
Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Practice solution

Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Practice solution

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Ethics in The Workplace Instructions


Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare Practice

Assignment Content HW #3Top of Form

For this assignment, refer to Chapter 6 on page 151 (see below) of your textbook. Write your responses to the questions listed in the three Discussion Cases. Number your responses to each question and letter listed in the case studies.

Your assignment must be at least two pages in length (all responses combined). APA Style will not be required for this assignment.Bottom of Form

  1. Jessica Mass, a phlebotomist, drew a blood sample from Glenn Ross, a 30-year-old patient of Dr. Williams, to test for AIDS. As Glenn was leaving the office, his friend Harry came in and they greeted each other. Jessica took Harry into an exam room, and in the course of making conversation, he told her that he was a good friend of Glenn’s. He asked Jessica why Glenn was seeing the doctor. Jessica responded that it was just for a test for AIDS.

When Harry arrived back home, he called Glenn and told him what the phlebotomist had said. Glenn called Dr. Williams and complained about Jessica’s action and said that he planned to sue Dr. Williams. Dr. Williams dismissed Jessica. Dr. Williams told Jessica that if Glenn did bring a lawsuit against her and she lost, then she would sue Jessica.

  1. a) What should Jessica have done or said when Harry asked about Glenn’s reason for being in the office?
  2. b) Did Dr. Williams have a legal right to sue Jessica if she was sued and lost?
  3. c) What important right did Jessica violate?


  1. Denise, an LPN, works in a nursing home on the 3:00 to 11:00 pm shift. She is instructed to prepare medications to give to her own patients as they eat their evening meal. She is also told that it is the policy of the nursing home that she will also prepare all the medications to be distributed in the morning by the LPN who will pass medications at both breakfast and lunch the next day. Denise is told that the reason for doing this is because she will have more time, as the evening shift is not as busy as the morning shift. Denise does not want to object because she really needs the job.
  2. a) What are the potential problems with this policy?
  3. b) What should Denise do?
  4. c) If a patient is harmed by receiving the incorrect medicine, who would be charged with the negligence?
  5. David, an 89-year-old war hero with no living relatives, drove himself at night to a local hospital when he experienced shortness of breath and a headache. When he entered the emergency room (ER) he was placed in a wheelchair and briefly seen by an ER doctor. He was told that he could not be admitted because he was a veteran and had to go to a VA hospital, which was 90 minutes away, for treatment. David was wheeled into the hallway to wait for transportation to a VA hospital. The night shift was very busy. After sitting in the hall for five hours, David complained that he needed to lie down. The ER staff, who had been trying to move him to a VA hospital with no luck, finally transferred him by ambulance to a local nursing home. David had a massive stroke shortly after being admitted to the nursing home and died six weeks later.
  6. a) Does there appear to be negligence in this case?       
  7. b) In your opinion, who might have acted on behalf of David?
  8. c) In your opinion, would contributory negligence be a defense if there is a malpractice lawsuit relating to David’s death?


Put It into Practice

Call an insurance company that handles malpractice insurance. Inquire about the cost and coverage for someone in your profession. Request an informational brochure. Write a summary of the information and report back to your class or your instructor.

Web Hunt

Using the website for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement ( under Case Studies, examine one of the latest studies on the website—and state what, in your opinion, went wrong. For example, the case titled “An Extended Stay.”

Critical Thinking Exercise

What would you do if you observe the physician you work for exhibiting signs of carelessness when treating patients and documenting the treatment.


Excellent Quality




45-41 points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.

Literature Support

91-84  points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.


58-53 points

Content is well-organized with headings for each slide and bulleted lists to group related material as needed. Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance readability and presentation content is excellent. Length requirements of 10 slides/pages or less is met.

Average Score


40-38 points

More depth/detail for the background and significance is needed, or the research detail is not clear. No search history information is provided.

83-76  points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is little integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are included. Summary of information presented is included. Conclusion may not contain a biblical integration.

52-49  points

Content is somewhat organized, but no structure is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. is occasionally detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met.

Poor Quality


37-1 points

The background and/or significance are missing. No search history information is provided.

75-1 points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is no integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are not included in the summary of information presented. Conclusion does not contain a biblical integration.

48-1 points

There is no clear or logical organizational structure. No logical sequence is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. is often detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met

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