
Alcohol Use Disorder Risk Factors Essay Assignment

Alcohol Use Disorder Risk Factors Essay Assignment

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This is a written assignment not to exceed 4 pages and no less than 3 pages – not including your title page or reference page(s).

Evaluate the importance of the following related to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD):

The Neurobiological Risk Factors with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
The Social Risk Factors that are Risk/Contributing factors to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
The impact of substances such as alcohol on the brain
The purpose of screening tools in the assessment of Alcohol Use Disorder
Include in your discussion at least two screening tools that are widely used
Do not discuss treatment modalities Alcohol Use Disorder Risk Factors Essay Assignment


Do not list your answers; write in a narrative format
Do not rewrite the DSM criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder in your paper.
Do not rewrite the screening tools in your paper, for example, do not list the CAGE questions out in narrative form.
Use APA format (cover page, in-text citation, reference page) This is the only APA assignment in the course. We understand APA 7 guidelines allows various fonts to be used for professional papers. However, we only accept Times New Roman as the preferred font used on ALL assignments in the course as this font style is considered the standard in all professional writing.
Include at least 5 references within the last 5 years. You may use more references that are greater than 5 years if relevant to the topic, but these will not be included as part of the 5 references required.
Please be sure and cite all sources so as to not unintentionally plagiarize.

Instructions and rubric are attached. Please pay attention to the assignment requirements and rubric criteria. Alcohol Use Disorder Risk Factors Essay Assignment

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