
Transforming The Women Ministry Discussion Paper

Transforming The Women Ministry Discussion Paper

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From this week’s Edwards and Mathews reading, list three to four (3-4) learning differences and expectations that are described especially in Chapter 9. In addition, explain how you learn best and tell what methods, that are different than yours, might you want to include in a ministry you lead.

Edwards, Sue and Kelley Mathews, Organic Ministry to Women: A guide to Transformational Ministry with
Next-Generation Women. Kregel Ministry, 2019. ISBN: 978-0825446153. Transforming The Women Ministry Discussion Paper


Discussion 5: Best Learning

Organic Ministry to Women by Edward and Mathews provides a rich resource regarding women’s leadership and organization to be effective in ministry, providing direction, guidance and wisdom (). Other learning differences are established with diversity in women, with the primary focus being to transform the women ministry  by providing opportunities to gather and grow spiritually.

Life-changing, counselling and from experience, an environment or setting defined by love, safety and, acceptance, authenticity. The other learning differences align with a modern woman who needs more than just spiritual or bible teaching to support their development and needs. They will feel when others respect and show care. Utilizing the different art in the bile such as poetry, songs, images, and symbolism, helps create an experience and make a powerful communicator. Art romances create a unique experience that softens women’s heart to truth and reveals God uniquely. Transforming The Women Ministry Discussion Paper

While individualism has been an aspect defining Americans, one difference in learning is making connections which would help eliminate fear which has bound many. Women are equally eager to develop connections of friendships which work for them. However, connecting time should be provided for an eventful, successful learning experience. The best learning is regarded as through example, which provides the desired experience Transforming The Women Ministry Discussion Paper

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