
Case Study Moving From Evidence To Sustainable Practice Assignment

Case Study Moving From Evidence To Sustainable Practice Assignment

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Review the case study: Unit 3: Steps Four and Five: Moving from Evidence to Sustainable Practice. See Case Study, Unit 3 Steps Four and Five: Moving from Evidence to Sustainable Practice Download Case Study, Unit 3 Steps Four and Five: Moving from Evidence to Sustainable Practice
Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on EBP methods. The research should provide evidence to support the use of evidence-based practices to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies.
Identify and select 3 peer-reviewed research articles from your research. Case Study Moving From Evidence To Sustainable Practice Assignment


The Assignment: (1,500 words, not including the title and reference page)

Synthesize the case study in 1,500 words (about 2- to 3-pages) paper. Format your Assignment using APA 7th edition. Be sure to address the following:
Identify and include at least 3 peer-reviewed research articles, citing each in APA format.
-Include an introduction explaining the purpose of the paper.
-Address/Answer the following questions:
1.Discuss the difference between the EBP competencies for all practicing nurses and the EBP competencies for advanced practice nurses.
2.Which of these competencies apply to your project team?
3.Now that your team has used the EBP process to identify best practices and improve outcomes, use the Model for Improvement as a framework and outline your team’s plan to address the quality improvement part of the project.
4.What is the difference between leadership and management? Case Study Moving From Evidence To Sustainable Practice Assignment
5.What role do management and leadership have in sustaining an EBP culture?

In your conclusion, synthesize the findings from the 3 peer-reviewed research articles.
Use APA format and include a title page and reference page. Case Study Moving From Evidence To Sustainable Practice Assignment

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