
Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper

Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper

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Cancer is a global health challenge affecting millions of people all over the world. Among the different forms of cancers in existence, breast cancer is one of the most prevalent. The incidence rates of breast cancer are high, and a holistic approach to care is necessary due to multifaceted treatment regimens and potential long-term effects (Watkins, 2019). Breast cancer diagnosis triggers physical, emotional, psychological, and financial challenges for patients and their families. The diagnosis warrants medical interventions and a comprehensive support system to enable patients to navigate the complexities of treatment decisions and foster coping. Understanding the dynamics of breast cancer requires focusing on aspects such as clinical, psychological, social, and systemic elements that help in shaping a patient’s journey. This research explores the landscape of breast cancer care, focusing on analyzing evidence-based practices and policy implications and proposing effective leadership strategies. The goal is to understand the nuances of breast cancer care and delineate actionable strategies that could help enhance patient outcomes and overall experiences.  Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper


Definition of the Selected Health Problem

The selected health problem for evaluation is breast cancer care. The problem is pervasive and affects millions of people worldwide. Breast cancer has several challenges encompassing its diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. Besides, this health issue not only impacts patients but also their families and the communities within which they reside. In this practicum, the focus will be on collaborating with breast cancer patients and their families to understand and address the complexities of their care journey. There are alarming statistics on breast cancer and its mortality rates, underscoring the need to address the issue with urgency. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer will cause 670,000 deaths globally in 2022 (Breast cancer, 2024). Roughly of these breast cancer incidences, half of the cases occur in women with no specific risk factors aside from the fact that they are women and age (Breast cancer, 2024). Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in 157 of 185 in 2022, and this warrants an understanding of this condition and its impact on individuals and communities (Breast cancer, 2024). Breast cancer occurs in each country in the world, with approximately 0.5-1% of breast cancer occurring in men (Breast cancer, 2024)Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper .

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, addressing breast cancer aligns with my professional ethos of promoting health equality and providing patient-centred care. Breast cancer care comprises a spectrum of interventions, from the management of symptoms to emotional support and education (Łukasiewicz et al., 2021). Through engaging with breast cancer patients and their families, applying evidence-based practices is needed. Also, it is imperative to advocate for reforms and provide compassionate care tailored to the patient’s individual needs. The problem is clinically relevant and resonates well with the values of nursing practice, emphasizing holistic care and advocacy for vulnerable groups.

Evidence Analysis

Existing research and literature on breast cancer provide invaluable care on nursing actions and interventions. There is a need for multidisciplinary care, patient education, and psychosocial support to improve breast cancer outcomes in patients. Different interventions for the condition include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapies, which align with observations seen in clinical settings (McDonald et al., 2016). When researching breast cancer, there is a need to analyze the reliability of data, which involves scrutinizing the study design, sample size, methodology, and funding sources. Also, evaluating conflict of interest is critical to evaluating the reliability and validity of the findings stated in the research (Cardoso et al., 2017). Another technique that will aid data and research analysis is cross-referencing, which, when done with reputable sources coupled with appraising study limitations, can help evaluate the credibility of the evidence acquired. Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper

There are specific barriers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in the care of breast cancer. Some barriers are limited resources, change resistance, and knowledge gaps among clinicians. Studies show a need for ongoing education and training programs to address the barriers and foster the integration of evidence-based guidelines into clinical practice. Research examining nursing standards and policies in breast cancer care shows positive outcomes, such as improved adherence to treatment, reduced complications, and enhanced satisfaction of patients (Cardoso et al., 2017). Mainly, policies promoting access to screening and early detection have contributed to early diagnosis of the condition and improved survival rates for breast cancer patients.

The current literature shows the role of nurses in policymaking to advance cancer care delivery and lower health disparities. The expertise of nurses in patient advocacy, education, and care coordination positions nurses as stakeholders in shaping policies and improving outcomes, preventing ailments, and reducing readmissions to health facilities. Various nursing theories and conceptual frameworks, such as the Roy Adaptation Model and Neuman Systems Model, provide critical frameworks that guide nursing practice in breast cancer care. The perspectives emphasize holistic evaluation, individualized care planning, and proactive management of patient needs (Cardoso et al., 2017). Thus, this aligns with the goals of my practicum experience. The theoretical foundations should be integrated into practice to enhance the quality of care and foster positive patient outcomes during the practicum. Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper

State Board Nursing Practice Standards

The state board of nursing practice standards, organizational policies, and governmental regulations are critical in shaping breast cancer care provision and overall outcomes. Adhering to standards not only makes sure that safe and quality care is provided but also facilitates the emergence of adequate practices. Thus, it would bring the desired consistency in the practice by the nurses (McDonald et al., 2016). One of instance is the regulations from the end of the state board about the requirements of licensure for nurses in oncology care services. Working on that it will help to avoid the situation when a nurse does not have the needed competencies for specialized care for breast cancer patients. Studies have demonstrated that nurses play a critical role in establishing good standards of nursing practice and in managing cancer care outcomes. Following the rules based on medical evidence ensures good selection of therapies, lowers the risk of complications, and thus leads to higher quality of care. One example goes like this: The implementation of the policies that force women to undergo breast cancer screening for the most part leads to the early detection of tumors and the high chances of survival among the affected.


