
Creating inclusive classrooms


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You are currently planning lessons for your whole class. There are 3 sections in your planning process:Section 1: Student Profile (650 words):Use a strengths-based approach to write a student profile to introduce the key student to others, demonstrating what you know about the student and how they learn: Describe the key students strengths, interests and areas of need. Use assessment approaches to gather data about the students strengths, interests, aspirations, and priorities.Consider data gathered through communications you have had with key stakeholders e.g., families and carers. Analyse the data gathered and discuss the implications for teaching and learning using relevant student development literature and learning theories. Explain the relevance of the information you are providing, for example, explain the implications of the assessment data or the implications of learning in regards to the diagnosis.Section 2: Universal Design for Learning (650 words): Introduce the learning environment by describing the qualities of a positive inclusive physical space and other factors that might influence learning. Justify the choice of UDL strategies you will use under each of the three principles of UDL in terms of how they address the needs of all students in the inclusive setting, including the key student. Use evidence-based strategies and approaches with reference to current, relevant literature. Provide a summary of your lesson plans with the UDL strategies embedded in your lessons.Section 3: Inclusive lesson plans (700 words):Your lesson plans should include the following: Learning Intention: what is your whole class learning about? Identify the learning intention for the inclusive lesson plans with links to appropriate curriculum and syllabus documents. Learning Outcome: write a specific learning outcome for the key student aligned to the learning intention.Write it as a SMARTER outcome. Rationale: Justify why you selected this learning outcome for the key student. Explain how it links to your assessment for learning, scaffolds learning within the ZPD, enhances the students skills to facilitate choice and opportunity, is functional and realistic, supports the students inclusion, and links to family-centred practice. Monitoring Method: discuss the methods you will use to monitor learning and the effectiveness of your UDL teaching strategies. It would be anticipated you will use the same method throughout the two plans. The method will identify how you will know your UDL teaching strategies are working and how the key student is progressing. For instance, you may want to gather data about the frequency, intensity, duration and/or latency of engagement. Therefore, identify what, when and how you will collect the data. Use different coloured fonts to show how you will apply the three principles of UDL to the lessons for your class and explain how it includes the key student.


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