
Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion

Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion

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The healthcare landscape has been experiencing a rapid transformation driven by the implementation of clinical systems. A clinical information system is a computer-based system that collects, stores, manages, and enhances the availability of clinical information to facilitate the healthcare delivery process (Tun & Madanian, 2023)Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion. Advancements in clinical systems have made a significant contribution to improving healthcare delivery by aiding the decision-making process. Examples of these clinical systems include telehealth, mHealth applications, electronic health records, and artificial intelligence, which are used to improve healthcare outcomes and delivery efficiency. This assignment aims to synthesize the peer-reviewed research articles focused on the application of clinical systems.


Benda, N. C., Veinot, T. C., Sieck, C. J., & Ancker, J. S. (2020). Broadband internet access is a social determinant of health! American journal of public health110(8), 1123-1125.

The article makes an argument that broadband internet access is an essential social determinant of health. Disparities in broadband internet access need to be considered as a public health issue. This is because it has a significant influence on the health of persons and communities where they live, learn, work, and play. The COVID-19 pandemic helped to make it clear that the lack of BIA has significant impacts on all six social determinants of health. Over the recent past, it has become clear that it is almost only possible to engage a physician with access to telecommunications technology. The study identified that large home broadband adoption rates contribute to improved health outcomes. The study emphasizes that disparities in BIA access between rural and urban populations lead to inequities in healthcare outcomes. Access to broadband internet is a major enabling factor to telehealth adoption, facilitates timely intervention, and improves the management of disease, which leads to reduced hospitalization and improved patient satisfaction. Notable efficiency with BIA makes it possible for healthcare providers to manage more patients irrespective of physical distance. Among the lessons from the article is the digital divide that is important for equitable healthcare access and improved population health outcomes. It is, therefore, important to enhance the improvement in digital infrastructure to serve the marginalized sections to help address geographic disparities.

Sieck, C. J., Sheon, A., Ancker, J. S., Castek, J., Callahan, B., & Siefer, A. (2021)Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion. Digital inclusion as a social determinant of health. NPJ digital medicine4(1), 52.

The article explores the concept of digital inclusion, including access to devices, connectivity, and possession of skills required to utilize healthcare technology effectively. The authors identify that the use of digital tools and applications is on the rise and offers support to a variety of health information needs. Various clinical systems such as patient portals, health trackers, and remote monitoring devices help facilitate patient engagement, improve support for patients, and improve health outcomes. However, the study identifies that the dependence on digital tools in healthcare has the possibility of contributing to disparities between those with skills and access to digital tools and those who do not therefore causing health disparities. The study notes how digital literacies and internet connections are regarded as super social determinants of health due to their ability to influence other social determinants of health. The improvements made by the article is that digital inclusion is a necessary source of empowerment for patients to actively engage in their care. This is likely to contribute to improvement in medication adherence, enhanced self-management of their health conditions, and help in lowering the possibility of various complications. Digital inclusion is likely to contribute to improved efficiency in patient engagement, which reduces the reliance on healthcare practitioners. Among the lessons learned is that promoting digital literacy and bridging the existing digital divide is essential for maximizing the benefits of clinical systems and empowering patients to better manage their health. Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion

Sharma, P., & Patten, C. A. (2022). A need for digitally inclusive health care service in the United States: recommendations for clinicians and health care systems. The Permanente Journal26(3), 149.

The article emphasizes the need to provide a digitally inclusive healthcare service across the United States. The study identified that the COVID-19 pandemic caused the digital health service to expand, which led to a widening of the existing digital divide. The article makes recommendations on several strategies that may be adopted to address digital disparities. These strategies include offering technical support and training, providing alternative communication channels and developing culturally appropriate resources. Enhancing digital inclusion contributes to an improvement of patient-centered care, which in turn helps foster trust and improved communication between patients and healthcare practitioners. A notable improvement with enhanced digital inclusive healthcare service services is that it helps attract and retain a diverse patient population, which is likely to lead to financial sustainability. A key lesson learned from the article is that tailoring clinical systems and offering targeted support is important in facilitating equitable access to technology-driven healthcare services. It is, therefore, important for health systems to prioritize equitable access to help gain access to the virtual care models. Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion


Alowais, S. A., Alghamdi, S. S., Alsuhebany, N., Alqahtani, T., Alshaya, A. I., Almohareb, S. N., … & Albekairy, A. M. (2023). Revolutionizing healthcare: the role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. BMC Medical Education23(1), 689.

