
Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper

Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper

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Final Project Milestone 2: Historical Context

Gender inequality is a persistent and deeply rooted social issue affecting women and LGBTQIA+ individuals. This issue has been recognized by organizations like Oxfam International, highlighting the biased treatment and discrimination these groups face in various aspects of life (Oxfam International, 2023). My interest in exploring gender as a social issue, stems from the need to understand the historical context and how it has been depicted in popular culture. To understand the impact of popular culture on social issues, it is crucial to examine the evolution of audience and social values over time. The past 50 years have witnessed significant changes in societal attitudes toward gender, with increasing recognition of the importance of equality and representation. Popular cultural artifacts, such as movies and music, have reflected and influenced these changes. Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper


Evolution of Gender Representation in Movies:

The movie industry has undergone significant transformations in its portrayal of gender roles and stereotypes. The quote, “Put some balls on that woman,” from Cannizzo and Strong (2020), reflects the gendered repertoires of inequality in screen composers’ careers. This quote suggests the persistence of gender bias in the film industry, where women may be expected to adopt traditionally masculine attributes to succeed. Over the years, movies have transitioned from reinforcing stereotypical gender norms to challenging and subverting them. Earlier films often perpetuated traditional gender roles, portraying women as damsels in distress or reinforcing the idea that men should be dominant. However, contemporary cinema has shifted toward more empowering gender portrayals. Female characters are increasingly depicted as strong, independent, and capable, challenging societal expectations (Santoniccolo et al., 2023). Films like “Wonder Woman” and “Mad Max: Fury Road” have challenged stereotypes, featuring strong and empowered female characters. This shift reflects a growing demand for authentic representation and narratives that break free from conventional gender norms. Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper

Evolution of Gender Representation in Music

Music has also played a crucial role in shaping and reflecting societal attitudes towards gender. The quote, “If we are habits, nothing but habits, is music a feminist failure?” from Macarthur (2022), questions the impact of music on feminist ideals. This quote prompts an exploration of whether music has contributed to or hindered the progress of gender equality. Historically, music has been criticized for perpetuating gender stereotypes, with lyrics often reinforcing traditional gender roles and objectifying women. However, as societal values have evolved, so has the music industry. Contemporary music reflects diverse voices, addressing gender equality, empowerment, and LGBTQIA+ rights. From the feminist anthems of the 1970s to contemporary artists challenging societal expectations, the music landscape has become a platform for expressing diverse perspectives on gender and identity. Artists like Beyoncé and Taylor Swift use their influence to advocate for gender equality, fostering conversations that resonate with evolving social values.


The analysis of movies and music over the past 50 years reveals a dynamic relationship between popular culture and evolving social values. While both categories have historically perpetuated gender stereotypes, contemporary expressions within these artifacts reflect a growing awareness and commitment to challenging traditional norms. As society progresses, popular culture continues to serve as a mirror, reflecting and influencing the ongoing conversation surrounding gender inequality. Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper



Cannizzo, F., & Strong, C. (2020). “Put some balls on that woman”: Gendered repertoires of inequality in screen composers’ careers. Gender, Work & Organization.

Macarthur, S. A. (2021). If we are habits, nothing but habits, is music a feminist failure? Journal of Music Research Online, p. 12.

Oxfam International. (2023, November 21). Gender justice and women’s rights. Oxfam International.

Santoniccolo, F., Trombetta, T., Paradiso, M. N., & Rollè, L. (2023). Gender and media representations: A review of the literature on gender stereotypes, objectification, and sexualization. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(10). Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper

Final Project Worksheet


In Week 5 you submit your Final Project; a 1,500-2,000-word essay. In Weeks 1 through 4 of the course, you work on Milestones that serve as building blocks for this project.


This worksheet is the Week 1 Milestone Assignment due by Day 7. Information gathered here will serve as a very rough draft for your introduction. Additionally, you will have started your research by gathering 3 credible sources and 2 quotes for later use.


