
Healthcare Policy Essay Assignment Discussion

Healthcare Policy Essay Assignment Discussion

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Healthcare Policy Public policy is the involvement of the U.S government in the fitness disaster that wished responses or intervention towards the healthcare problem (Baird, 1998). The nurses are at the front of healthcare hassle. They are the first-rate humans that can inform personal tales of their patients’ health trouble to the interest of the legislators and policymakers, they mentioned that healthcare policy obstacles encompass crises, media, political ideology, private experience, research, distinctive pastime groups, constituents, market forces, and fiscal pressures (Baird, 1998)Healthcare Policy Essay Assignment Discussion.


They additionally referred to that nurses want to be worried about the policy technique because they are the professionals in health care, and their voices count towards healthcare policy. Nurse indeed has many non-public experiences that draw attention to policymakers which can affect the health policy. As a psych nurse and a member of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA), we have a union consultant at my unit that takes our concerns and problems to the union. The union then views and debates the problem if it is a problem that wishes the attention of the local, country, or federal authorities that can impact the health policy. They emphasized that healthcare experts want three fundamental factors to affect fitness care policy. The first component they stated is evidence-based, which consists of experiences and personal memories of the patient. Secondly, a verbal exchange involves how healthcare professionals address the fitness troubles to the policymakers. Finally, the relationship or involvement we as health professionals have with our congressional lawmakers can affect the fitness policy (Hanrahan, 2011)Healthcare Policy Essay Assignment Discussion.

Nurse-Patient Ratio Nurse-patient ratios have been a trouble in the nursing profession for decades. The elements of each nurse about the dangerous working environment for nurses, nurses’ burnout, poor patients care, nurse shortage, and the threat of medicinal drug errors draw the attention of policymakers. According to American Nurses Association (ANA) stated that there is a federal regulation, forty-two Code of Federal Regulations (42CFR 482.23(b)), that binds hospitals to present sufficient nursing personnel to care for all sufferers as needed. Although, there is still a policy that ANA is attempting for Congress to skip a federal regulation called “The Registered Nurse Staffing Act.” This act will create a secure work environment for nurses and permit nurses to provide first-class high-quality patient care (Kelly et al., 2014). At the psych unit where I worked, nurses worked quickly almost every shift, and some nurses worked double shifts, which shows in the nurses’ performance that they had overworked themselves. Many medical drug mistakes were noted, including terrible patient care, more assault on the workforce due to work stress, and extra restraint use. The unit staffing grid is nurse-patient ratio; day shift 1:5, PM shift 1:6, Nightshift 1:9. Regardless of the acuity of the unit, the ratio stayed the same (Hanrahan, 2011)Healthcare Policy Essay Assignment Discussion.

Workplace Violence has been a psych nurse working at the behavioral health unit for nearly three years. Considered colleague assaulted with the aid of the affected person, and some group of workers damaged put a quit their profession because they had been hurting badly. Working with intellectual health unit immediate group of workers to a place of business violence and assault from an intellectual fitness patient than working in other units. There is an excessive charge of violence in inpatient psychiatric devices, and mostly 80% of violence or assault is toward mental fitness professionals (Thomas, 2013). Due to workplace violence in the psych unit, psych nurses, behavioral techs, and other health professionals have a scarcity. At the facility, there is no stationed safety guard at the psych unit. So, suppose any issues or assault arise. If any violence occurred, the nurses called a “code white” for protection guards to come to the unit; the team of workers or patients might get hurt earlier than the safety arrived at the unit. Also, the assaulted nurses can file a report through the police against such patients. Nurses’ voices need to be heard about administrative center violence to our lawmakers to assist a federal and national law that will guard health care gurus against assault from patients (Thomas, 2013)Healthcare Policy Essay Assignment Discussion.

However, the window of probability strategy needs to be used to create an answer and reduce place of job violence toward healthcare specialists for patients’ first-rate care.



Baird, K. L. (1998). Governing Health: the Politics of Health Policy. Carol S. Weissert and William G. Weissert. Baltimore, MD:Johns Hopkins University Press,1996, 361 pp. US$45.00 cloth. ISBN 0-8018-5265-X. US$24.95 paper. ISBN 0-8018-5266-8. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2715 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218-4319, USA. Politics and the Life Sciences, 17(2), 215–216.

Hanrahan, N. P. (2011). Psychiatric Nurse Staffing in Hospitals. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 18(1), 27–29.

Kelly, E. L., Subica, A. M., Fulginiti, A., Brekke, J. S., & Novaco, R. W. (2014). A cross-sectional survey of factors related to inpatient assault of staff in a forensic psychiatric hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(5), 1110–1122.

Thomas, P. L. (2013). Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives for Advanced Nursing Practice (5th ed.), by W. K. Cody (Ed.). (Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2013). Nursing Science Quarterly, 26(2), 199–201. Healthcare Policy Essay Assignment Discussion

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