
HIM FPX 4610 Assessment 6 Health Topic Presentation

HIM FPX 4610 Assessment 6 Health Topic Presentation

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HIM FPX 4610 Assessment 6 Health Topic Presentation

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Capella University

HIM FPX 4610 Medical Terminology

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Health Topic Presentation

Good morning! I am ___, and I want to express my gratitude to all of you for being here today. I have the privilege of discussing a crucial health topic with you. The focus of our presentation is pre-eclampsia, a serious and potentially dangerous complication associated with high blood pressure during pregnancy. Before we delve into the details, I’d like to share a personal story with you, if that’s alright.

Upon discovering I was expecting, the excitement for my first child was palpable. However, given my history of multiple miscarriages, there was an underlying fear. Being classified as a high-risk pregnancy, I underwent monitoring at the high-risk clinic, which provided some comfort. Following an early ultrasound, I experienced heavy bleeding, causing concern about a potential miscarriage. Subsequent ultrasounds assured me that everything was fine, although the cause of the bleeding remained unknown. After two months, the bleeding stopped, but my blood pressure began to rise, leading to weekly appointments and a series of medical tests.

HIM FPX 4610 Assessment 6 Health Topic Presentation

Despite two 24-hour urine catches showing no protein in my urine, other alarming symptoms emerged, such as difficulty breathing when lying flat, facial and lip swelling, extreme fatigue, and distressing dreams. Expressing these concerns to my physician, I was reassured that such symptoms were normal during pregnancy. Fast forward to my 28th week, during a routine appointment, the doctor’s expression revealed concern while monitoring my baby’s heartbeat. A plan for an ultrasound the following week and potential admission for elevated blood pressure was outlined. However, I never made it to the next week.

Two days later, feeling unwell, I was taken to the emergency department, subsequently transferred to labor and delivery, and eventually underwent a life-saving crash c-section. This experience resulted in my daughter being born prematurely at 29 weeks and 4 days, facing significant health challenges, including traumatic brain injury, global developmental delay, autism, cortical vision impairment, and non-verbal communication.

Now, twelve years later, I stand before you, having turned this challenging experience into a calling by becoming a nurse. My daughter, despite her challenges, has remarkable potential. This journey has fueled my commitment to raising awareness about pre-eclampsia. Now, let’s proceed with our presentation.

What Causes Preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure, often accompanied by fluid retention and proteinuria (protein in urine). This condition arises due to improper placental development, impacting blood vessels.


The condition originates in the placenta, the organ nourishing the fetus, where issues with blood circulation arise. Typically beginning after 20 weeks of pregnancy, untreated pre-eclampsia can be fatal for both the mother and the fetus.

Signs & Symptoms

Monitoring for signs such as high blood pressure, proteinuria, decreased platelets, elevated liver enzymes, severe headaches, vision changes, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, swelling, and nausea is crucial. Diagnosis may not always involve noticeable symptoms, emphasizing the importance of promptly reporting any changes during pregnancy to healthcare providers.

Risk Factors

Various risk factors include in vitro fertilization, obesity, maternal age, autoimmune disorders, kidney disease, diabetes, chronic high blood pressure, multiple pregnancies, previous preeclampsia, and family history. Women with a history of preeclampsia are at a sevenfold increased risk in subsequent pregnancies (Duckitt, 2016).


Preeclampsia poses serious complications for both mother and fetus, ranging from cardiovascular disease to respiratory distress and death. HELLP syndrome, a severe complication, requires urgent medical attention, with mortality rates up to 24% for women and up to 37% for perinatal deaths (van Lieshout, 2019).

Fetal Complications

Fetal complications encompass hypoxia, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, neurological deficits, cerebral palsy, and cardiovascular disease.


Preeclampsia is diagnosed if high blood pressure occurs at or after 20 weeks of pregnancy, along with one or more factors such as proteinuria, low platelet count, elevated liver enzymes, pulmonary edema, vision changes, headaches, and signs of kidney problems.


Screening involves urine analysis, blood tests (CBC), ultrasound for fetal growth monitoring, non-stress tests, and biophysical profiles to assess the baby’s well-being.


Delivery or management until safe delivery is the primary treatment. Medications may be prescribed for severe cases, including antihypertensives, magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures, and corticosteroids for fetal lung development.


Low-dose aspirin after 12 weeks of pregnancy is recommended for those with moderate or high-risk factors. Regular monitoring for 72 hours post-delivery is advised, either at home or in the hospital (Leeman, 2016).


Early diagnosis and management can lead to a positive outcome for both mother and baby. Regular prenatal appointments and reporting any changes promptly are crucial. African American women face higher case fatality rates related to preeclampsia, emphasizing the need for equitable access to prenatal care (Henderson, 2017).


High-risk pregnant women should seek support from organizations like the Preeclampsia Foundation ( and March of Dimes (888-MODIMES) to gain knowledge, encouragement, and awareness about pregnancy-related conditions.


Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication with signs including high blood pressure, proteinuria, and organ damage. Open communication with healthcare providers is vital for monitoring this condition, as untreated cases can lead to serious complications and even death.


Duckitt, K., & Harrington, D. (2005). Risk factors for pre-eclampsia at antenatal booking: Systematic review of controlled studies. British Medical Journal, 330(7491), 565. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from [In-text Citation]

Henderson, J. T., Thompson, J. H., Burda, B. U., Cantor, A., Beil, T., & Whitlock, E. P. (2017). Screening for Preeclampsia: A Systemic Evidence Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence synthesis no. 148. AHRQ publication no. 14-05211-EF-1. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

HIM FPX 4610 Assessment 6 Health Topic Presentation

Leeman, L., Dresang, L. T., & Fontaine, P. (2016). Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. American Family Physician, 93(2), 121-127. Retrieved November 15, 2018, from

Van Lieshout, L. C. E. W., Koek, G. H., Spaanderman, M. A., & van Runnard Heimel, P. J. (2019). Placenta-derived factors involved in the pathogenesis of the liver in the syndrome of haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP): A review. Pregnancy Hypertens.

Walani, S. R. (2020). Global burden

of preterm

birth. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 150(1), 31-33.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, et al. (2021). Aspirin use to prevent preeclampsia and related morbidity and mortality: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. JAMA. https://doi:10.1001/jama.2021.14781.

HIM FPX 4610 Assessment 6 Health Topic Presentation

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