
CP – Week 4 Discussion 2nd REPLY

Reply to the following discussion by challenging the post. You will want to focus on their point of view, asking pertinent questions, adding to the responses by including information from other sources, and respectfully challenging a point of view, supported by references to other sources. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language.  

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It is important to support what you say with relevant citations in the APA format from both the course materials and outside resources. 

CB Discussion:


I found it took some time to navigate the different databases.  The textbook proved helpful where it describes what to expect from the different databases.  It gave me a better understanding of the search results.  It also explained how some databases like PubMed use automatic term mapping to appropriate MeSH terms (Hartzell & Fineout-Overholt, 2019).  I found this particularly helpful because I was having trouble figuring out what MeSH terms to use that for my PICOT question.  In my opinion the PubMed database was the easiest to use.  The limits feature was very easy to figure out and toggle options on and off.  I did not find the Dynamed useful for this particular PICOT question, but I can see how it provides searchable access to guidelines that may be helpful in the future. 

PICOT Question: In adult patients seeking care from a nurse practitioner family practice clinic (P), does an in-person health coaching session followed by weekly telephone coaching calls by the nurse practitioner (I) compared to no coaching (C) increase adherence to a physical exercise plan (O) over the period of one year (T)?

Research Tool

 Search Tips

 Search Terms & Limits




CINAHL is an SU subscription-only resource that offers full-text access to 336 scholarly journals and indexes over 3,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. Indexed journals do not provide access to full-text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the Library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous.

Look at the Major Subject Heading in the Full Record

Use the Limits Feature:

Example: Publication Type=Systematic Review

Try the CINAHL Heading search:

Keyword search:

Health coaching, nurse coaching, physical activity, exercise



Academic Journals


United States

Full text articles

CINAHL Heading search:

Health promotion



Academic journals


United States

Full text articles



This database seems a little more intimidating to a novice user.  It did produce a lot of results which will need to be combed through.


PubMed is a free health science citation & abstracts index from the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Look at MeSH Terms in Full Record

Use the Limits Feature:

Examples: Article Type=Meta-Analysis; Age=All Adult

Look for the open access Free articles!

Keyword search:

Health coaching, nurse coaching, physical activity, exercise, adherence




Full Text

Clinical Trial, Meta-analysis, RCT, Review, Systematic review

MESH search:


 No limits


 There are many limit options. I found it easy to toggle on and off limit options.  There are various age options and many other qualifiers that may be useful in future research.

Cochrane Library

Cochrane Library provides access to the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews. Full text of reviews is subscription only. Index summaries are a public resource. Indexed journals do not provide access to full text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous.

Use the Simple Search and the Advanced Search Features

Allows you to search with MeSH Terms

Check out the New Reviews

Browse reviews by topic

Keyword search:

Health coaching, nurse coaching, physical activity, exercise

Physical activity, intervention, adherence, compliance


Last 5 years

MeSH search:

Physical activity, exercise



This database yielded some interesting results when search was expanded to include all interventions. However, there was no easy way to limit the results to only adult patients.


Use the Simple Search and the Advanced Search Features

Allows you to search with MeSH Terms

Check out the New Reviews

Browse reviews by topic

Keyword search:

Health coaching, nurse coaching, physical activity, exercise


Also browse by:

 Family Medicine, Health Promotion, Physical Activity



 No relevant information was found using this database

TRIP Database

TRIP is a clinical search engine to locate publicly available clinical evidence.

Limit to: 

Systematic Reviews


Keyword search:

Used PICO to search 


Last 5 years


  This was very satisfying to type in the PICO portion of my question and get some relevant results

SU Library Search

Library Search is set up just like an EBSCO

The library even has a specialized PICOT search setup in Library Search—you must go to Advance search to get to the PICOT option.

Keyword: Health coaching, nurse coaching, physical activity, exercise, adherence


Last 5 years

Peer reviewed

Full text

United States

PICO Search



 This seems like a lot of results that will be difficult to narrow down.  There is no way to limit the search based on adults with this database tool. 

The PICO search yielded more workable results


Hartzell, T., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Finding relevant evidence to answer clinical questions. In B. Melnyk & E. Fineout-Overholt (Eds.), Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare (4th ed., pp. 55–92). Wolters Kluwer.

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