). Understanding nurse practitioner scope of practice: regulatory, practice, and employment perspectives now and for the future. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners31(8), 468-473.

Kleinpell, R., Myers, C. R., & Schorn, M. N. (2023). Addressing Barriers to APRN Practice: Policy and Regulatory Implications During COVID-19. Journal of Nursing Regulation14(1), 13-20.

Smith, K. E. (2020). Missing in analysis: Women in foreign policy–making. Foreign Policy Analysis, 16(1), 130-141. The Credentials And Licensure Of Advanced Practice Nurses Discussion

Week 2 Discussion Forum

  • Identify the issue you think is most important regarding APRN credentialing and licensure?
  • What barriers or challenges have slowed the progress of advanced practice registered nursing?
  • Identify a current legislative policy on the local, state, or national level that will influence policies APRN practice.
  • Support all responses using at least one scholarly source other than your textbook.
  • Use national guidelines and evidence-based research when applicable.
  • Students may enhance responses with an example, either from personal experience or from the media, which illustrates and supports ideas.
  • All sources must be referenced and cited using the correct APA format (including a link to the source)The Credentials And Licensure Of Advanced Practice Nurses Discussion.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas. In addition, you may also provide an example case, either from personal experience or the media, which illustrates and supports your ideas. All sources must be referenced and cited using APA Style, including a link to the source. The Credentials And Licensure Of Advanced Practice Nurses Discussion

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