
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment

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Comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is considered a multi‐disciplinary and multi‐dimensional diagnostic and therapeutic process performed on elderly adults to determine their mental, medical, and functional issues. An integrated and coordinated plan of care and follow‐up care are then developed based on health issues identified during the assessment (Briggs et al., 2022)Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment. The CGA can be conducted at the client’s home or the clinic based on the client’s decision. This paper summarizes the experience of using CGA with a homer, including the pros and cons of the entire exercise.


Pros of the CGA

First, the CGA leads to positive health outcomes in elderly adults. During the CGA, the nurse aims to assess the clients, physical, mental, and functional well-being to establish their concerns. A holistic management plan involving effective and evidence-based interventions is then developed to resolve the mental, medical, or functional issue identified during the assessment, improving functioning in a particular area and overall health outcomes. For instance, Homer was diagnosed with mental health issues, including depression and Persistent Grief Disorder, caused by loneliness and isolation and his wife’s death. The client was referred to a psychotherapist to be enrolled in a group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Studies show that CBT effectively manages mental health issues in elderly adults by changing an individual’s behavior and thought patterns (Bottaccioli et al., 2019)Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment. Thus, enrolling the client in group therapy would enable him to overcome memories of her wife and embrace a positive life.

Secondly, the CGA lowers the risk of disability in acutely unwell older adults. The healthcare provider identifies health issues that might lead to a disability during the CGA. These health concerns are then addressed, reducing the likelihood of becoming disabled. For instance, the nurse identified fall risk as a significant health issue for Homer during the CGA. According to Ye et al. (2021)Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment, fall is the leading cause of disability in elderly adults aged 75 years and above. Thus, potential falls increase the client’s possibility of becoming disabled. The nurse advised family members to implement Internet of Things (IoT)-based fall detection technology due to its efficacy in the early detection and prevention of falls in elderly adults. Following the implementation of this technology, the caregiver or family members would detect when the client is likely to fall and offer the required support, preventing him from falling. Eliminating falls would then reduce the client’s risk of becoming disabled.

Another major benefit of CGA is lowering the risk of unplanned hospital admissions. When conducting the CGA, a healthcare provider aims to identify and develop a holistic care plan to address the client’s medical, psychological, and functional concerns. According to Wong et al. (2020)Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment, a nurse-led holistic care plan results in positive health outcomes in elderly adults. Therefore, the client’s issues leading to further health complications are managed, preventing deterioration and unplanned hospitalization. For instance, the nurse identified Homer’s fall risk during the CGA. Evidence-based fall-prevention strategies were proposed, preventing fall-related hospitalization.

The last advantage of the CGA involves allowing acutely ill elderly adults to express their wishes concerning end-of-life care. According to Patel et al. (2019), in end-of-life care, healthcare providers are guided by decisions made by the client when they have consenting capacity. Decisions made earlier are utilized during end-of-life care since the client cannot make decisions. As a result, healthcare providers attend to clients during end-of-life care without compromising patient autonomy, which gives individuals the right to make major decisions concerning their treatment (Kilbride & Joffe, 2018)Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment. For instance, during the last visit, the client filled his living will and instructed the nurses to take off all his medications. The nurse respects the client’s decision concerning his treatment.

Cons of the CGA

            Despite having several benefits, the CGA has shortcomings. First, the CGA creates tension and exposes the client and family members to distress and psychological torture. The nurse diagnoses an elderly client with various health issues during the CGA, making the client and the family members feel like the client is about to die. Secondly, the plan of care in the CGA conducted at home is compromised due to a lack of collaboration among multidisciplinary team members. According to Schroeder and Lorenz (2018)Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment, healthcare providers from different disciplines should work together during care delivery in primary practice to provide the patient with high-quality and holistic. Thus, the plan of care developed by a single nurse during the home visit is ineffective due to a lack of knowledge and skills in some areas.


Bottaccioli, A. G., Bottaccioli, F., & Minelli, A. (2019). A concise review of stress and the psyche–brain–immune network in psychiatric diseases based on psychoneuroendocrineimmunology. Annals of the New York academy of sciences1437(1), 31-42.

Briggs, R., McDonough, A., Ellis, G., Bennett, K., O’Neill, D., & Robinson, D. (2022). Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for community‐dwelling, high‐risk, frail, older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3 (5), 1-7.

Kilbride, M. K., & Joffe, S. (2018). The new age of patient autonomy: implications for the patient-physician relationship. Jama320(19), 1973-1974.

Patel, M. I., Moore, D., & Coker, T. R. (2019). End-of-life cancer care redesign: Patient and caregiver experiences in a lay health worker–led intervention. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®36(12), 1081-1088.

Schroeder, K., & Lorenz, K. (2018). Nursing and the future of palliative care. Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing5(1), 4-8.

Wong, A. K. C., & Wong, F. K. Y. (2020). The psychological impact of a nurse-led proactive self-care program on independent, non-frail community-dwelling older adults: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies110, 103724.

Ye, P., Er, Y., Wang, H., Fang, L., Li, B., Ivers, R., … & Tian, M. (2021). Burden of falls among people aged 60 years and older in mainland China, 1990–2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Public Health,  Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment

Week 7 Assignment 2: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, Visit 7 and Wrap-Up

Visit with Homer

Two weeks have passed since Homer’s sixth visit. Watch his latest visit:

CGA Seventh Visit

This Week’s Assignment

Summarize your experience of using the CGA with Homer. Share your thoughts on the pros and cons of using the CGA. Your assignment should be written using APA 7th edition. To view the rubric for this assignment, please go to My Grades in your course menu. Locate the assignment in the list and select View Rubric.

Daughter: I came home from work and found dad on the floor next to his bed. He was incontinent and was confused. He couldn’t remember how I got there. I had to call 9-1-1 to get him to the hospital. Dad broke his hip and ended up having hip surgery. He’s even more confused since the surgery.

We had to have a sitter at night in the hospital since he is so confused. I’m sad to see him failing like this. Mom passed suddenly so I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I don’t feel like I can take him back to my house either. I love my dad but it’s been too much stress on all of us Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment.

Nurse: Mr. Grant, we have taken you off all of your medications, and you have filled out your living will. Is there anything we can do for you?

  1. GRANT: I don’t want anything anymore. I want to be at peace.

Review the information gathered from Homer’s physical.

Weight – 130 lbs. (BMI), Previous Visit: Weight 135 lbs. (BMI)

Week 7: Learning Materials



Read the following articles and web resources:

    • Hicks, E., Sims-Gould, J., Byrne, K., Khan, K. M., & Stolee. P. (2012). “She was a little bit unrealistic”: Choice in healthcare decision making for older people. Journal of Aging Studies, 26(2), 140–148.
    • MedlinePlus. (2020, January 12). Deciding about treatments that prolong life.
    • Morrow, A. (2020, March 8). Withhold or withdrawing life-sustaining measures. Verywell Health.
    • National POLST. (n.d.). National POLST form: Portable medical order.


Name: CGA Rubric Week 7

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Poorly organized and demonstrates minimal logical reasoning.

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Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Essay Assignment

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