
Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper

Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper

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  • Respond to your colleagues’ posts and provide additional insight that might be useful and appropriate for the issue addressed. Use your learning resources and/or evidence from the literature to support your position. NEED 2 Scholarly References APA Format. Colleagues Post below RESOURCES
  • Schuiling, K. D., & Likis, F. E. (2022). Gynecologic healthcare (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.
    • Chapter 29, “Gynecologic Cancers” (pp. 569-597)
    • Chapter 30, “Chronic Pelvic Pain” (pp. 601-616) Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper


  • van Dijk, G. M., Kavousi, M., Troup, J., & Franco, O. H. (2015). Health issues for menopausal women: The top 11 conditions have common solutionsLinks to an external site.. Maturitas, 80(1), 24–30.
  • North American Menopause Society. (2020). Sexual health & menopause.Links to an external site.



As you review the following resources, you may want to include a topic in the search area to gather detailed information (e.g., breast cancer screening guidelines; CDC – for zika in pregnancy, etc.).

  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).Links to an external site.(2020).
  • American Cancer Society, Inc. (ACS). (2020). Information and Resources about Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin.Links to an external site.
  • American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). Lead the profession to share the future of nursing and health care.Links to an external site.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC). (n.d.). CDC in action.Links to an external site.
  • HealthyPeople 2030. (2020). Healthy People 2030 Framework.Links to an external site.
  • The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). (2020). What’s Happening at your association.Links to an external site.https://www Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper

 Week 7 Bladder Issues Main Post

Bladder issues for a female can be very stressful and loss of control. A woman’s body goes through a lot; some female issues are easily resolved, and others can be more significant challenges. Urinary incontinence (UI) is the inability to hold one’s urine or leakage that occurs involuntarily (Kopańska et al., 2020). There are many different forms of UI, but I will focus on the following three UI: stress incontinence, bedwetting, and bladder cancer, which will be discussed in this assignment.

  • Stress incontinence (SI) occurs due to increased pressure on the intraabdominal wall (Anand et al., 2021). For women who are pregnant and in childbirth, obesity can be a factor of stress incontinence; age is also one of the most common factors (Anand et al., 2021). The bladder has a couple of functions. One of the functions is to store the urine that the kidneys produce. The other function of the bladder is to contract and move the urine down the urethra. The sphincter muscle regulates how much urine comes from the bladder (Anand et al., 2021). When your bladder is ready to be emptied, your neurological system recognizes it and signals the sphincter to relax, letting you urinate. Stress incontinence can happen when the pelvic organs such as the bladder, vagina, uterus, and rectum—are under any abdominal tension. Those with this disorder may experience it through laughing, coughing, sneezing, exercising, straining, constipation, or simply walking or climbing stairs (Anand et al., 2021). Diagnosing the patient with SI is based on the physical exam and obtaining the history. Before surgery is introduced, the patient can learn how to do Kegel exercises, retrain the bladder, lose weight, and take Ditropan to treat SI (Anand et al., 2021). However, it must be remembered that not all candidates are suitable for surgery. Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper
  • Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is what it says: urinating in the bed. It is known that children will experience this disorder; however, if an adult is experiencing it, it is a problem that needs attention (Akhavizadegan et al., 2019). Causes of bedwetting can be an overactive bladder, UTI, increased BMI (overweight), intake of caffeine products, alcoholic beverages, too much production of urine such as diabetes insipidus, and medications such as psych drugs or sleeping medication. Uroflowmetry, urinalysis, urine culture, and post-void residual urine measurement can be considered to help diagnose this disorder (Akhavizadegan et al., 2019). The purpose of uroflowmetry is to measure urine flow by keeping track of the amount, time, and speed at which urine flows out (Song et al., 2022). Urinalysis is used to check for infections and anything else concerning the urinary tract (Ahkavizadegan et al., 2019). The urine culture is to see if there are bacteria or yeast in the urine, and the post-void residual urine measurement is to check for the volume of pee that remains in your bladder after urinating is measured by this test (Ajkavizadegan et al., 2019). The patient should reduce intake of fluids before bedtime, refrain from caffeinated products at bedtime, urinate before bed, keep a 3-7 day diary, and consider changing their diet and exercise if overweight. Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper
  • Bladder cancer originates in the bladder lining (Gupta et al., 2023). Bladder cancer is not overwhelmingly found in females like it is in males, but it does happen. Bladder cancer happens when it is an overgrowth of cells which a tumor develops, leading to bladder cancer. Smoking has been found to be an issue with patients being diagnosed with bladder cancer. Other causative factors are chemicals like being at work, age, gender, and hereditary (Gupta et al., 2023). Symptoms are hematuria, incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent trips to the restroom to urinate, dysuria, and straining to urinate. A cystoscopy is the gold standard to use to diagnose bladder cancer. An image of the bladder lining and the lower urinary system is obtained during a cystoscopy. Other tests are a CT scan, MRI, ultrasound imaging, a biopsy, and intravenous pyelogram. The CT scan is to determine staging, suggested therapy, and whether bladder cancer has metastasized to other regions of the body. The CT scan is used to locate kidney or bladder obstructions. The MRI is to determine the severity of the tumor and to see if the cancer has metastasized. The MRI will give better-quality images. Ultrasound imaging is used to measure the bladder and look at the bladder and kidneys. An intravenous pyelogram looks at the injected dye to see it traveling through the urinary tract and to view any anomalies. The IP helps observe minor cancerous areas and the upper urinary tract; it is beneficial for examining the kidneys, ureters, and bladder in detail. Depending on the patient’s current status, various treatments can be applicable, including surgery, medication, and radiation therapy. The first line of treatment for eliminating the malignant tissue involves an operation, which may involve a radical cystectomy or transurethral resection. Chemotherapy can target cancer cells and prevent them from growing or spreading intravesically or systemic. Biological therapy, called immunotherapy, aims to activate the immune system to identify and combat cancerous cells. High-energy radiation can also be used in radiation therapy to target and kill cancer cells (Gupta et al., 2023). A treatment plan specifically customized for the patient may include a combination of various modalities to increase efficacy and enhance results based on the particulars associated with the cancer and the patient’s general condition. Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper

