
Addressing Health Inequities Assignment Discussion

Addressing Health Inequities Assignment Discussion

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Encouraging community well-being and addressing health inequities require an understanding of the social determinants of health. This study examines the relationship between physical activity and health behaviors in relation to local social variables. The main goals are to evaluate and improve self-awareness and social determinant knowledge in a particular community, offer feedback on obstacles to the availability and quality of health care, and pinpoint workable solutions. Addressing Health Inequities Assignment Discussion

Literature Review

As stated by WHO (2022), engaging in physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and averting chronic illnesses. Nonetheless, a number of obstacles prevent people from exercising regularly. These obstacles include cultural norms that could discourage particular activity, a lack of safe venues, and resource constraints. The chance of engaging in physical activity can also be influenced by socioeconomic situation and educational attainment.


People from low socioeconomic backgrounds frequently encounter difficulties with the accessibility and pricing of fitness centers or other recreational areas. Due to a sedentary lifestyle brought on by this lack of access, there is a higher chance of developing chronic illnesses including obesity and cardiovascular problems. Furthermore, cultural influences might have a big impact on how people behave when it comes to physical activity (Hu et al., 2021)Addressing Health Inequities Assignment Discussion. It is imperative to comprehend and honor a range of cultural viewpoints while creating health promotion initiatives. Adapting interventions to suit cultural values and preferences can boost participation and encourage long-lasting behavior change.

Furthermore, differences in education can affect people’s knowledge and comprehension of the significance of physical activity for good health. People with lower levels of education might not have as much access to knowledge on the advantages of exercise and might find it more difficult to accommodate physical activity into their daily schedules. This highlights the necessity of focused programs that take educational backgrounds into account and advance health literacy in order to raise understanding of the value of physical activity.

Barriers and Potential Resolutions

Engaging in physical activity is frequently hindered in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods by restricted access to safe parks or recreational facilities (Park et al., 2020)Addressing Health Inequities Assignment Discussion. Community-driven projects can address this by designing or rehabilitating areas that promote accessible and safe physical exercise. Working together with community leaders, non-profits, and local government agencies can make it easier to allocate funds for improving these areas and promoting a healthy culture.

Cultural influences might also have a big impact on how people behave when they exercise. It is imperative to comprehend and honor a range of cultural viewpoints while creating health promotion initiatives. Adapting interventions to suit cultural values and preferences can boost participation and encourage long-lasting behavior change.

Neighborhood-Based Health Promotion Program

An illustrative instance of a neighborhood-based health promotion initiative is Chicago, Illinois’s “Active Communities Initiative.” With the South Side being a largely African American neighborhood with a lower socioeconomic position, the project sought to address the health outcomes influenced by social factors. The community had to deal with issues like high crime rates, restricted access to secure outdoor areas, and a dearth of facilities for physical exercise.

Local community organizations, city officials, and health professionals collaborated on the program. Among the projects it featured were community gardens, parks and recreation centers renovations, and after-school activities designed to promote kids’ physical exercise. The program attempted to foster a better lifestyle by addressing the neighborhood’s socioeconomic determinants of health. Addressing Health Inequities Assignment Discussion

Assessment of the Selected Neighborhood

The Active Communities Initiative was launched in the primarily African American South Side neighborhood in Chicago, which has a varied socioeconomic makeup. The neighborhood has a history of disinvestment, high unemployment rates, and little educational resources. These elements impact citizens’ participation in health-promoting habits and their access to healthcare, which adds to the overall social determinants of health.

Residents’ stress levels may rise as a result of high unemployment rates, which could negatively impact their physical and emotional health. People may be less able to make educated decisions regarding their health as a result of a lack of educational resources causing health literacy to decline (Rudd et al., 2023)Addressing Health Inequities Assignment Discussion. Furthermore, the history of underfunding might have resulted in poor infrastructure and restricted access to necessary services, which would have exacerbated the community’s health inequities.


In summary, promoting healthier communities requires tackling socioeconomic determinants of health, particularly through neighborhood-based health promotion initiatives (Jutte et al., 2021). These programs can enhance general well-being by identifying obstacles to physical activity and putting focused interventions in place to overcome them. The Active Communities Initiative in Chicago serves as a case study to emphasize the value of teamwork and culturally aware methods in addressing socioeconomic determinants of health and advancing wellness in a variety of communities.


Hu, D., Zhou, S., Crowley-McHattan, Z. J., & Liu, Z. (2021). Factors that influence participation in physical activity in school-aged children and adolescents: a systematic review from the social ecological model perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health18(6), 3147.

Jutte, D. P., Badruzzaman, R. A., & Thomas-Squance, R. (2021). Neighborhood poverty and child health: investing in communities to improve childhood opportunity and well-being. Academic Pediatrics21(8), S184-S193.

Park, S., Zachary, W. W., Gittelsohn, J., Quinn, C. C., & Surkan, P. J. (2020). Neighborhood influences on physical activity among low-income African American adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The Diabetes Educator46(2), 181-190.

Rudd, R. E., Anderson, J. E., Oppenheimer, S., & Nath, C. (2023). Health literacy: an update of medical and public health literature. In Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Volume 7 (pp. 175-204). Routledge.


World Health Organization. (2022). Physical activity and sedentary behaviour: a brief to support older people. World Health Organization. Addressing Health Inequities

Assignment Discussion Assess and enhance self-understanding and knowledge of the social determinants of health in the community in which students reside and/or provide care to patients.
Accurately provide feedback and information about the social determinant of health-related barriers to health care access and quality.
Identify and discuss practical opportunities to recognize and address the social determinant of health as well as resolutions to existing barriers.
Choose one factor of one health determinant (e.g., physical activity is a factor of health behaviors).
Conduct a literature review of the chosen factor and examine further barriers and potential resolutions of the identified barriers. Include relevant statistics as part of your assessment.
Describe a neighborhood-based health promotion program conducted in the US related to your selected factor (e.g., physical activity) based on the neighborhood social determinant assessment- Explain where the neighborhood was located; describe the social, cultural, and demographic characteristics of the selected neighborhood; assess how were the social determinants of health in the selected neighborhood
Word Count: Write a paper with at least 1,000 words- Make sure to include your word count before the reference list.
References: APA formatting and at least five references are required.

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