
DNP 8000 Week 4 Assignment 1 Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles

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DNP 8000 Week 4 Assignment 1 Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles

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One of the skills that have to be well developed by a DNP student is research skills, as DNP-prepared nurses are required to formulate solutions to various clinical problems. Central to the skill is an appropriate choice of a topic that forms the basis of a problems statement and uses the fundamentals of research to search in various databases to get relevant information. Obtaining relevant literature is not the end, but a means to an end as an individual has to analyze the sources and evaluate how well it relates to the topic or the problem in question (Eriksen, & Frandsen, 2018). The purpose of this week’s assignment is to describe how a literature search related to a topic of interest was accomplished and a summary of the selected articles.  

The Literature Search 

Prior to accomplishing the literature search, the problem’s keywords were noted down to help in narrowing down the search results. For instance, one of the most common healthcare issues is healthcare-acquired infections such as catheter-acquired urinary tract infections. Controlling them is therefore key. Using Chlorhexidine for meatal cleaning was then considered as a possible intervention. In searching the databases, keywords were used, and a search was done in databases such as Medline, CIHNAL, PsycINFO, web of science, and google scholar. Various keywords such as “CAUTI,” “management,” and “Prevention,” and “chlorhexidine” were used. 

Summary of the Chosen Articles 

One of the articles obtained from the literature search is work done by Fasugba et al. This research employed a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effects of utilization of Chlorhexidine for meatal cleaning during catheterization in the prevention of CAUTI. With a sample of 1642, the researchers found a positive effect. For instance, upon the use of the intervention, there was a significant reduction of CAUTI cases from thirteen to only four for every one hundred catheter days. By the end of the study, the intervention was found to reduce the cases of CAUTI by 94% (Fasugba et al., 2019). 

Another article retrieved is an article authored by Mitchel et al. to compare the efficacy of using saline versus Chlorhexidine in lowering the rates of CAUTI and the cost associated with each. Using a randomized controlled trial study design, the study revealed that using Chlorhexidine was more efficacious and cost-effective than using saline (Mitchel et al., 2019). The use of Chlorhexidine coincided with a significant drop in the cases of CAUTI in the hospitals, reducing admission days hence leading to reduced costs. 

In yet another study, Sarani et al. evaluated the impact of using 2% Chlorhexidine and normal saline in perineal care in a comparative study. Using a quantitative quasi-experimental study design, the researchers managed to obtain some relevant results among women who got admitted to the ICU. While the rates of the groups using normal saline had 77% of CAUTI rates, the use of the 2% Chlorhexidine led to a substantially lower value of only 13%, indicating the importance of using Chlorhexidine (Sarani et al., 2020). 

Synthesis of the Articles 

The negative impacts of CAUTI are reflected in the research efforts dedicated to finding strategies to control it. The three articles summarized in the previous section show to various degrees the efficacy of using Chlorhexidine for meatal cleaning. While Fasugba et al. focused solely on Chlorhexidine, Mitchell et al. and Sarani et al. did comparison studies to find out how the use of Chlorhexidine compares with the normal saline in controlling CAUTI ((Mitchel et al., 2019, (Sarani et al., 2020)). All three articles reported statistically significant results hence underpinning the importance of using Chlorhexidine for meatal cleaning as an intervention. The level of evidence in these articles is good as they are randomized controlled trials and experimental research studies.  

Differences between Summarizing and Synthesizing Research 

While the two skills of research summary and research synthesis are both essential for a researcher, the two are different, and it is imperative that a researcher knows the differences. Summarizing research involves restating the key points or findings of research in their own words in a condensed way. On the other hand, synthesizing research entails a combination of ideas from similar sources and bringing in various perspectives and insights through a reflection on the text in question (Gurevitch et al.,2018). The implication is that while through a summary, the important information is pulled together and highlighted, synthesis go steps further to compare and contrast sources, to draw a conclusion, and provide new insights 


In conclusion, literature search forms an essential part of the research. A successful and efficient literature search requires that research possesses adept knowledge of using various databases to look for information. In addition, due to the variabilities in the sources obtained, every source must be carefully analyzed and the knowledge synthesized to ascertain if it can be utilized in a setting to solve problems. Therefore, this write-up has focused on literature search, article summary, and a comparison between research synthesis and summary. In addition, a summary of three articles obtained from a database search focusing on a clinical problem has been accomplished.  


