
The Value Of The Certifications In Nursing Discussion

The Value Of The Certifications In Nursing Discussion

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The article under review sought to determine the current methods of continuing competence, facilitators, barriers of continuing competence, and perceptions of the value of the certifications by Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurses (CMSRN). One of the articles considered for the literature review section is by Garrison et al. (2018). The author and his associates did a study on 143 CMSRNs whose responses indicated that the highest scoring intrinsic value derived from the certification was feeling of personal accomplishment from 97.2% of the respondents and promotion of personal satisfaction and challenge from 96.5% of the respondents. The highest scoring extrinsic factors from the respondents were increase in marketability from 95.1% of the responses, promotion of recognition from employers from 95.1% of the respondents and increases in salary from 88.1% of the respondents. The Value Of The Certifications In Nursing Discussion


A noteworthy way in which the researcher utilized literature review to support the research problem was to use relevant research articles that sought to answer similar research questions. To accomplish this, the authors were keen on the credibility of the databases to search the articles. For instance, CINAHL and PubMed are credible, which enhances the validity of the research findings used for the review. Additionally, the use of relevant search terms increases the chances of finding relevant articles to use of the review. An interesting thing to me as I read through the literature review section was the manner in which the authors compared findings and mentioned findings that augured with each other from different researchers. The greatest strategy I learned was the use of relevant key search terms and using credible databases that contain reliable and peer-reviewed articles. Credibility and relevance of reference material are critical in research process. The Value Of The Certifications In Nursing Discussion


Garrison, E., Schulz, C., Nelson, C., & Lindquist, C. (2018). Specialty certification: Nurses’ perceived value and barriers. Nursing management, 49(5), 42–47. The Value Of The Certifications In Nursing Discussion

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