The article acknowledges that healthcare systems tend to be complex and challenging. However, artificial intelligence has contributed to significant transformations, which are likely to cause an improvement in the level of patient care and quality of life. Innovations in AI have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by having it integrated into clinical practice. AI has the significant capability of analyzing vast amounts of data, helping personalize treatment plans, and enhancing clinical decision-making. Suggested improvements indicate that AI-powered systems are likely to facilitate early disease detection, optimize medication regimes, and predict patient’s responses to treatment, which are likely to improve clinical outcomes. AI leads to an improvement in accuracy, helps lower healthcare costs, saves time, and helps reduce human errors. A notable efficiency of the adoption of AI as part of clinical systems is that it facilitates the automation of administrative tasks. A key lesson learnt is that AI technologies can be implemented to help improve patient care across various healthcare settings. Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion



From the analysis of these studies, it can be noted that having thoughtfully designed and equitably implemented clinical systems such as telehealth, mHealth, and AI analytics can help strengthen population health outcomes, resolve healthcare access barriers, and contribute to improved efficiency. However, it is evident that structural issues on digital infrastructure and inclusion are likely to worsen disparities. There is a need for dimensional initiatives to address possible disparities and come up with relevant oversight policies to facilitate inclusivity.


Alowais, S. A., Alghamdi, S. S., Alsuhebany, N., Alqahtani, T., Alshaya, A. I., Almohareb, S. N., … & Albekairy, A. M. (2023). Revolutionizing healthcare: the role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. BMC Medical Education23(1), 689.

Benda, N. C., Veinot, T. C., Sieck, C. J., & Ancker, J. S. (2020). Broadband internet access is a social determinant of health!. American journal of public health110(8), 1123-1125.

Sharma, P., & Patten, C. A. (2022). A need for digitally inclusive health care service in the United States: recommendations for clinicians and health care systems. The Permanente Journal26(3), 149.

Sieck, C. J., Sheon, A., Ancker, J. S., Castek, J., Callahan, B., & Siefer, A. (2021). Digital inclusion as a social determinant of health. NPJ digital medicine4(1), 52.

Tun, S. Y. Y., & Madanian, S. (2023). Clinical information system (CIS) implementation in developing countries: requirements, success factors, and recommendations. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association30(4), 761-774. Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion


Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”
Identify and select 4 peer-reviewed research articles from your research.
For information about annotated bibliographies, visit

The Assignment: (4-5 pages not including the title and reference page)

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Format your Assignment as an Annotated Bibliography. Be sure to address the following:

Identify the 4 peer-reviewed research articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
Include an introduction explaining the purpose of the paper.
Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.
In your conclusion, synthesize the findings from the 4 peer-reviewed research articles.
Use APA format and include a title page.

Please use these references as well you dont have to use them all.
Benda, N. C., Veinot, T. C., Sieck, C. J., & Ancker, J. S. (2020). Broadband internet access is a social determinant of health!
Links to an external site.. American Journal of Public Health, 110(8), 1123-1125. Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion

Dykes, P. C., Rozenblum, R., Dalal, A., Massaro, A., Chang, F., Clements, M., Collins, S. …Bates, D. W. (2017). Prospective evaluation of a multifaceted intervention to improve outcomes in intensive care: The Promoting Respect and Ongoing Safety Through Patient Engagement Communication and Technology Study
Download Prospective evaluation of a multifaceted intervention to improve outcomes in intensive care: The Promoting Respect and Ongoing Safety Through Patient Engagement Communication and Technology Study. Critical Care Medicine, 45(8), e806–e813. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000002449 (2018c). What is an electronic health record (EHR)?
Links to an external site. Retrieved from

Rao-Gupta, S., Kruger, D. Leak, L. D., Tieman, L. A., & Manworren, R. C. B. (2018). Leveraging interactive patient care technology to Improve pain management


Links to an external site.. Pain Management Nursing, 19(3), 212–221.

Sieck, C. J., Sheon, A., Ancker, J. S., Castek, J., Callahan, B., & Siefer, A. (2021). Digital inclusion as a social determinant of health
Links to an external site.. NPJ Digital Medicine, 4(1), 52.

Skiba, D. (2017). Evaluation tools to appraise social media and mobile applications
Links to an external site.. Informatics, 4(3), 32–40.

Sharma, P., & Patten, C. A. (2022). A need for digitally inclusive health care service in the United States: Recommendations for clinicians and health care systems
Links to an external site.. Permanente Journal, 26(3). Clinical Information System Assignment Discussion

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