
Community health teaching plan presentation.

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

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Planning and Topic

1. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

Planning Before Teaching:

Grand Canyon University.

Estimated Time Teaching Will Last:

4 hours

Location of Teaching:

Paradise Park, 17648 N 40th St, Phoenix, AZ 85032, United States

Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed:

4 Bar Soap, 5 Liters Detergents, 3 Liters Antiseptic disinfectant liquid, Public Address System, 6 Troughs, and 20 litres of tap water, 5 buckets, posters, and charts of different dirty surfaces, display table, measuring cup, and a measuring jug.

Estimated Cost:


Community and Target Aggregate:

Children, Youths and Young parents or recent parents


Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

Identification of Focus for Community Teaching (Topic Selection):

· Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (Statistics Related to Topic):

Data source; National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS), CDC/NCEZID and CSTE
















Nursing Diagnosis:

Stomachaches related to dirty food as a result of eating unwashed fruits

Stomachaches related to dirty food as a result of not washing hands

Stomachaches related to dirty food as a result of infected surfaces.

Readiness for Learning:

Most members are complaining or constant stomachaches and diarrhea, wants to be helped on how to manage it.

Learning Theory to Be Utilized:

Behaviorism earning theory

FS-2.3 – Reduce the number of outbreak-associated infections due to Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O157, or CampylobacterListeria, or Salmonella species associated with fruits and nuts

How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives

Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives under declaration (IV) states that; The people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care. Therefore, by having this learning program, people will learn collectively and willfully how they can plan and implement their own healthcare.

Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:

Behavioral Objective
and Domain

Example: A healthy food will be chosen by Third-grade students in each of the five food groups by the end of the presentation. (Cognitive Domain)

(be specific)

Example:The Food Pyramid has five food groups which are….

Healthy foods from each group are….
Unhealthy foods containing a lot of sugar or fat are….


(label and describe)

Example – Interactive poster presentation of the Food Pyramid. After an explanation of the poster and each food category, allow students to place pictures of foods on the correct spot on the pyramid. Also, have the class analyze what a child had for lunch by putting names of foods on the poster and discussing what food group still needs to be eaten throughout day.

1. The audience will state the sources of dirt in the environment by the end of the presentation

1. charts will show different sources and types of dirt that is likely to get to our hands and foods easily

1. The use of posters and charts to show how dirty environments look like will help the community understand germs and infected surfaces are not seen by naked eyes.

2. The audience will identify the substances that can be used to keep surfaces clean.

2. The table display will have bar soaps, detergents, and disinfectant liquids with tables of various cleaning objectives.

2. Through the public display, the audience will practically view the items they need to keep surfaces clean.

3. The audience will wash their hands using the bar soap

3. during the presentation, there shall be a common washing point for the audience to experience the correct way to wash their hands

3. The physical teaching or practical session is to enhance or give them the right way the cleaning should be done.

4. The audience will individually disinfect a litre of water using the liquid disinfectant.

4. They will earn the proportions that have to be maintained regarding the amount of disinfectant to that of water.

4. The “directions of use” manual on the disinfectant solution provides the measurements that must be adhered to for optimum results. The audience will learn this directions and be able to apply the same following what is in a given disinfectant they may opt for.

Creativity: How was creativity applied in the teaching methods/strategies?

The sharing of disinfecting troughs to replace household water containers. Here the members of the audience during the practical disinfection session, they would measure using the measuring jug, one litre of tap water from the large water containers, pour into a bucket. Used the measuring cups to measure the correct amount of disinfectant to treat the water in the buckets.

Planned Evaluation of Objectives

1. If the members are able to understand dirty and infected surfaces. They must be able to spot such surfaces from the pictures or posters displayed.

2. If the members are able to understand which substance or items can be used to clean surfaces, hands, and water. They will state their names and functions from the display table.

3. If the audience is able to correctly wash their hands rubbing the required parts and keeping in mind the required wash time. They will use bar soap and wash hands on the troughs.

4. If the audience is able to correctly disinfect water for human consumption. Selected individuals will measure a liter of tap water and also measure a correct amount of water disinfectant and put it in the water for disinfection.

Planned Evaluation of Goal:

At the end of the teaching session. This is a one day arrangement and the members before thy leave will have to prove their understanding by performing at least one practical correctly.

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):

This will be after all the supplies and materials have been gathered, and the teaching location identified and approved by the relevant authorities.

Barriers: What are potential barriers that may arise during teaching and how will those be handled?

Bad weather- we have requested to use a hall located in the park if it may start pouring down heavily.

Therapeutic Communication

4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients.

How will you begin your presentation and capture the interest of your audience? Describe the type of activity will you use with your audience to exhibit active listening? Describe how you applied active listening in tailoring your presentation to your audience? How will you conclude your presentation? What nonverbal communication techniques will you employ?

I will start by asking them questions about things they do voluntarily without their knowledge. For example, touching support barriers among the staircases and walkways and entry points. Holding down before sitting, tightening the shoe laces after a short walk. These obvious things people do and that is likely to contaminate their hands.

For active listening, I would be constantly asking them the names of the materials or supplies am using.

To conclude the presentation, I would use a closing remark that would assure them that they are responsible for their own heath by telling them to either “spread health and live happy or spread infections and live in pain”

For nonverbal communication, I will use labels and stickers for naming and specifications, posters and charts for procedures as well as pictures.

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