
The Leadership Style Assignment Paper

The Leadership Style Assignment Paper

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Sonya Hash
RE: Discussion – Week 7 Initial Post Sonya Hash
Week 7 Discussion Initial Post

What Leadership Style Do You Need to Implement the Proposed Change?

The leadership style that best facilitates the implementation of this evidence-based practice is transformational leadership. I am empowering nurses by building capacity to make the change through education and resources. They need the necessary knowledge and skills to make the change, and to understand why it is important that this change occurs to improve patient outcomes (Bianchi et al., 2018; Castiglione & Lavoie-Tremblay, 2021; Dang, 2021). There is also a leadership element of “making it happen”, by working with leaders in collaboration with infection prevention to ensure they are informed of the expectations for practice to support their staff through education (Dang, 2021). I also feel I have a situational leadership style, providing more support and guidance when needed (Ken Blanchard Companies, 2022)The Leadership Style Assignment Paper.


What Qualities Are Necessary to Implement This Proposed Change?

Passion for, engagement and commitment to the transformation, and collaboration with front line nurses and interdisciplinary colleagues is necessary to support translation of these practices into the nurseâ€s workflow (Bianchi et al., 2018). Team building, interdisciplinary collaboration, and communication skills are also essential to clearly communicate the plan, the purpose, any changes and results (White et al., 2021)The Leadership Style Assignment Paper.

How Does This Leadership Style Connect With How You Will Disseminate the Results?

Transparency and clear communication to share information and coordinate efforts are key to successful translation efforts (White et al., 2021). My leadership style is collaborative and facilitative, and by providing information, I can continue to keep the team engaged and focused on the change (Harvey et al., 2020)The Leadership Style Assignment Paper.

Considering Your Leadership Style What Do You Have and What Do You Need?

I believe that I am engaged, collaborative, and communicative, and committed to the project and translation. I think I can continue to improve upon my frequency of communication with nurse leaders when it comes to sustaining any gains from the change. Ongoing support is needed to maintain focus, and prevent slipping back to previous workflow. By continuing to monitor key performance indicators (CAUTI rates), this is be the metric to assess sustained improvement (Sipes, 2020)The Leadership Style Assignment Paper.

Will You Need Additional Support for Implementation?

I will still need front line managers to remain engaged and committed to the improvement, to support and enforce the change in practice, and participate in root cause analyses when CAUTIs occur (Castiglione & Lavoie-Tremblay, 2021; Harvey et al., 2020). I will also need the ongoing support of infection prevention and quality to continue to provide the CAUTI rate data and root cause analysis data to monitor outcomes.

How Does Your Particular Style Apply to Your Proposed Change?

As previously described, I believe that my facilitative, transformative, collaborative, and communicative leadership style allows me to empower, communicate, and support nurses through education to translate new nursing practices to reduce CAUTI rates The Leadership Style Assignment Paper.


Bianchi, M., Bagnasco, A., Bressan, V., Barisone, M., Timmins, F., Rossi, S., Pellegrini, R., Aleo, G., & Sasso, L. (2018). A review of the role of nurse leadership in promoting and sustaining evidence-based practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 26(8), 918-932.

Castiglione, S. A., & Lavoie-Tremblay, M. (2021). An Integrative Review of Organizational Factors Influencing Successful Large-Scale Changes in Healthcare. Journal of Nursing Management, 51(5), 264-270.

Dang, D., Dearholt, S.L., Bissett, K., AscenZI, J., Whalen, M. (2021). Johnâ€s Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.

Harvey, G., Kelly, J., Kitson, A., Thornton, K., & Owen, V. (2020). Leadership for evidence-based practice—Enforcing or enabling implementation? Collegian, 27(1), 57-62.

Ken Blanchard Companies. (2022). SLII®. Powering inspired leaders.

Sipes, C. (2020). Project management for the advanced practice nurse (Second edition. ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

White, K., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (2021). Translation of evidence into nursing and healthcare. Springer Publishing Company. The Leadership Style Assignment Paper

Response to Discussion Post

Hello Sonya Hash,

Thank you for sharing your post with us; it is informative and educational. Change is a broad and complex issue within an organization; core leadership units are required to ensure proper implementation. As you stated in your post, the transformational leadership style is critical in such procedures. This leadership style combines deep emotional bonds with a collective commitment of moral purpose to attaining goals (Alqatawenh,2018). It enables leading through influence and charisma.

I agree with the point of situational leadership. This type of leadership is adaptive. It encourages successful collaboration among team members, and we all know that a lack of teamwork causes failures (Thompson et al.,2018). As you mentioned, strong communication skills, interdisciplinary cooperation, and devotion are unparalleled qualities in change proposals. I agree with your views on disseminating change proposal results. Excellent communication skills and transparency are required in such situations. Transparency, in particular, promotes a sense of accountability, which encourages participation.

I like the virtues you stated in your post but identifying and improving them is critical in leadership. As you pointed out, we must continuously evaluate long-term progress. Furthermore, consistent support is needed to get the desired results. I agree with your points on integrating your leadership style into the proposed change. Being transformative, collaborative, and communicative is key in change proposals. Effective communication fosters synergy, which promotes a better understanding of the need for change.



Alqatawenh, A. S. (2018). Transformational leadership style and its relationship with change management. Verslas: teorija ir praktika, 19(1), 17-24.

Thompson, G., & Glasø, L. (2018). Situational leadership theory: a test from a leader-follower congruence approach. Leadership & Organization Development Journal The Leadership Style Assignment Paper

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