
Ethics and Creation Assignment

Ethics and Creation Assignment

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Assignment 5-1: Ethics and Creation

After completing the reading, answer (with nuance) the following questions. Answer each set of questions with depth in its own section, appropriately labeled (e.g., “Section 1”): Ethics and Creation Assignment

(1) Why is Bauckham dissatisfied with the language of “stewardship”? What problems does he believe the posture of “stewardship” introduces? Do you see evidence of this problem in the way that churched culture interacts with the rest of creation? Explain.

(2) What are some of the key passages and observations that Bauckham and Davis draw from the Bible? In what ways do Wirzbaâ€s observations about food and eating reinforce Bauckhamâ€s and Davisâ€s arguments? Evaluate

(3) Woodley looks to some of his traditional resources to navigate ethical life in and with the rest of creation. Summarize and evaluate his argument. What does he offer that the usual Western frameworks that we tend to presume do not offer, especially when re-evaluating biblical testimony? Ethics and Creation Assignment


The response essay paper needs to be three to four (3-4) pages and MLA

From the perspectives of Richard Bauckham, Ellen Davis, Norman Wirzba, and Randy S. Woodley present a variety of perspectives that call into question conventional ways of thinking about the intricate relationship that exists between people and the natural environment. The purpose of this essay is to present a comprehensive study of their perspectives, with a particular focus on their dissatisfaction with conventional frameworks, significant biblical references, and proposals for reconsidering human connections with the environment. Ethics and Creation Assignment

Bauckham’s Critique of “Stewardship”

The use of the term “stewardship” is criticized by Bauckham due to the fact that it is essentially centered on humans and indicates a hierarchical relationship. It is his contention that taking this stewardship posture frequently fosters a view of human superiority in respect to the rest of the natural world, which in turn leads to the exploitation of the natural world and a disregard for ecological commitments (Davis, Ellen, Page 31). Without a doubt, there is undeniable evidence of this problem within religious communities, which can be seen in the inclination to prioritize human desires and aspirations over efforts to safeguard the environment. Deforestation, pollution, and the destruction of habitats are all examples of actions that reflect a belief in managing the environment rather than caring for it, which results in ongoing damage to the natural world (Davis, Ellen, Page 23). Ethics and Creation Assignment

Key Passages and Observations

The fundamental relationship that exists between humans and the natural world is brought to light by Bauckham and Davis through the utilization of a variety of biblical texts. The passage in Genesis 1:26–28 portrays humanity as a collaborator with God in the process of cultivating and tending to the soil. Davis highlights the existence of agricultural symbolism throughout the Bible, arguing that it conveys crucial theological insights on humanity’s dependence on the land and the significance of environmentally responsible farming methods (Bauckham, Richard, Page 29). Davis’s argument is supported by the fact that the Bible contains agricultural symbolism. The opinions that Wirzba has on food and eating are a supplement to the statements that Bauckham and Davis have made since they highlight the significance of mindful consumption and gratitude for the gifts that the earth has to provide. The emphasis that Wirzba places on the sacramental aspect of food is in line with the biblical concepts of stewardship and communal sharing, which strengthens the moral imperative to cultivate harmonious connections with the natural world. Ethics and Creation Assignment

Woodley’s Reinterpretation of Traditional Resources

In order to lead a life that is morally upright and in perfect harmony with the natural world, Woodley seeks the advice of traditional indigenous wisdom. Based on the fact that Western frameworks have an anthropocentric orientation and are disconnected from the earth, he provides a critical critique of these frameworks. An all-encompassing strategy that takes into account spirituality, ecology, and community is something that he advocates for. In his reevaluation of biblical witness, Woodley gives alternative perspectives on the responsibility that mankind bears as stewards of the world (Woodley, Randy, Page 45). These perspectives emphasize the significance of interconnection, reciprocal exchange, and appreciation for all living creatures. The current paradigms that place an emphasis on human superiority over the natural world are called into question by Woodley’s emphasis on marginalized voices and indigenous perspectives, which contributes to the enhancement of the discussion on environmental ethics. Ethics and Creation Assignment


Collectively, Bauckham, Davis, Wirzba, and Woodley offer a perspective that is both extensive and thorough on the relationship that exists between humanity and the natural world. They place an emphasis on the interdependence of ecological, theological, and ethical concerns. The limitations of human-centered viewpoints are explained by their criticisms of conventional frameworks, which also present opportunities for reconsidering human interactions with the environment. By combining the teachings of the Bible, ecological truths, and indigenous wisdom, they advocate for all approaches of environmental stewardship that prioritizes the relationship, reciprocal exchange, and profound respect for all living species (Wirzba, Norman Page 148). Despite the fact that their opinions contribute to the ongoing conversation about environmental ethics, they also raise questions about the practicability of putting their recommendations into action and the challenges of bringing together a variety of cultural and theological viewpoints in the context of the present day. Ethics and Creation Assignment

In a recap, Bauckham, Davis, Wirzba, and Woodley offer perspectives that provoke thought and call into question the frequently held assumptions regarding the influence that humanity possesses over the natural world. Readers are prompted to reexamine their moral responsibility toward the world and the people who live on it as a result of their reevaluation of biblical evidence and involvement in ecological issues. They instill optimism for a future that is both harmonious and environmentally feasible for all living species by triggering debate across a wide variety of fields of study and cultural practices from around the world. Ethics and Creation Assignment

Works Cited

Bauckham, Richard. Bible and ecology: Rediscovering the community of creation. 2009.

Davis, Ellen F. Scripture, culture, and agriculture: An agrarian reading of the Bible. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Wirzba, Norman. Food and faith: A theology of eating. Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Woodley, Randy. Shalom and the community of creation: An indigenous vision. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2012. Ethics and Creation Assignment

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