Any of these bladder disorders can be taxing on the patient. Isolating themselves from socializing due to embarrassment and emotional distress is stressful. Adjusting one’s life may take time, and knowing how to live with the particular diagnosis of urinary incontinence may take time.



Akhavizadegan, H., Locke, J. A., Stothers, L., & Kavanagh, A. (2019). A comprehensive review of adult enuresis. Canadian Urological Association Journal13(8), 282-287. to an external site.

Anand, A., Khan, S. M., & Khan, A. A. (2021). Stress urinary incontinence in females. Diagnosis and treatment modalities – past, present and the future. Journal of Clinical Urology. to an external site.

Gupta, R., Khan, S. M., Mahajan, M., Sharma, P., & Mahajan, A. (2023). Urinary Bladder Carcinoma in Females: A Clinico-Pathological Assessment. Cureus15(5). to an external site.

Kopańska, M., Torices, S., Czech, J., Koziara, W., Toborek, M., & Dobrek, Ł. (2020). Urinary incontinence in women: Biofeedback as an innovative treatment method. Therapeutic Advances in Urology. to an external site.

Song, Q., Li, J., Gu, Y., Xu, L., Abrams, P., & Xue, W. (2022). The Clinical Features and Predictive Factors of Nocturnal Enuresis in Adult Women. Frontiers in Medicine8, 744214. to an external site.

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Hi, I concur with you that Urinary incontinence (UI) is one of the most common bladder problems that affect women, leading to anxiety and lack of control. Ladies’s bodies do alter with time, and managing these problems calls for a thorough grasp of the many types of user interfaces (Halaseh et al., 2022). As these disorders require specialized attention and customized interventions, I think that your focus on stress incontinence (SI), bedwetting, and bladder cancer is appropriate. Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper


As you correctly noted, stress incontinence is caused by increased pressure on the intraabdominal wall and is influenced by several circumstances, including age, obesity, pregnancy, and childbirth (Saginala et al., 2020). It is true that when you laugh, cough, or exercise, your pelvic organs are more susceptible to abdominal stress and can cause unintentional leaking. It is important to bring up non-surgical therapies such as Ditropan, Kegel exercises, weight loss, and bladder retraining. Understanding that surgery might not be appropriate for every patient is crucial to handling this type of UI holistically.

In addition, the discussion on bedwetting highlights a prevalent but frequently disregarded problem by highlighting the fact that it does not only affect kids. It is helpful to have an extensive list of possible causes, which includes overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, elevated body mass index, and specific drugs. I agree with your suggested diagnostic techniques, which include post-void residual urine measurement, uroflowmetry, urinalysis, and urine culture. Effective care of this illness also benefits from patients’ practical counsel to cut back on fluids before bed, abstain from caffeine, urinate before bed, keep a journal, and think about changing their lifestyles to lose weight as described by Halaseh et al. (2022). Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper

Moreover, a crucial addition to the discussion is the examination of bladder cancer in women. I agree that smoking, toxins in the workplace, age, gender, and genetics can all contribute to bladder cancer, even though it is more common in men (Scarneciu et al., 2021). The symptoms that have been identified, like haematuria, incomplete bladder emptying, and frequent urine, offer important information for early identification. The wide range of diagnostic procedures, such as intravenous pyelogram, ultrasound imaging, CT scan, MRI, biopsy, and cystoscopy, offers a complete method to confirm the diagnosis and assess the severity of the illness. Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper

According to Saginala et al. (2020), it is quite instructive to read the thorough explanation of bladder cancer treatment alternatives, which include radiation therapy, medicine, and surgery. I agree that a customized treatment strategy is important, taking the patient’s unique condition into account. The mention of radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy emphasizes the multimodal approach to treating this complicated illness.

In conclusion, the main essay deftly tackles the complex nature of female bladder issues, including bedwetting, stress incontinence, and bladder cancer. The comprehension of these disorders is improved by the inclusion of non-surgical therapies, useful lifestyle tips, and a thorough summary of diagnostic and therapeutic alternatives. Living with a bladder problem can be extremely exhausting, and the fact that it may affect socialization and emotional health emphasizes how crucial it is to provide comprehensive care and support to those who are dealing with these issues. Gynecologic Health Care Assignment Essay Paper


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