
Critical Thinking Skills in Nurses Assignment

Critical Thinking Skills in Nurses Assignment

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Week 16 final post

Being part of the Grand Canyon graduate, I am highly committed towards integrating work, learning and faith in the profession of nursing, which aligns with the institution’s values of empathy, respect as well as holistic care to patients. In my career of nursing practice, my aim is to utilize a faith-based approach towards handling my patients compassionately and with utmost care. I also aim to utilize holistic care that encompasses mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing to all my patients. Furthermore, my aim is to adopt a culture of respect as well as caring in the workplace environment through recognizing the beliefs and backgrounds of my patients and colleagues, which aligns with the values of GCU (Ziemendorf & Schroyer, 2020). Critical Thinking Skills in Nurses Assignment


Through being an active member in the nursing education organizations, I would advocate for faith and value inclusion in the curricula for nursing. I would also ensure that I participate in the conferences, discussions and committees with an aim of seeking influence for educational programs development that help nurses to provide a faith-based and holistic care in their future practice (Ziemendorf & Schroyer, 2020). I also strive towards advocating for proper decision making in my current healthcare organization through significantly contributing in the policy and programs development that guides nurses while at work.

Continued professional development is vital in every profession. As such, I ensure that I am always updated and informed about the emerging advancements in education, advocacy and nursing practice. Through engaging myself in nursing workshops and training programs, my aim is to acquire the skills and knowledge that can be easily shared with my colleagues and be applied at my workplace environment (Holch, 2022).. As a member of GCU graduate, I see my role as not only a certified practitioner, but also a professional who positively impact the nursing environment as a result of the acquired values from the Grand Canyon University. Critical Thinking Skills in Nurses Assignment


Holch, U. P. (2022). Critical Thinking Skills in Nurses: Perception of Graduate Nurses (Doctoral dissertation, Grand Canyon University).

Ziemendorf, A. L. J., & Schroyer, S. (2020). Supporting the Spiritual Experience in Online Faith-Based Education. In Handbook of Research on Creating Meaningful Experiences in Online Courses (pp. 270-285). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0115-3.ch016

Access the Christian Identity and Mission page of the GCU website, provided in the topic Resources. As a GCU graduate, discuss how you can integrate faith, learning, and work into your organization to foster a climate of respect and caring. How will you strive to be actively engaged as an advocate in nursing education organizations or institutional processes? Critical Thinking Skills in Nurses Assignment


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