
Economic Inequality And Social Class

Economic Inequality And Social Class
Order ID# 45178248544XXTG457 Plagiarism Level: 0-0.5% Writer Classification: PhD competent
Style: APA/MLA/Harvard/Chicago Delivery: Minimum 3 Hours Revision: Permitted
Sources: 4-6 Course Level: Masters/University College Guarantee Status: 96-99%


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Economic Inequality And Social Class

According to Links to an external site.  the income gap between the rich and everyone else has been growing larger and larger over the last 20 years.   Social class is measured by socioeconomic status (SES), an overall rank of people’s positions based on their income, education, and occupation. The Super-rich, rich, and upper classes control most of the wealth in our country, while the middle, working, and working-poor scramble to keep up or just get by.

Since the super-rich make up 1-2% of the total population lets talk about us. Those of us from upper-middle class backgrounds typically live on incomes which provide economic stability. Many are either in the professions or are managers, often living in dual earner income households. Those of us from middle class backgrounds are even more diverse than the upper-middle class. Many in this class are in semi-skilled jobs and semi-professions. Most families rely on two incomes to maintain a comfortable standard of living. The working class consists of skilled and semiskilled laborers, factory employees, and other blue-collar workers in manual occupations. The lower class is typically made up of unskilled workers or those working in low-paying service economy positions. The working poor work full or part-time and still struggle with their basic bills. The under-class, who occupy the bottom rung of the U.S. socio-economic ladder, rarely work or are chronically unemployed.  These people tend to be persistently poor, segregated residentially, and relatively isolated from the rest of the population.

Visit this website to learn more about INEQUALITY and its impact. Links to an external site. Now, answer the following two prompts this week:

–Based on what you read and know in your own life, what is your perspective on the growing level of economic inequality in the U.S?   — How should the U.S. address the growing economic inequality?


Excellent Quality




45-41 points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.

Literature Support

91-84  points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.


58-53 points

Content is well-organized with headings for each slide and bulleted lists to group related material as needed. Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance readability and presentation content is excellent. Length requirements of 10 slides/pages or less is met.

Average Score


40-38 points

More depth/detail for the background and significance is needed, or the research detail is not clear. No search history information is provided.

83-76  points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is little integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are included. Summary of information presented is included. Conclusion may not contain a biblical integration.

52-49  points

Content is somewhat organized, but no structure is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. is occasionally detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met.

Poor Quality


37-1 points

The background and/or significance are missing. No search history information is provided.

75-1 points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is no integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are not included in the summary of information presented. Conclusion does not contain a biblical integration.

48-1 points

There is no clear or logical organizational structure. No logical sequence is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. is often detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met

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