Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper
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Write My Essay For MeHabilitative and rehabilitative program is essential to children and even youths with developmental disorders. For instance, children presenting with deviation, cessation, or slowing in development are the target group. In addition, children who have suffered from permanent or temporary loss or reduction in functioning due to secondary illnesses. Through habilitative programs, the children learn, keep, and improve their skills and also operations for daily living. On the other hand, rehabilitative services assist the person in keeping, improving, and getting back to normal functioning. Habilatitaive and rehabilitative programs may include occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, and physical therapy (Teleman et al., 2021). Physical and occupational therapy are the most important in healthcare settings since the other aspect of speech-language therapy are taught in early childhood. There are huge costs that come with this program since there is no standard duration that is known for a child or an adolescent to be fully equipped to live a normal life. Additionally, the expected outcomes include reducing or slowing down the disabling effects of the health condition (Sacristán, 2015)Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper. The affected persons in this case are equipped with life skills and strategies together with assertive products that they need for addressing complications and pain.
Target population
My target population includes children between 5-14 years. These groups of children are important because they are at the age of trying to make their bodies function. In addition, at this age the bodies are still not fully developed hence training the children on physical and occupational therapies will be ideal. This population is also important because the therapies made and the outcomes achieved will live with them for a lifetime. Therefore, it is a crucial stage in the life of the target population since failing to give them adequate therapies will mean they live with extremely disabling affects their entire life. For example, having these programs will equip children with important skills such as walking abilities, emotional improvement, visual improvements, and body coordination that will help them learn in school, sports, and other leisure activities (Tummers, 2014)Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper. Also, children at this age can be taught adaptive technology that can be important to their life in social activities and also in classwork.
Nurse role
As a nurse, there is a huge role in enhancing habilitative and rehabilitative programs. One crucial role is enhancing physical therapy. A nurse will be able to identify participation restrictions and activity limitations among children and especially ones related to neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and integumentary systems (Røe et al., 2022). In addition, a nurse will be able to identify the negative effect of a child’s environment and personal factors in relation to the specific condition. In addition, as a nurse, I will help enhance occupation through therapy among the affected children. This will include offering therapies to children to help them participate in daily activities and also help children survive in several environments such as school, home, community, and work (American Nurses Association, 2018)Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper. The children that need therapy can be identified by the nurse through the support of caregivers, physicians, and care teams.
Once a caregiver or parents or even a physician requests a nurse to take a child through the therapeutic process the nurse has to clinically evaluate the children’s condition in terms of intensity, frequency, and type. As a nurse, I will be responsible for making referrals to patients if their conditions are more complex. This can include taking them for more tests and evaluations from specialists to understand the complexities of their condition (Milstead, 2019)Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper. In addition, as a nurse, I will be responsible for prescribing appropriate medications to children according to their conditions and the symptoms being presented.
Nurse advocate
As a nurse advocate it is my duty to ensure my target population accesses the services, according to the set policies and regulations in the hospital, state, and federal agencies. I will act as a liaison between the physicians, patients care facilities (Milstead, 2019). For example, as the advocate for my patients, I will walk them to the doctor’s room and help them express their issues comfortably. In addition, I will take the initiative of explaining to them the reason and type of medications added to their initial prescriptions. Also, I will be there to help my patients navigate complex healthcare departments and systems. Input into design decisions will be crucial in advocating for my target patients (American Nurses Association, 2018). Important designs such as user-focused designs and activity-focused designs will be applied in decisions making.
Role of the Nurse in healthcare program implementation
Nurses are crucial in program implementation. They are pivotal in coordinating care across multiple nurses and care providers to patients with multiple needs. In addition, nurses help in assisting a patient through the transition period of the patient from hospital environments to other settings. Also, nurses have a critical role in informing and making follow-ups with patients after they have returned home (Milstead, 2019)Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper. For example, a nurse has a duty of reporting the daily, weekly, or monthly progress of the patient to the physician, facility, and even to the patient’s family.
