
HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 3 Lesson from History

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 3 Lesson from History

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HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 3 Lesson from History

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Capella University

HIS FPX 1150 U.S. History: How the Past Informs the Present

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Lessons from History

History teaches us many lessons and guides us to make decisions in the present and future. Although many events in the History of the U.S. have given us lessons on how to work in the future, this presentation focuses on women’s rights.

Chosen Issue and Primary Research Question

One issue that could be examined is the fight for women’s suffrage in the United States. The main research question could be: What are some of the ongoing concerns regarding women’s rights in the US that are reminiscent of those that prompted the suffrage movement, despite some progress being made in this area?

Sub Questions

Sub Questions
Is there equal treatment for men and women in the workplace?
Have opportunities and perceptions for women improved?
Are women holding significant positions in shaping public policy?
What is the current role of women in politics in the United States?
How would leaders from the suffrage movement view women’s rights today?

By answering these sub-questions, we can gain a better understanding of how suffragists were able to successfully advocate for their rights and ultimately achieve their goal of gaining the right to vote.


The fight for women’s suffrage in the United States was long and challenging; that began in the mid-19th century and concluded with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920. Understanding this historical event and its long-term impact requires a comprehensive analysis of various aspects, including the social, political, and cultural context of the time, the key individuals and groups involved, and the strategies and tactics employed to achieve the goal of women’s suffrage.

Credibility of Resources

  • Addams, J. (1915). Modern History Sourcebooks: Jane Addams: Why Women Should Vote, 1915. Retrieved from:
  • Walton, M. (N.D). A Woman’s War. Retrieved from:’s-war/
  • Interchange: Women’s suffrage, the Nineteenth Amendment, and the right to vote. (2019). Journal of American History, 106(3), 662–694.
  • Miller G. (2008). Women’s suffrage, political responsiveness, and child survival in American history. The quarterly journal of Economics, 123(3), 1287–1327.

Causes and Long-term Impacts

Women’s suffrage is the term used to describe the legal right of women to participate in elections by casting their vote. Historically, women were not allowed to vote in many societies, including ancient Greece and Rome as well as some early European democracies (Britannica, 2023). In the United States, it took nearly a century of activism and campaigning for women to finally win this right ( Editors, n.d.).

One significant long-term effect of women’s suffrage has been greater political equality between men and women. As more women became eligible to vote, their numbers at the polls grew steadily. Research has also shown that after American women gained the right to vote, there was a decrease in child mortality rates by up to 15 percent and an increase in both school funding and enrollment (Britannica, 2020).

Relating Past Challenges and Strategies to A Current Organizational Issue

Women in present-day America still face challenges regarding general perception and acceptance as working individuals. For American women, work-family balance is a particular issue (Kim et al., 2023). Historical research into the struggles of women during the 18th and 19th centuries can provide valuable context for understanding these issues today.

By examining the lives and aspirations of women in those eras, their experiences with war and poverty, and the support (or lack thereof) they received from men, we can better understand how these challenges have evolved over time. This historical research can inform strategies for addressing current organizational issues related to gender equality and work-family balance.

For example, organizations can develop policies and programs that support work-family balance by understanding the pressures that women with children face in managing their family and work lives. Programs could include flexible work arrangements or on-site childcare. Additionally, by recognizing the need for men to be supportive and encouraging to both housewives and working wives, organizations can promote a culture of gender equality.


Historical research into the struggles of women can provide valuable context for understanding current challenges related to gender equality and work-family balance. By examining the past and learning from it, organizations can develop policies and programs that support work-family balance and promote a culture of gender equality.


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2020, September 25). Causes and Effects of Women’s Suffrage in the United States. Encyclopedia Britannica.

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 3 Lesson from History

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2023, February 22). Women’s suffrage. Encyclopedia Britannica. Editors. (n.d.). Women’s Suffrage. HISTORY; A&E Television Networks. Retrieved March 10, 2023, from

Kim, M., Ma, E., & Wang, L. (2023). Work-family supportive benefits, programs, and policies and employee well-being: Implications for the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 108, 103356.

HIS FPX 1150 Assessment 3 Lesson from History

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