
BHA FPX 4004 Assessment 1 Address a Patient Safety Issue

BHA FPX 4004 Assessment 1 Address a Patient Safety Issue

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BHA FPX 4004 Assessment 1 Address a Patient Safety Issue

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Capella University

BHA-FPX4004 Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Health Care

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Addressing Patient Safety Concerns

Identifying and Describing Patient Identification Errors

Patient identification errors pose a significant threat to patient safety, potentially leading to adverse outcomes in treatment, medication administration, or recovery processes (Thomas & Evans, 2004). In her role as a Patient Safety Officer, Kyra Dailey conducts routine inspections across various hospital departments. During these rounds, Dailey observed two patients sharing identical names in rooms on the same unit, highlighting the imminent risk of patient identification errors (Thomas & Evans, 2004).

Implementing Safety Measures

To mitigate the risks associated with patient identification errors, healthcare facilities must actively engage patients in their care and institute regular staff education initiatives (Leape et al., 2009). It is essential for staff to verify patient identities using multiple identifiers such as wristbands, charts, medication bags, or labels. Additionally, verbal confirmation of patient information and ongoing patient engagement throughout their stay are crucial in preventing errors (Leape et al., 2009). Regulatory agencies like The Joint Commission (TJC) stress the importance of employing two patient identifiers as a standard practice (Clancy, 2005).

Role of Regulatory Agencies

The Joint Commission (TJC) conducts regular safety inspections to ensure adherence to safety standards and encourages healthcare organizations to excel in delivering high-quality care (Clancy, 2005). Their emphasis on enhancing patient identification processes aligns with the broader goal of reducing medical errors and enhancing patient safety. Regulatory agencies play a pivotal role in driving quality improvement initiatives within healthcare organizations (Clancy, 2005).

The Role of Patient Safety Officers

Patient Safety Officers (PSOs) serve as essential intermediaries between frontline staff, patients, and management, facilitating the development and implementation of policies aimed at enhancing patient safety (Denham, 2007). As PSOs, addressing patient identification errors involves collaborating with management to devise action plans and implement hospital-wide policies to mitigate the risk of misidentifications (Denham, 2007).

BHA FPX 4004 Assessment 1 Address a Patient Safety Issue


Patient Safety Officers play a critical role in addressing patient safety concerns within healthcare settings. By adhering to recommended safety measures and collaborating with regulatory agencies, healthcare organizations can significantly improve patient safety and the overall quality of care. Preventing patient identification errors requires a comprehensive approach involving staff education, continuous monitoring, and policy implementation.


Bryant, M. (2016). Patient Mix-ups A Major Drain on Hospital Revenues, Physician Productivity; Healthcare Dive.

Clancy, C. M. (2005). AHRQ Quality and Safety Initiatives. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 31(6), 354–356.

Denham, C. R. (2007). The New Patient Safety Officer. Journal of Patient Safety, 3(1), 43-54. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0b013e318036bae9.

Leape, L., Cullen, D., Clapp, M., Burdick, E., Demonaco, H., & Erickson, J. (2009). Reducing Errors in Medicine: It’s Time to Take this More Seriously. BMJ, 318(7193), 718–721. doi: 10.1136/bmj.318.7193.718

BHA FPX 4004 Assessment 1 Address a Patient Safety Issue

Thomas, P., & Evans, C. (2004). An Identity Crisis? Aspects of Patient Misidentification. Clinical Risk, 10(1), 18–22.

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