
People dream thinking that one day it will be fulfilled with our hard work

Miyazaki’s Kiki & Taymor’s Tempest
Dr. Peter Fields

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People dream thinking that one day it will be fulfilled with our hard work.

Kiki wearing the black dress made by her mother with same big red bow ribbon. She looks happy while riding her magic broom. She is on the way to delivering the gift given by the customer from shop. It’s a gift for her nephew birthday. She got good money from that customer for the delivery service. So, kiki agree to deliver the gift on the time and heading towards the boy home along with her cat jiji. While taking a flight she is in trouble by the strong wind and her cat jiji looks clumsy and about to fall from her magic broom. Below her we can see the beautiful scenario of village along with silent sea and blue sky. Kiki loves her work. She is very devoted to her work that even having a so many difficulties while delivering she complete her job. This shows that she is kind a stubborn sometime, but she has a passion to fulfill her dream fully. Throughout her delivery services, Kiki always puts the wants and interests of others before her own. She performs difficult tasks for the sake of others. In some instances, she flies far to different parts of the town to deliver a variety of goods. She even agrees to deliver a heavy parcel she can barely lift.


Forgiveness and Reconciliation healed broken relationship

Prospero holding her staff and is in defensive mode. Miranda was hiding behind the Prospero as she was scared and find the secure place behind the Prospero. They both are in the island cliff. It’s a day-time and can see blue sea behind them. Although Prospero learn that their deeds towards the others act as major stepping stone toward discovering their purpose in life. Modern people integrate their lives with romance in their lives to overcome tragedies that happened before. Prospero forgives his foes, and this paves way for Ferdinand to marry Miranda.

Most of it all is about losing, rediscovering, forgiving, reconciling, and creating their groove. They learn that discovering their purpose in life will help them become their former self, individuals full of goodwill and desire to help others. Prospero accepts that it is right to forgive his foes than to take revenge. The moment Ariel suggests if he was a human, he would feel sorry for his nobles, he immediately prompts Prospero to declare that he also has sympathy for them.


Maturity doesn’t measure by age

Since kiki broke her mother broom she cannot fly. So, she is trying to take a flight on common broom burrow from a street sweeper man. She is in the middle of the street and put her all energy, concentration and power to make the broom fly to save her friend Tombo. All she knows that her friends is in trouble, and she is the only one who can save him. seeing Town people are in shocked and curious seeing kiki, what she is trying to do? Finally, broom took her commands and ready to take a flight to save her friend. It shows that everything is possible in your life if you have positive feeling, practice and hard work to accomplish what you want in your life. Kiki is just a child who has a lots of dream but her dedication to her work prove there is no age limits to achieve your dream.


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