Eriksen, M. B., & Frandsen, T. F. (2018). The impact of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) as a search strategy tool on literature search quality: a systematic review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 106(4), 420. 

Fasugba, O., Cheng, A. C., Gregory, V., Graves, N., Koerner, J., Collignon, P., … & Mitchell, B. G. (2019). Chlorhexidine for meatal cleaning in reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections: a multicentre stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19(6), 611-619. 

Gurevitch, J., Koricheva, J., Nakagawa, S., & Stewart, G. (2018). Meta-analysis and the science of research synthesis. Nature, 555(7695), 175-182. 

Mitchell, B. G., Fasugba, O., Cheng, A. C., Gregory, V., Koerner, J., Collignon, P., … & Graves, N. (2019). Chlorhexidine versus saline in reducing the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infection: a cost-effectiveness analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 97, 1-6. 

Sarani, H., Pishkar Mofrad, Z., Faghihi, H., & Ghabimi, M. (2020). Comparison of the Effect of Perineal Care with Normal Saline and 2% Chlorhexidine Solution on the Rate of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Women Hospitalized in Intensive Care Units: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Medical-Surgical Nursing Journal, 9(2). 


Assignment 1: Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles 

Developing the proficiency to locate, read, and evaluate research articles is essential to your success in this doctoral program and your career. With this Assignment, you have the opportunity to become familiar with the Walden Library by searching the databases, reviewing resources, and downloading full-text articles. You are asked to think critically as you do this, keeping in mind that as a doctoral candidate you must be able to enhance your profession’s body of knowledge by synthesizing what you have learned into new insights and applying them in meaningful ways within the practice environment (as a DNP-prepared nurse) or engaging in original research (as a PhD-prepared nurse). 

DNP 8000 Week 4 Assignment 1 Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles

To prepare: 

  • Participate in or review an archived version of the following Walden Library Webinars 
  • Introduction to the Walden Library 
  • Evaluating Online Resources 
  • An Introduction to Evidence-Based Searching 
  • Then search the Walden Library and locate two peer-reviewed primary research articles that pertain to your practice area and are of particular interest to you. 

By Day 7 

To complete: 

Write a 4-paragraph APA-formatted paper addressing the following: 

  • Write a 1-paragraph summary of each of the articles you have selected (a total of 2 paragraphs). 
  • Write 1 paragraph that synthesizes the two articles using a scholarly voice. 
  • Write a final paragraph in which you discuss the differences between summarizing and synthesizing research. 

Due by Day 7 of Week 4. 

Submission and Grading Information 

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:  

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.  
  • Click the Week 4 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment. 
  • Click the Week 4 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area. 
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK4Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open 
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database. 
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission. 

Grading Criteria  


To access your rubric: 

Week 4 Assignment Rubric 


Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity 


To check your Assignment draft for authenticity: 

Submit your Week 4 Assignment draft and review the originality report. 


Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 4 


To submit your Assignment: 

Week 4 Assignment 


A Sample Answer For the Assignment: DNP 8000 Week 4 Assignment 1 Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles

Title: DNP 8000 Week 4 Assignment 1 Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles

Week 5 Assignment 1: Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles 

As a student pursuing further education in the field of nursing, it is imperative to develop skills that promote proficiency in research, that is, being able to locate sites with scholarly articles, read and carry out a critical analysis and evaluation. This is what will promote success in the field of nursing research and advancement in career as a credible scientist who can actively participate in the generation of new knowledge and skills that promote safer and efficient nursing practices. The databases available with scholarly work on nursing include; CINAHL Plus and PubMed (Medline) (Hopia & Heikkilä, 2019). The purpose of this paper is to identify two articles from the online nursing resources, write a summary of each article, synthesize the articles from a scholarly standpoint and discuss the difference between summarizing and synthesizing research articles.   

