
Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper

Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper

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DVT Evidence-Based Practice

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a condition whose symptoms include formation of blood clots in the deep veins (Flumignan et al., 2016). Mainly, this condition is prevalent in the legs. The diagnosis of DVT is a major concern and it could have major complications, which may include pulmonary embolism. For the effective management of DVT, there is a need to apply evidence-based techniques that would help in ensuring optimal outcomes for patients and complications are prevented that are linked with the condition (Kirkilesis et al., 2020)Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper. Understanding the latest research is needed for effective diagnosis, treatment, and implementation of prevention techniques. Having in mind that the condition is severe there is a need to implement evidence-based research that would help in the delivery of safe and effective patient care.


Criteria for Evaluating Credibility of Resources

When evaluating the credibility of resources for use in DVT management, certain criteria should be followed. The criteria that will be considered for credibility of resources is the use of peer-reviewed journals, articles published recently, and credentials of the authors. Resources acquired from peer-reviewed journals are reliable as they are subjected to immense evaluation that helps to ensure reliability and validity of the information presented. At the same time, the healthcare environment is constantly changing. Based on this, there is a need to use latest available information to ensure that the information obtained is applicable in current practice. Lastly, the credentials of the authors, determined by their experience and expertise in the field, is considered to ensure that the presented information is authentic and proven.  Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper

Analysis of Credibility and Relevance

For the topic on DVT management, credible and relevant evidence is needed. The selected articles would be examined for their credibility based on the expertise of the authors, dates of publications, and whether they are published in reputable journals. The articles will provide insights to the management and treatment of DVT. The information in the articles will serve as evidence-based practice for the management of Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Evidence-Based Practice Model

For this project, the selected model for EBP in this project is Stetler model. The model is significant in addressing the issue of Deep Vein Thrombosis. The model aligns with the complex nature of the condition. In management of this condition, there is a need to identify evidence that translates and can be utilized in clinical practice. The model emphasizes the importance of incorporating evidence to the decision-making process and ensures a comprehensive and effective approach for DVT management (Dusin et al., 2023)Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper.  Precisely, the model links use of research with evidence-informed practice. The model provides a way to think about the link between use of research and evidence-based practice. Integrating of these two concepts is integral in enhancing the application of research.


An evidence-based approach is needed to understand how to effectively manage Deep Vein Thrombosis. For effective incorporation of evidence and for successful management of the condition mentioned there is a need to adhere to a strict criterion for determining credibility of the resources used. In this study, the selected criteria involve recently published articles, reports and articles from reputable journals, and expertise of the authors. With this criterion followed, the most suitable and applicable articles will be acquired and will inform the evidence-based question. The evidence-based model selected for this study is the Stetler model that would help to ensure that the decisions made in healthcare are rooted in the best available evidence. Mainly, this helps to improve patient outcomes and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of management of DVT.


Dusin, J., Melanson, A., & Mische-Lawson, L. (2023). Evidence-based practice models and frameworks in the healthcare setting: A scoping review. BMJ Open, 13(5), e071188.

Flumignan, C. D., Flumignan, R. L., & Baptista-Silva, J. C. (2016). Antiplatelet agents for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Kirkilesis, G., Kakkos, S. K., Bicknell, C., Salim, S., & Kakavia, K. (2020). Treatment of distal deep vein thrombosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper

Locating Credible Databases and Research

Evidence-based practice is the application of the best available evidence from credible sources to guide optimal nursing practice and aims at improving the quality and safety of patient care. Using evidence-based evidence requires the presence of an experienced practicing health professional who has legitimately gained the credibility to function as care provider. Nurses face daily challenges that range from making a diagnosis to designing an appropriate care plan for patients. Addressing this, nurses need to understand how to acquire scholarly resources and identify databases and websites containing the needed medical and nursing data. Therefore, this study paper, references a provided case scenario and highlights what it locating evidence in the nursing practice scenario entails. Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper

During my duties as a nurse, I supervised three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching hospital. The hospital is recognized nationally as a leader in education and has a laboratory with access to medical research databases and online sources. For this scenario, the nurses are given their assignments and have participated in the shift report. A new nurse who recently completed orientation and training approaches and says that one of the patients has a diagnosis that he or she is not familiar with. The diagnosis in this case is deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot that forms in a deep vein, usually in the legs. I know the importance of patient-centered care based on best practices and thus I endeavor to help patients in bettering patient outcomes. Part of my role as a nurse is to guide the nurse student in getting the most suitable resources for use in learning and gaining knowledge on deep vein thrombosis. ]Therefore, communication strategies with the nurse are provided and ways of also locating evidence is given.