Respond by typing directly into the boxes provided below. Please keep this worksheet as you will refer to it throughout the term. Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper


Choose one of the following social issues:

·         Race/ethnicity

·         Sexuality

·         Gender

·         Social and economic class

·         Violence

·         Indecency/free speech

My chosen issue is: Gender


Explain in 100-150 words why you are interested in this issue. This will serve as the rough draft to your final project introduction. Include one reference to an academically relevant source, either from our classroom, the Walden Library, or Google Scholar, that speaks to your interest in the issue. To correctly format the source, review APA guidelines at Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper


Today, gender inequality is an issue. It is actually one of the oldest and pervasive forms of inequality. According to Oxfam international, women and LGBTQIA+ people are treated unfairly and in a biased way by the government and social institutions. Some of the many ways this is done is by providing these people with fewer resources and giving them less power or influence. As children most of us are taught to treat everyone equally and to have the same rights but as we grow older no one is treated equally. As stated by Oxfam international gender inequality has caused discrimination for centuries. Samidha Pokharel states that discrimination is recognized as a form of inequality and that this discrimination can be seen worldwide.



Gender justice and women’s rights. Oxfam International. (2023, September 26).,to%20increasing%20gender%2Dbased%20violence.


Pokharel, Samidha 2008. Gender discrimination: Women perspectives, Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies, 5 (2): 80-87.




Select two of the following categories:

·         Episodic moving image (TV shows—may be broadcast or streamed)

·         Movies

·         Music

·         Music videos

·         Fashion

·         Advertising Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper

·         Animation (general animation/cartoons such as Disney or Warner Brothers, or genre-specific animation such as Japanese anime)

·         Food

·         Printed material (books, magazines, manga, comic books, or graphic novels)

·         Video games


My chosen categories are:


1.       movies


2.       music



Using the resources available in the classroom, the Walden Library, or Google Scholar, identify at least two quotes from credible sources that speak to your chosen issue AND one of the modern popular culture categories chosen above. Each quote should be ABOUT the category and the issue. These quotes will be the start of your research for your final project. Include full bibliographic details for your sources. To correctly format the source, review APA guidelines at Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper
Quote 1 about my issue and my first category:

“Put some balls on that woman”



Source information:

Cannizzo, F., & Strong, C. (2020). ‘Put some balls on that woman’: Gendered repertoires of inequality in screen composers’ careers. Gender, Work & Organization27(6), 1346-1360.


Quote 2 about my issue and my second category:

“If we are habits, nothing but habits, is music a feminist failure?”


Source information:

Macarthur, S. A. (2022). If we are habits, nothing but habits, is music a feminist failure?. Journal of Music Research Online12. Retrieved from


Last week you researched the history of your popular culture artifacts. You also examined the audience for your popular culture artifacts and how each affected the other. This week you look at how access to popular culture affects society. Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper


To prepare:

Review your two chosen popular culture artifacts/expressions.
Review your Final Project Worksheet from Week 1 and any feedback received.
Consider the following:
How does the distribution mechanism control the issues addressed in the artifactsâ€/expressions†content?
Determine who controls the distribution of your chosen popular culture artifacts/elements.
In what ways does the controller of distribution affect the shared experience of the audience and community? Keep in mind that a community may be local, regional, national, or global. Be specific in your discussion. Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper

Submit a 400- to 500-word essay that addresses these questions as they relate to your chosen popular culture artifacts/expressions. Be sure to include:

At least three academically relevant sources.

Provided readings

Holt, D. & Cameron, D. (2012). Fuse Music Television: Challenging incumbents with cultural jujitsu. Download Fuse Music Television: Challenging incumbents with cultural jujitsu. In Cultural strategy: Using innovative ideologies to build breakthrough brands (pp. 245–264). New York: Oxford University Press.

This reading is from a book called Cultural Strategy about innovative and insurgent marketing strategies for popular culture. The book addresses how popular culture finds and develops its audience and at the same time can restrict the development of new popular culture distribution organizations. The book as a whole includes discussions of everything from Nike, to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, to branding social innovation. The selection above is about how a music video channel, Fuse, took on the giant MTV (Music Television) in an effort to reach the audience MTV originally appealed to: people who want to watch music videos, not reality shows or adult-themed cartoons. Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper

Cultural Strategy: Using Innovative Ideologies to Build Breakthrough Brands, by Holt, D.; Cameron, D. Copyright 2012 by Oxford University Press – Books (US & UK). Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press – Books (US & UK) via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Federal Communications Commission Consumer Help Center. (n.d.). Obscene, indecent, and profane broadcasts Links to an external site.. Retrieved from

The following websites may be helpful throughout this course by demonstrating ways of analyzing pop culture texts as artifacts.

Critical Media Project Links to an external site.. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Pop Matters. Links to an external site.(2015). Retrieved from
USC Annenberg. (2014). Media, diversity, & social change initiative Links to an external site.. Retrieved from Gender And Media Representations Discussion Paper


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