
Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper

Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper

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PICOT Question and Literature Search


According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2021), hypertension is significant because it increases the risks of heart, brain, and the development of other significant health illnesses. Almost 1.28 billion adults ages 30-79 have hypertension and are unaware (WHO, 2021). Hypertension is also the leading cause of cardiovascular disease also known as (CVD). Owing to the widespread use of anti hypertensive medications, global mean blood pressure (BP) has remained constant or decreased slightly over the past four decades. By contrast, the prevalence of hypertension has increased, especially in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) (GBD, 2017). This is why it’s imperative for all healthcare professionals to be aware of the updated statistics and to be knowledgeable of the most recent evidence based research to give our patients the information needed to move toward better health through knowledge. Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper


Evaluation of Teaching Experience

In any evaluation that’s truthful, there will be pros and cons. Both must be viewed in order to make the experience better for those we serve. Let’s start with the Pros.

Pros of the teaching evaluation experience

There was a good turn out of 10 adults of varies age groups, the material was easily understood, they engaged by asking questions, most showed readiness to learn through facial expressions, and stated they would come back, and the teacher was knowledgeable of the topic.

Cons of the teaching evaluation experience

            As the teacher, never underestimate an individual’s willingness to learn, always have extra material, make sure the space is adequate, and material should be easy for a third or fifth grader to understand to meet the needs of those that struggle to read of have learning disabilities. Learning new ways to pull those in that are not as open as others is very important. Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper

Community Response to Teaching Provided

Teaching is not an easy task because you do not get the chance to interview your students/participants ahead of time. Therefore, it can be taxing to meet the needs of all involved as they are not always the same.

Nevertheless, at the end of the event, we had a couple of testimonies that were very positive and encouraging. Some were too shy to stand and talk before the group, but gave food back afterwards during fellowship with light refreshments.

The majority of the group agreed to continue participating in other community events, monitoring their blood pressure daily, exercising, and necessary diet, and social changes. Some stated that they were unaware of the resources available to help those that are struggling, low income, unaware of the illness, and things that they can do to make their health and lives better. Also, they were overwhelmed that nurses are willing to do activities like this outside of work just to help their community. Suggestions were given for cooking events to teach healthy meal preparation, shopping and making better choices, and having support group meetings, and accountability partners to keep each other encouraged. As the teacher, it was a very good start to helping people help themselves. Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper

Areas of Strength and Improvement

Areas of strength are the ability to pull the people in through the delivery of the teachings and information. The teacher can not be timid nor can he or she show signs of uncertainty. As a nurse of 20+ years, experience teaches you to show excitement about what you’re doing and it will spread to others. The teacher is the catalyst that starts the fire burning and these are strengths that this teacher possess. She also has the ability to cause the light to come on in dark areas when you teaches. She also pray for wisdom to teach in a way that will reach all those under the sound of her voice. Teaching is a gift that she possesses and enjoys sharing it with anyone that will listen. Improvements are time management such as starting on time and ending on time. People live very busy lives and if they know things are going to be as advertised, it will cause them to participate more. Having enough space for everyone to be comfortable is a most and don’t give too much information too fast or too soon. Always leave them wanting more and not feeling over loaded on the first session. Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper


Thesis Development and Purpose

As medical professionals, one of our most important duties is to educate our patients and their families. With proper assessment and asking questions, we can learn their learning style. Using the VARK questionnaire, this will help the patient and the provider understand the best way to teach the necessary information (GCU, 2018). Therefore, the focus of this community teaching is prevention/health promotion of hypertension management. Anyone that reads this paper will discover that hypertension is preventable and treatable after diagnosis and it is not a death sentence. Protecting yourself through awareness is a primary way to prevent or treat high blood pressure. Hypertension can be cured through lifestyle changes and medical treatment. The goals of this paper is to reach every race by providing understanding, resources, information, and provoke the necessary changes for a healthier life through good health. Reducing the proportion of adults with high blood pressure is one of the social determinants of health for heart disease and stroke (ODPHP, 2022).  Healthy People 2020 goals are noted as the following:

  • Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper
  • Achieve health equity, eliminate health disparities, and improve the health of all groups
  • Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all

Promote quality of life, healthy development, and behaviors across all life stages (CDC, 2022).


This is not a quick fix paper, but a paper filled with information, suggestions, and ideas that are able to help anyone that desire to manage or even overcome hypertension. Reducing daily caloric intake as recommended by your primary care physician/dietician to lose weight, reduce cholesterol levels, smoking cessation, reducing/stopping alcohol daily intake, exercising, monitoring blood pressure, and heart rate daily, and taking medications for hypertension as prescribed by your primary care physician are ways to take control of your health for a brighter tomorrow. Help is available through your community health nurses, public health nurse, and community health centers. Don’t wait until it’s too late to make a change. Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper


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  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Healthy people 2020. https:/
  5. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2022). Healthy People 2030. Retrieved from Epidemiological Rationale Essay Paper

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