Communication Strategies to Encourage Diagnosis-Based Research

Communication techniques are critical role in fostering am environment that is suitable for evidence-based practice. In this case, open communication with the nurse is paramount and lays the foundation for a space where the new nurse feels appreciated and comfortable. A nurse can express any concerns they have and feel comfortable with then process. Also, active listening is paramount to ensure that a nurse can state the challenges and they are heard. More so, empathy is essential and there is a need to acknowledge the completion of orientation and recognition of complexities of unfamiliar medical situations. Lastly, positive reinforcement would be a critical communication technique that helps to foster continuity in learning and pursuit of knowledge in nursing practice.  When assisting this nursing student, collaboration is key to support the new nurse’s research endeavors. Providing of assistance shows a willingness to guide and mentors and establishes a collaborative approach towards problem-solving. Besides, suggesting appropriate resources is needed and in this case, the hospital’s computer laboratory and access to medical research databases are critical. Providing access entails directing the nurse to nurse work stations with online connectivity and emphasizes the availability of hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines. Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper

The Best Places to Complete the Research

The Capella University Library stands as a critical resource. The library offers access to reputable medical research databases and ensures there is a wealth of evidence-based information. Specifically, PubMed is a useful resource for peer-reviewed articles. CINAHL is a specialized nursing database and offers targeted research avenues for nursing care related information. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) is a website that is recommended for guidelines on anticoagulant therapy, which is a critical intervention for deep-vein thrombosis management. Besides, internal hospital policies and guidelines would provide insights specific to an institution of management of deep vein thrombosis and patient education.

Identification of Five Sources for Evidence of Clinical Diagnosis

One of the articles selected is Antiplatelet agents for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis by Flumignan et al. (2016), followed by Deep vein thrombosis: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and medical management by Stone et al. (2017). The other three articles are: Treatment of below-the-knee deep vein thrombosis by Li et al. (2020), Treatment of distal deep vein thrombosis by Kirkilesis et al. (2020), and Choosing safe and effective anticoagulation to treat idiopathic ovarian vein thrombosis: using first principles of deep vein thrombosis management to treat a rare diagnosis: a case report and review of the literature by Yii et al. (2023). The sources provide valuable information for the management and treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).


Explanation of Why the Sources Provide the Best Evidence

The sources were selected since they are published by highly reputable journals that are informative and useful for evidence-based practice research. The sources were accessed by guiding a nurse to the hospital’s computer lab and establishing a dedicated research environment. Key words such as venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, clotting factors, and heparin were used to intensify the search for the most useful sources. These sources stood out since they are recently published and contain more recent information and research on the topic.


As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse who is tasked with overseeing the staff, effective communication and collaboration are needed to provide the needed guidance and evidence-based research information. Open communication, transparency, and collaboration skills were used when teaching the nurse on sources of best evidence for the topic on deep vein thrombosis for bettered patient care. Appropriate sources from the Capella University were recommended and they were evaluated using the CRAAP test hence deemed effective for increasing nurse knowledge on the topic.


Flumignan, C. D., Flumignan, R. L., & Baptista-Silva, J. C. (2016). Antiplatelet agents for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Kirkilesis, G., Kakkos, S. K., Bicknell, C., Salim, S., & Kakavia, K. (2020). Treatment of distal deep vein thrombosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Li, W. L., Xu, F., Fan, W., Liu, G., Xu, L., Wang, X., Lu, H., & LI, Y. (2020). Xueshuantong injection in treating deep venous thrombosis: A systematic review and experimental sequential analysis. Evidence – Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Stone, J., Hangge, P., Albadawi, H., Wallace, A., Shamoun, F., Knuttien, M. G., Naidu, S., & Oklu, R. (2017). Deep vein thrombosis: Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and medical management. Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy, 7(S3), S276-S284.

Yii, E., Yao, H., & Yii, M. (2023). Choosing safe and effective anticoagulation to treat idiopathic ovarian vein thrombosis: Using first principles of deep vein thrombosis management to treat a rare diagnosis: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 17(1). Deep Vein Thrombosis Management Research Paper


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