Characteristics that Impact Learning
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Nursing education involves a combination of theory and practice in clinical settings which is demanding for students in terms of time and energy. Despite its demanding nature, students continue to encounter factors and variables that impact their academic achievements. Such factors include family income, level of education, occupation, and cultural background. It is important to address this variable which may create a barrier to academic success. This paper provides a summary of research on the impacts of socioeconomic characteristics on learning and discusses evidence-based strategies to address the socioeconomic characteristics identified.
Article 1
Fortes et al. (2022) conducted a study to identify nursing student success factors while employing the social determinant framework. The authors wanted to establish how complex environmental constraints, lifestyle issues, inadequate resources, and low socioeconomic status contributed to the college achievement gaps. Their study collected data from 400 nursing students over three years. The participants consisted of students from under-resourced communities and underrepresented ethnic backgrounds. Various validation tools were used to gauge each participant’s lifestyle, social support, academic integration, emotional intelligence, and persistence. The data was analyzed to estimate the influence of social determinants, emotional intelligence, and lifestyle on persistence to graduation. Characteristics that Impact Learning Discussion
The results showed that social determinants were attributed to significant variance in academic integration and student persistence outcomes. The determined included parent’s education levels, high school characteristics, socioeconomic status, and lifestyle. Fortes et al. (2022) identified a significant variation in academic achievement and persistence to graduation among students whose parents had not attended college compared to others who had attended college. This is because there is a direct relationship between the parent’s education levels and social support, as parents who had graduated encouraged their children to do the same. The authors also identified a significant variance in the level of persistence and academic graduation from under-served communities compared to others. Students from low socioeconomic status communities face financial challenges and must seek employment while managing school and other family obligations. The students struggle to balance school, employment, and their families. As such, they encounter academic load, employment, and family issues. As such, they encounter life balance issues and become less persistent in program completion. The authors also claim that students from low SES backgrounds do not engage in positive health and lifestyle behaviors due to their economic status. As such, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors negatively affect the student’s academic success.
Lastly, Fortes et al. (2022) identify that social engagement influences student persistence and program completion. These engagements include participation in campus activities, study groups with peers, student clubs, and conferences that directly impact persistent and academic achievements. Students with social engagement with resources have improved persistence and program completion compared to those with challenges engaging with resources. Therefore, the study identifies multiple variables, including low SES, inadequate support, and unhealthy lifestyle behavior, negatively affecting students’ academic success. This study provides adequate information on certain factors that contribute to academic integration. As such, universities can utilize the findings to identify academic and psychosocial resources to help address the identified variables. Characteristics that Impact Learning Discussion
Article 2
Broer et al. (2019) conducted a literature review to understand how educational inequalities in socioeconomic status impact student achievement. The authors affirm that family socioeconomic status significantly influences educational outcomes. The article identified socioeconomic status as defined by three forms of capital: social, economic, and cultural capital. The authors identify that economic capital defines the other two capitals. Economic capital is fundamental in supporting student learning as it facilitates access to educational opportunities, valuable social networks, and educational resources. The authors claim that students from disadvantaged backgrounds will likely experience financial constraints as parents cannot provide educational resources, thus creating a barrier to academic pursuit.
The authors also identify cultural capital as a socioeconomic determinant that affects student success. Cultural capital is the ability of parents to leverage cultural symbols, and messages passed on to their children to influence their social class. According to Broer et al. (2019 cultural capital, it consists of an embodied state and an objectified state. The embodied states focus on physical appearance, a social status biomarker. The author claims that physical appearance results from specific class practices such as diet. As such, students from low socioeconomic status are more likely to experience stressful environments due to a lack of meals, which may affect their concentration in class. Contrarily, students with high socioeconomic status have an advantage in achieving academic success. The objective state involves accessing resources that enhance learning, including dictionaries, books, and laptops. Cultural inequalities result in unequal access and accumulation of cultural tools, negatively impacting academic success.
Lastly, the authors determine social class as a determinant of academic success. Students from high social classes have an advantage over those from low social classes in acquiring academic credentials because of their families. Students whose parents are of high social class have adequate resources in terms of social relations. The authors claim that the existing social capital of a family influences their network and connections (Broer et al. 2019). In addition, the article highlights the connection between social status and academic achievement. Students with high social class may succeed compared to those in low social class as they are expected to achieve higher by their families and communities regarding their socioeconomic status. Their parents have the financial capabilities to provide educational resources and opportunities. Characteristics that Impact Learning Discussion
The article supports claims by Bastable (2023) where student academic achievement is significantly influenced by different factors affecting learning such as socioeconomic status, stress, denial of learning needs among others. Economic capital (income) has been identified as the most vital determinant affecting learning which creates an achievement gap. As such, the authors recommend that the education system enhance equity in learning by improving the academic achievement of students from low socioeconomic status, which helps reduce the achievement gap.
Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies to Address the Socioeconomic Status Affecting Learning Outcomes
Educators can integrate various teaching strategies to improve the academic success of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. The strategies may involve teaching and creating a positive school environment. According to Sloan (2019) students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are often exposed to stressful home environments which impact their learning. Educators can create a positive learning environment where the student feels valued and safe. Educators should show a sense of belief in students with low SES in their academic capability. This builds on trust and belief and the students begin to believe in themselves which significantly contributes to their academic success ( Sloan, 2019). Educators can also integrate after-school programs for students from low SES. Creating opportunities outside the classroom where learning can continues helps improve academic success for the students. According to them, the after-school programs are effective in building literacy skills and help cover topics they may have lost due to absenteeism. Subsequently, this increases the academic success of students from low socioeconomic status. Therefore, educators should incorporate such strategies to build the academic success gap between students from low SES and others from high SES. Characteristics that Impact Learning Discussion
In conclusion socioeconomic characteristics such as parental income, parental education levels, race, and gender significantly affect learning outcomes. Students from low socioeconomic status face financial constraints that limit their access to educational resources. In one study, the authors identified that students from low socioeconomic backgrounds have challenges in persisting to graduation. This is due to stress associated with life imbalance as they try to support their families, employment, and education. In another study, the authors conducted a literature review and identifies that students from low SES are more likely to have poor academic performance compared to their counterparts. However, strategies such as creating positive learning environment and creating after-school programs for underprivileged students can help increase their academic success. Characteristics that Impact Learning Discussion
Bastable, S.B. (2023). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (6th Ed.).
Broer, M., Bai, Y., & Fonseca, F. (2019). A review of the literature on socioeconomic status and educational achievement. IEA Research for Education, 7–17.
Fortes, K., Latham, C. L., Vaughn, S., & Preston, K. (2022). The influence of Social Determinants of education on nursing student persistence and professional values. Journal of Professional Nursing, 39, 41–53.
Sloan, T. (2019). Supporting Students Living in Poverty. Retrieved 2023,. Characteristics that Impact Learning Discussion
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