
Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper

Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper

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The Neurobiological Risk Factors with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

There are several factors that influence Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in an individual with key among them including neurobiological components that trigger the development of this condition (Kranzler, 2023). In order for the healthcare professionals to help manage the condition, it is important for them to understanding how these neurobiological risk factors because it helps form the basis for comprehensive patient care and treatment strategies. In their detailed report on AUD occurrence and impacts, Prisciandaro et al. (2021) wrote that the neurobiological factors associated with the condition alter the structure and functioning of the brain. Primarily, chronic alcohol consumption is closely linked to changes in neurotransmitter systems, the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate to be more specific. According to Grant et al. (2020)Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper, once these changes take place, the neural signaling is disrupted leading to an increase in susceptibility to addictive behaviors. Another factor that heavily influences AUD is the genetic predisposition of an individual. Research has shown that certain individuals possess genetic variations that heighten their vulnerability to AUD. What is more, the impact of neurobiological factors extends beyond the brain as it also influences the physiological responses of, for example, liver metabolism and immune system function. Given this, healthcare providers especially nurses must recognize these systemic effects to enable them provide quality care and anticipate potential complications associated with AUD.


The Social Risk Factors that are Risk/Contributing factors to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

The second broad category of factors that influence AUD are social based. Drawing from this, research has shown that social risk factors materially influence the development and perpetuation of Alcohol Use Disorder. Guinle and Sinha (2020) observed the need for nurses and other healthcare providers handling AUD cases in healthcare organizations to seek a deeper comprehension of these social risk factors because they directly impact patient assessment, intervention planning, and healthcare delivery. Peer influence as explained by Tucker et al. (2020) ranks highly among these social risk factors. In many cases, individuals that are often influenced by their social circles who are active participants in excessive alcohol consumption are likely to be influenced into the same habits. Guinle and Sinha (2020) added that the prevailing societal norms and cultural attitudes toward alcohol consumption also play a he role in shaping the behavior of an individual. For example, cultures where heavy drinking is socially acceptable exposes individuals to alcohol increasing the likelihood for them becoming heavy alcohol consumers ultimately leading to AUD. The next social risk aspect are socioeconomic factors. Financial stressors sometimes lead individuals to rely on alcohol consumption as a means of escape or self-medication. There also the issue of limited access to healthcare and support services for alcoholics. According to Grant et al. (2020)Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper, this healthcare access deprivation further exacerbates the challenge of AUD management. Given all these highlighted social risk factor underscores the importance of addressing social determinants of health. Proposed strategies to address these includes the creation of educational campaigns and community interventions intended at addressing and mitigating these social risk factors.

The Impact of Substances Such as Alcohol on the Brain

When a person consumes alcohol, the brain is profoundly impacted majorly its structure and function. Alcohol acts as a depressant of the central nervous system depressant specifically by altering neurotransmitter activity. The authors explained that this particularly occurs when the alcohol enhances the inhibitory effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) while at the same time inhibiting the excitatory effects of glutamate. When this occurs, the brain experiences a general suppression of neural activity whose ultimate outcome is the characteristic sedative effects of alcohol (Kranzler, 2023)Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper. Chronic alcohol use, the authors further explain, induces neuroadaptive changes which affect the reward system of the brain further reinforcing the cycle of addiction. The cognitive impairments of the brain occur when structural alterations occur in regions such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. When this occurs, the individual depicts conditions such as memory loss, misinformed decision-making, and impulse control. In the longer term, notable consequences include the risk of developing conditions such as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and alcoholic dementia.

The Purpose of Screening Tools in the Assessment of Alcohol Use Disorder (Include two Screening Tools that are Widely Used

There are several screening tools that are used in the assessment of AUD. According to Tucker et al. (2020), these screening tools provide systematic and objective measures to identify individuals at risk or experiencing problematic alcohol use. The researchers further explained that the primary purpose of these tools is to facilitate early detection, intervention, and appropriate management of AUD. Following this, two of the most widely used screening tools are the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and the CAGE questionnaire (Guinle & Sinha, 2020). The AUDIT was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is a comprehensive tool for assessing alcohol consumption, drinking behaviors, and alcohol-related problems. It is comprised of ten questions that cover aspects such as frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption, dependence symptoms, and the impact of drinking on daily life. On the other hand, the CAGE is also modeled in a questionnaire format and specifically asks four broad questions related to Cutting down drinking, Annoyance by criticism, Guilty feelings, and Eye-openers (needing a drink in the morning)Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper. Importantly, the brevity of this screening tool makes it a practical option for quick screenings in various healthcare settings. Collectively, these tools promote the ability of healthcare providers such as nurses to identify and evaluate potential AUD cases promptly, allowing for timely intervention, counseling, and referral to specialized services.


Grant, G. G., Wolfe, A. E., Thorpe, C. R., Gibran, N. S., Carrougher, G. J., Wiechman, S. A., … & Ryan, C. M. (2020). Exploring the Burn Model System National Database: Burn injuries, substance misuse, and the CAGE questionnaire. Burns46(3), 745-747.

Guinle, M. I. B., & Sinha, R. (2020). The role of stress, trauma, and negative affect in alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder in women. Alcohol research: current reviews40(2).

Kranzler, H. R. (2023). Overview of alcohol use disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry180(8), 565-572.

Prisciandaro, J. J., Hoffman, M., Brown, T. R., Voronin, K., Book, S., Bristol, E., & Anton, R. F. (2021). Effects of gabapentin on dorsal anterior cingulate cortex GABA and glutamate levels and their associations with abstinence in alcohol use disorder: a randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Psychiatry178(9), 829-837.

Tucker, J. A., Chandler, S. D., & Witkiewitz, K. (2020). Epidemiology of recovery from alcohol use disorder. Alcohol research: current reviews40(3).

This is a written assignment not to exceed 4 pages and no less than 3 pages – not including your title page or reference page(s). Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper

Evaluate the importance of the following related to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD):

The Neurobiological Risk Factors with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
The Social Risk Factors that are Risk/Contributing factors to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
The impact of substances such as alcohol on the brain
The purpose of screening tools in the assessment of Alcohol Use Disorder
Include in your discussion at least two screening tools that are widely used
Do not discuss treatment modalities
Do not list your answers; write in a narrative format
Do not rewrite the DSM criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder in your paper.
Do not rewrite the screening tools in your paper, for example, do not list the CAGE questions out in narrative form.


Use APA format (cover page, in-text citation, reference page) This is the only APA assignment in the course. We understand APA 7 guidelines allows various fonts to be used for professional papers. However, we only accept Times New Roman as the preferred font used on ALL assignments in the course as this font style is considered the standard in all professional writing.
Include at least 5 references within the last 5 years. You may use more references that are greater than 5 years if relevant to the topic, but these will not be included as part of the 5 references required.
Please be sure and cite all sources so as to not unintentionally plagiarize.

Instructions and rubric are attached. Please pay attention to the assignment requirements and rubric criteria. Alcohol Use Disorder Assignment Paper

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