The first article reviewed was on evidence-based practice, focusing on the knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers among community nurses (Li et al., 2019). This article focuses on the perception of the community nurses about the EBP projects and the barriers they face in carrying out such projects. The CNs have noted that the EBP projects have not been effective in their healthcare service delivery as they believe it is strongly associated with the advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and they find their it difficult to relate it to their own practice. Additionally, it points out to the barriers the CNs face in successfully implementing their EBP projects. The barriers are majorly associated to limited time, resources, knowledge and training and poor motivation that does not encourage them to undertake such projects.  

In my second article review, I read through the article on Evidence -based practice education for healthcare professionals: an expert review by Lehane et al., 2018.Accoording to the authors of the article, they do acknowledge the fact that even though EBP-projects are crucial to promoting patient’s safety and quality care, its implementation still remains a big challenge to most healthcare practitioners. There is need to constantly communicate to the evidences from research to the relevant stakeholders and more specifically healthcare educators which are better placed in articulating the EBP research process and importance. It is the role of nursing academicians and clinical educators to promote the expansion and successful implementation of EBP research findings into practice. This will ultimately result to quality care and updated methods of that are backed by research evidence and data (Lehane et al., 2018). 

In the synthesis of the two articles, the focus is on evidence- based practice in nursing research. The first article critically analyses the EBP in relation to community nurses. Research article underscore the need to incorporate EBP among the community nurse practice as a means of promoting quality care and promote patient’s safety. However, there are barriers that the CNs face in a bid to effectively incorporate EBP findings in their practice. Over the years, there have been efforts to promote the full incorporation of EBP findings in nursing practice. In order to strengthen the nurse’s approach to EBP and bridge the gap between EBP results and practice, there are a three-pronged approach that is built on education, leadership and practice (Warren et al., 2016). These recommendations are in tandem with the second article that emphasizes on the importance of education in promoting successful implementation of EBP. Educational programs emphasizing on better ways nurses can ensure that they carry out proper EBP procedures, understand the rationale and are able to successfully implement it in practice (Worum et al., 2019). 



Summarizing involves reading through the whole text and coming up with the main points from the article. This requires one to use their own words in creating the summary and it is meant to provide a general overview of the whole article. However, in synthesizing the article, one has to do a critical review of the article drawing comparisons and conclusions in relation to other articles and coming up with a comprehensive conclusion. These two aspects are important in nursing literature review to help the nursing student develop thorough understanding on the available literature sources on various nursing research conducted and how best they can be put into practice (Aveyard & Bradbury-Jones, 2019). 

In conclusion, the process of locating and critically analyzing primary literature sources on nursing is essential in development of intellectual competency and promoting critical thinking in the advanced nursing studies. For a nurse who intends to continue with education and advance to doctorate level in nursing, it is imperative to develop such skills to make the future research work more manageable and productive as well. I do believe that the nursing students have a variety of credible databases that provide them with adequate resources to expand their scope of knowledge and spur further research that aims to improve quality of healthcare services offered. 



Aveyard, H., & Bradbury-Jones, C. (2019). An analysis of current practices in undertaking literature reviews in nursing: findings from a focused mapping review and synthesis. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19(1). 

Hopia, H., & Heikkilä, J. (2019). Nursing research priorities based on CINAHL database: A scoping review. Nursing Open, 7(2). 

Lehane, E., Leahy-Warren, P., O’Riordan, C., Savage, E., Drennan, J., O’Tuathaigh, C., O’Connor, M., Corrigan, M., Burke, F., Hayes, M., Lynch, H., Sahm, L., Heffernan, E., O’Keeffe, E., Blake, C., Horgan, F., & Hegarty, J. (2018). Evidence-based practice education for healthcare professions: an expert view. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 24(3), 103–108. 

Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice. Medicine, 98(39), e17209. 

Warren, J. I., McLaughlin, M., Bardsley, J., Eich, J., Esche, C. A., Kropkowski, L., & Risch, S. (2016). The Strengths and Challenges of Implementing EBP in Healthcare Systems. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(1), 15–24. 

Worum, H., Lillekroken, D., Ahlsen, B., Roaldsen, K. S., & Bergland, A. (2019). Bridging the gap between research-based knowledge and clinical practice: a qualitative examination of patients and physiotherapists’ views on the Otago exercise Programme. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1). 


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