Besides the facts the nurses play the pivotal role in shaping the policies which concern breast cancer patients’ outcomes. Through their competence in service delivery apart from care giving and research in policy formulation they push for and ensure interests of patients are protected, care is accessible and the overall system of nursing service delivery is improved. Multiple nurse-captained policy initiatives have been documented to have the capacity of building links, viability and reliability of support services for the patients and their loved ones by tackling the issue of treatment access (Watkins, 2019)Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper . Particularly are some of the nurse-led initiatives that have facilitated care integration and the promotion of optimized care.

Last but not least, local, regional and state permissions as well as legislations could affect the possible roles of nursing in fighting breast cancer. To illustrate, the federal government gives allocations to cancer investigations that may trigger the use of resources at the city and state level, and hence screening, treatment, and support services will be easily accessible. (Watkins, 2019). There might be new policies about reimburse rate that will affect the delivery process of oncology services and also make it hard to reach innovated medications and treatments for patients. As one of the core health-care professions, nurses demonstrate a rigorous application of their knowledge and skills to ensure the best possible experience for patients with breast cancer.

Leadership Strategies

Being an effective leader in breast cancer treatment with respect to outcomes and patient-centered care, is one of the most important issues that have to be considered. According to the research by Łukasiewicz et al. (2021), the main catalyst of improved patient care is the type of leadership that regards inspiring and empowering the teams of medical personnel as a top priority thing. Besides, this refers to establishing an ambience facilitating mutual cooperation and funding health professionals who directly involve patients and their families in collaborating with them at decision-making levels. An effective leader should prioritize patient advocacy and support and ensure that the people’s needs are addressed and comprehended effectively (Watkins, 2019). Mainly, this includes creating a culture where empathy and collaboration dominate. Leaders should champion evidence-based practices and continuous improvement initiatives for quality enhancement. Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper

Further, collaboration and communication are critical components for addressing challenges in breast cancer care. Leaders must promote an interdisciplinary framework, foster regular communication, and adopt knowledge-sharing approaches among health personnel. Open channels of communication with patients and their families are also integral to fostering an understanding of the patient’s concerns and preferences. Aside from that, change management is viewed as integral in improving breast cancer care (Watkins, 2019). Leaders should communicate effectively and explain some of the rationale behind the changes while ensuring adequate resources and support for the people to overcome resistance. When stakeholders are involved in decision-making processes, ownership, and success are likely to be attained. Effective leadership in breast cancer care entails inspiring teams, prioritizing patient-centered care, fostering communication and collaboration, and managing change skillfully. I aim to dedicate my practicum hours to working closely with healthcare teams and patients to gain valuable insights into addressing breast cancer.    Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper


Breast cancer is a rising menace in the world today that impacts people from all walks of life. The condition is prevalent among women. The condition, as argued, is a concern in most nations. Further research needs to be conducted on how to effectively handle patients and their families, considering that the diagnosis affects the physical and psychological facets. Addressing the diverse challenges of breast cancer requires an approach integrating evidence-based practice, policy advocacy, and effective leadership. Understanding the complex nature of cancer care and implementing techniques to improve outcomes allow nurses to make a difference in the lives of patients and families impacted by the disease. Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper


Breast cancer. (2024, March 13). World Health Organization (WHO).,out%20of%20185%20in%202022

Cardoso, F., Harbeck, N., Barrios, C., Bergh, J., Cortés, J., El Saghir, N., Francis, P., Hudis, C., Ohno, S., Partridge, A., Sledge, G., Smith, I., & Gelmon, K. (2017). Research needs in breast cancer. Annals of Oncology28(2), 208-217.

McDonald, E. S., Clark, A. S., Tchou, J., Zhang, P., & Freedman, G. M. (2016). Clinical diagnosis and management of breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine57(Supplement 1), 9S-16S.

Watkins, E. J. (2019). Overview of breast cancer. JAAPA32(10), 13-17.

Łukasiewicz, S., Czeczelewski, M., Forma, A., Baj, J., Sitarz, R., & Stanisławek, A. (2021). Breast cancer—Epidemiology, risk factors, classification, prognostic markers, and current treatment strategies—An updated review. Cancers13(17), 4287.


In a 5–7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective. Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours meeting with a patient, family, or group of your choice to explore the problem and, if desired, consulting with subject matter and industry experts. You will write as if you have met with a patient. Patient name is “Edith Rodriguez”, if you choose to add her name. I have attached the guided practicum sheet to help in preparation, also attached is the scenario to write about. I chose for you to write on CANCER. Lastly, is a detailed rubric. please answer and follow all competencies Evaluation Of Breast Cancer Care Health Problem Essay Paper


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