
Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment

Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment

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Personal leadership entails the process of taking charge of ones responsibilities and duties. Personal leadership is also associated with the ability of a person to develop themselves with strengths and capacities worthy of a leader. Usually, developing personal leadership involves the application of leadership principles that work for businesses and organizations to one’s own life. For instance, good leadership in an organization involves strict adherence to the mission and vision as well as implementing strategies that are relevant to the said organization and these principles apply to personal leadership success. According to Saha et al., (2020)Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment, ethical leadership is essential in promoting success in business organizations or firms. A well-articulated personal leadership philosophy is essential in the workplace because it helps team members to be aware of the expectations of the team leader including how to act in specific circumstances thereby reducing workplace stress among workers hence promoting productivity.



Description of core values

My core themes are Includer and Harmony.  These two values are essential in enhancing my leadership in that they both work towards promoting teamwork and corporation. Harmony for instance helps to ensure that my team members work in corporation and unity. Harmony also helps to overcome workplace incivility which is a key factor for demoralization of staff, nurse burnout and turnover (Saxena, Geiselman & Zhang, 2019)Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment. Harmony further helps to prevent such incidences as bullying and violence. The theme of include on the other hand helps to ensure that all members are included in critical aspects of the organization such as decision making process where nurses are allowed to voice their grievances. Includer is an essential virtue in leadership because it helps one to treat all stakeholders in a team equally regardless of their rank.

Personal mission and vision statement

A personal mission and vision statement is important among leaders because it provides the framework within which leaders work to achieve their goals and objectives. A personal mission statement has its origin based on that used by companies to explain its purpose. The mission and vision of an organization have been attributed to the success experienced in healthcare organizations (Keeler, 2020)Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment. My mission and vision statement is consistent with my leadership qualities and has been influenced by my experience as a nurse leader.   My personal mission and vision statement is to be innovative and embrace healthcare technology for improved patient outcomes. Further, I intend to inspire and support members of my group through quality leadership.

Analysis of my Clifton Strengths Assessment

The analysis of the Clifton Strengths Assessment gave me five major themes that define me as a leader. The themes reflect my behaviors and characters most of which I have had for a long time even though I wasn’t aware of them. It is interesting that some of the behaviors that I got from the assessment had been identified by other people previously including some of my workmates. The five themes that I obtained from my analysis include Developer, Arranger, Achiever, Includer and Harmony. The theme of developer for instance has been evident in many cases in the course of my carrier; I am always full of solutions to a number of challenges that arise in the workplace. Further, as an achiever, I always try to meet some of my objectives and goals without fail Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment.

 Description of two key behaviors that i wish to strengthen

As a leader, I would like to embrace and strengthen all behaviors that I have obtained from the analysis of my Clifton Strengths Assessment to ensure that I nurture my leadership potential. However, I strongly feel that I should put emphasis on the theme of harmony and developer.  Success in healthcare is enhanced by among other factors, Inter-professional Corporation which can be achieved through harmony among all members of the team. I will initiate regular meetings with the team members as a means of providing an appropriate platform for members to share their concerns and this will not only strengthen the bonds but also inculcate a spirit of harmony. Further, the meetings will helps in sharing ideas to help in developing new ways of handling arising issues Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment.


Keeler, G. R. (2020). Establishing your Vision, Mission, and Strategy. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Program & Center Development, 15-18.

Saha, R., Cerchione, R., Singh, R., & Dahiya, R. (2020). Effect of ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility on firm performance: A systematic review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management27(2), 409-429.

Saxena, M., Geiselman, T. A., & Zhang, S. (2019). Workplace incivility against women in STEM: Insights and best practices. Business Horizons62(5), 589-594.

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected in the review

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment


A description of your core values.

A personal mission and vision statement.

An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile(My profile summary of the assessment includes: Developer, Arranger, Achiever, Includer and Harmony)

A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen.

A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples Personal Leadership Philosophy Assignment

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