
BHA FPX4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

Contemplating the nature of the research conducted, several qualitative research methods such as ethnography, document analysis, interviews, case studies, and observation, can be applied. The key principles in qualitative research include flexibility, openness, and a focus on interpreting and understanding complex phenomena (Busetto et al., 2020). This assessment will formulate a research question based on the Healthcare Associated Condition; pressure ulcer selected in the previous assessment. This assessment shed light on some common methodologies in qualitative research. Further, data collection tools and strategies for this research will be mentioned. Along with strategies, the importance of data collection to qualitative research will be discussed. Get BHA FPX4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods.

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Formulation of Qualitative Research Question

Qualitative research questions are often formulated based on a thorough review of existing literature, observations of the phenomenon, and conversations with experts and stakeholders. The research questions should be specific, relevant, and feasible to the targeted population. The research design and data collection methods should be tailored to the question and the population being studied (Ratan et al., 2019).

BHA FPX4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

In this assessment, the formulated research question is: What are the risk factors of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients, and what strategies can be implemented to increase prevention? This research question can explore the risk factors of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients. This question also aims to explore the preventive strategies for pressure ulcers. For example, out of 355 patients assessed, 53 had pressure ulcers, resulting in a prevalence rate of 14.9% (Bereded et al., 2018). Risk factors for developing pressure ulcers included not regularly changing positions nor engaging in physical activity, experiencing friction or shear, or being hospitalized for an extended period. Immobility and prolonged bed rest can put hospitalized patients at high risk of pressure ulcers (Bereded et al., 2018).

Relevant Qualitative Research Methodologies

Qualitative research provides a wide range of methodologies that can be tailored to the specific research question and population being studied. Here are several qualitative methodologies that could be used to support answering the research question formulated above:

Ethnographic Method

The ethnographic research method is relevant for studying pressure ulcer prevention in hospitalized patients because it can provide a holistic understanding of the problem. Ethnography considers the cultural, social, and environmental factors contributing to developing pressure ulcers. This approach can also help identify potential intervention areas by highlighting areas where cultural norms or institutional policies may delay effective prevention strategies (Seligmann & Estes, 2019).

Focus Group Discussion Method

Focus groups can be an effective qualitative methodology to explore risk factors and prevention strategies related to pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients. This approach involves bringing together a group of participants who share similar characteristics or experiences, such as patients or healthcare providers, to discuss their perspectives on the research question. Focus groups can provide data and allow the exploration of shared experiences and opinions (Nyumba et al., 2018).

Document Analysis Method

Document analysis is a qualitative methodology that analyzes various forms of written or electronic documentation, such as patient records or clinical guidelines, to identify risk factors and prevention strategies related to pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients. This approach can provide insights into the policies and procedures in place to prevent pressure ulcers and the extent to which they are being followed by healthcare providers (Dalglish et al., 2020).

Grounded Theory Method

The grounded theory method would be useful for exploring the subjective experiences and perspectives of patients with pressure ulcers and the institutional and societal factors that can lead to the development of pressure ulcers. The resulting theory could provide valuable insights for improving the care and treatment of hospitalized patients with pressure ulcers (Singh & Estefan, 2018).

Narrative Research Method

Narrative research can be useful for exploring how patients with pressure ulcers make sense of their condition, how they cope with physical pain and emotional distress, and how they navigate the healthcare system. By analyzing patients’ narratives, researchers can gain insights into the social and personal factors that affect the management and treatment of pressure ulcers and identify potential areas for improving patient care (Andrews, 2020).

The Rationale for Proposed Methodologies

Ethnographic, Focus Group Discussion, Document Analysis, Grounded Theory, and Narrative Research methods are all relevant for studying hospitalized patients with pressure ulcers because they offer different approaches to understanding this phenomenon’s complex and multifaceted nature. These methodologies are relevant because they can help to identify risk factors and prevention strategies related to pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients from multiple perspectives, including patients, healthcare providers, and policy documents. BHA FPX4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods. By combining these methodologies, a comprehensive understanding of the problem can be ensured by providing effective strategies for preventing pressure ulcers for hospitalized patients (Lindhardt et al., 2020).

Data Collection Tools and Strategies

In qualitative research, data collection techniques are important in collecting relevant data to the proposed research question.

Primary Data Collection

Various data collection techniques in primary data include surveys, interviews, observations, and focus group discussions, which can enrich information and insights into the studied topic. These techniques can be tailored to the specific research question and allow researchers to gather rich and detailed data directly from the participants (Mazhar et al., 2021).

Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data collection techniques involve gathering data from existing sources such as published literature, government reports, and organizational records. These techniques will offer a comprehensive overview of a topic but require careful assessment of the quality and relevance of the data (Mazhar et al., 2021). Researchers will utilize the below-mentioned strategies:

In-Depth Interviews

Interviews can gather detailed information on pressure ulcer risk factors and prevention strategies in hospitalized patients. Healthcare professionals, hospital administrators, and patients who have suffered from pressure ulcers can be interviewed in person and through video conferencing (Han et al., 2022). The interviews can be semi-structured with a set of questions. Topics covered can include hospital protocols, patient care procedures, and risk assessment techniques. Participants can provide feedback on the effectiveness of the strategies and suggest improvements (Rutakumwa et al., 2019).

Surveys or Questionnaires

These methods can be useful data collection tools to gather information on the risk factors related to pressure ulcers and strategies to prevent them. The questionnaire can be designed with closed-ended and open-ended questions covering patient demographics, medical history, length of hospital stay, mobility status, and pressure ulcer prevention measures (Jaul et al., 2018). The survey can be distributed to healthcare professionals, hospital administrators, and patients. The data collected can be analyzed by providing valuable insights into the occurrence of pressure ulcers and the effectiveness of prevention strategies (Taherdoost, 2019).

Focus Group Discussion

A focus group can be a useful data collection technique to gather insights into the factors of pressure ulcers in patients who are admitted to hospitals. Participants could be healthcare professionals, hospital administrators, and patients who have suffered from pressure ulcers. The focus group could be moderated by a trained facilitator and held in a comfortable setting, either in person or through video conferencing (Han et al., 2022). The discussion could cover a range of topics related to pressure ulcer prevention, such as hospital protocols, patient care, and risk assessment techniques. Participants could share their experiences, ideas, and perspectives on the effectiveness of prevention strategies and suggest improvements (Nyumba et al., 2018).

The identified data collection tools or strategies are appropriate for the formulated research question because they can comprehensively understand the risk factors and prevention strategies. In-depth interviews can facilitate the collection of detailed information from individual participants, while surveys/questionnaires can collect data from a larger sample of participants. Focus groups can facilitate interactions between participants, providing insights into group dynamics. Using multiple data collection tools, researchers can enhance the validity and reliability of the research findings by data triangulation (Moon, 2019).

Importance of Targeted Data Collection to Research Plan

Targeted data collection is crucial to a research plan as it ensures that the data collected is directly relevant to the research question being addressed. For the proposed research question of “What are the risk factors of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients, and what strategies can be implemented to increase prevention?” targeted data collection is essential to ensure that the collected data is relevant and directly addresses the research question (Ledger et al., 2020).

Collecting targeted data on patient demographics such as age, gender, race, medical history, and medication reports can help identify any predisposing factors that increase the risk of pressure ulcers. Targeted data on hospitalization history, including length of stay, bed rest, and the reason for readmission, and electronic health records can help identify factors that may increase pressure ulcers in patients (Cramer et al., 2019).

BHA FPX4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

Collecting targeted data on pressure ulcer occurrence among hospitalized patients can help determine the extent of the problem and identify areas where prevention strategies can be implemented. Collecting targeted data on the strategies implemented to prevent pressure ulcers, such as repositioning, skincare, and pressure relief devices, can help determine their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement (Gaspar et al., 2019).

Treatment methods and targeted data on the treatment methods used to manage pressure ulcers, such as wound care, antibiotics, and pain management, can help identify effective treatment methods and areas for improvement. By collecting targeted data in these areas, researchers can better understand the factors for pressure ulcer occurrence in hospitalized patients and identify effective strategies for prevention (Boyko et al., 2018).

Potential Challenges

Collecting data for pressure ulcer prevention in hospitalized patients can pose several challenges that researchers must consider. The challenges in collecting data for preventing pressure ulcers need to consider ethical issues carefully. Patients with pressure ulcers are a vulnerable population who may experience pain and discomfort, making it difficult for them to fully understand the purpose of the research and provide informed consent (Mohd, 2018). Additionally, patients with pressure ulcers may be more susceptible to infection. They may have compromised immune systems, which requires researchers to take appropriate measures to protect their privacy and confidentiality during data analysis (Mohd, 2018).


In BHA FPX4010 Assessment 2 Qualitative Research Questions and Methods offer a range of data collection tools, such as observation, document analysis, case studies, interviews, and ethnography. These methods are highly flexible and adaptable to the research question and context, allowing for a deeper understanding and interpretation of complex phenomena. In the context of the research question on pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients, targeted data collection using in-depth interviews, surveys, and focus groups can provide rich and detailed information on risk factors and prevention strategies. It is important to carefully select appropriate data collection methods to ensure that the research question is effectively addressed and the findings are meaningful.


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