Members of the healthcare team
Important members of the healthcare team that will be influential in advancing this program. Influential members include physicians, psychiatrists, orthopedists, nutritionists, lab technologists, physical and psychological therapists, and pharmacists among others.
American Nurses Association (ANA). (2018). Advocacy Links to an external site. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/
Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Røe, C., Bautz-Holter, E., Andelic, N., Søberg, H. L., Nugraha, B., Gutenbrunner, C., Boekel, A., Kirkevold, M., Engen, G., & Lu, J. (2022). Organization of Rehabilitation Services in Randomized Controlled Trials: Which Factors Influence Functional Outcome? A Systematic Review. Archives of rehabilitation research and clinical translation, 4(2), 100197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arrct.2022.100197
Sacristán, J., & Dilla, T. D. (2015). No big data without small data: Learning health care systems begin and end with the individual patient links to an external site. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21(6), 1014–1017.
Teleman, B., Vinblad, E., Svedberg, P., Nygren, J. M., & Larsson, I. (2021). Exploring Barriers to Participation in Pediatric Rehabilitation: Voices of Children and Young People with Disabilities, Parents, and Professionals. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(19), 10119. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910119
Tummers, L., & Bekkers, V. (2014). Policy implementation, street-level bureaucracy, and the importance of discretion links to an external site. Public Management Review, 16(4), 527–547 Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper.
As their names imply, the honeyguide bird and the honey badger both share an affinity for honey. Honeyguide birds specialize in finding beehives but struggle to access the honey within. Honey badgers are well-equipped to raid beehives but cannot always find them. However, these two honey-loving species have learned to collaborate on an effective means to meet their objectives. The honeyguide bird guides honey badgers to newly discovered hives. Once the honey badger has ransacked the hive, the honey guide bird safely enters to enjoy the leftover honey.
Much like honeyguide birds and honey badgers, nurses and health professionals from other specialty areas can—and should—collaborate to design effective programs. Nurses bring specialties to the table that make them natural partners to professionals with different specialties. When nurses take the requisite leadership in becoming involved throughout the healthcare system, these partnerships can better design and deliver highly effective programs that meet objectives.
In this Assignment, you will practice this type of leadership by advocating for a healthcare program. Equally as important, you will advocate for a collaborative role of the nurse in the design and implementation of this program. To do this, assume you are preparing to be interviewed by a professional organization/publication regarding your thoughts on the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
Required Reading
- Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide(6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- Chapter 5, “Public Policy Design” (pp. 87–95 only)
- Chapter 8, “The Impact of EHRs, Big Data, and Evidence-Informed Practice” (pp. 137–146)
- Chapter 9, “Interprofessional Practice” (pp. 152–160 only)
- Chapter 10, “Overview: The Economics and Finance of Health Care” (pp. 183–191 only)Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper
- American Nurses Association (ANA). (n.d.). Advocacy Links to an external site.. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/advocacy/
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Step by step: Evaluating violence and injury prevention policies: Brief 4: Evaluating policy implementation Links to an external site.. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/injury/pdfs/policy/Brief%204-a.pdf
- gov Links to an external site.. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.congress.gov/
- Klein, K. J., & Sorra, J. S. (1996). The challenge of innovation implementation Links to an external site.. Academy of Management Review, 21(4), 1055–1080.
- Sacristán, J., & Dilla, T. D. (2015). No big data without small data: Learning health care systems begin and end with the individual patient Links to an external site.. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21(6), 1014–1017.
- Tummers, L., & Bekkers, V. (2014). Policy implementation, street level bureaucracy, and the importance of discretion Links to an external site.. Public Management Review, 16(4), 527–547 Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper.
To Prepare:
- Review the Resources and reflect on your thinking regarding the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
- Select a healthcare program within your practice and consider the design and implementation of this program.
- Reflect on advocacy efforts and the role of the nurse in relation to healthcare program design and implementation.
The Assignment: (2–4 pages)
In a 2- to 4-page paper, create an interview transcript of your responses to the following interview questions: Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper
- Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?
- Who is your target population?
- What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
- What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
- What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
- Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why? Habilitative And Rehabilitative Program Essay Discussion Paper
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