
Determining Democracy Discussion Paper

Determining Democracy Discussion Paper

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The argument that democracy does not require individuals to be of similar revenue, riches, or position is reasonable and is presented in the article. Through their designated representatives, the people of a democratic nation hold the authority to make policy decisions on their behalf, which ensures that everyone in the country, regardless of their level of prosperity, revenue, or social standing, has an equitable opportunity to participate in the decision-making process regarding how the country is run Determining Democracy Discussion Paper.

Despite this, the author acknowledges that attaining equality in a representational democracy can be difficult, particularly in a country with as many different cultures as the United States (Elias & Paradies,2021)Determining Democracy Discussion Paper. It is possible that elected officials only sometimes represent the viewpoints of the entirety of the population, and the intricacies of local culture can affect how effective leadership is.


It is essential to keep in mind that democracy is not a flawless form of government and that citizens must remain actively involved and committed to the process for their opinions to be taken into consideration (Royo et al.,2020)Determining Democracy Discussion Paper. This requires citizens of a representational democracy to keep themselves educated about the laws and regulations impacting their lives and hold their elected officials responsible for their decisions.

The author emphasizes the significance of democracy as a method for communal self-governance but also that this framework is insufficient to ensure accurate equity. Although democracy has the potential to support equity, the author emphasizes that it is not a certainty. Governments must actively establish and maintain an atmosphere of equity for all to ensure that all members of society can profit from the system. This entails enacting policies to reduce inequalities between people, such as those based on ethnicity, gender, and fiscal standing. Furthermore, the author proposes that democracy be used to safeguard the rights of society’s most defenseless members, frequently silenced in the political process. Finally, the author stresses the importance of a comprehensive strategy to guarantee that democracy and equity coexist Determining Democracy Discussion Paper.


Elias, A., & Paradies, Y. (2021). The costs of institutional racism and its ethical implications for healthcare. Journal of bioethical inquiry18, 45-58.

Royo, S., Pina, V., & Garcia-Rayado, J. (2020). Decide Madrid: A critical analysis of an award-winning e-participation initiative: Sustainability12(4), 1674 Determining Democracy Discussion Paper

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