
How marriage is an expression of cultural norms and values

This discussion includes two topics: marriage and sex/gender. You will compose your initial post based on the scenario assigned to you in the chart below. In your peer responses, you will respond to one peer assigned to the same scenario as you and another peer assigned to the other scenario.

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Assigned Scenario for Initial Post


Scenario A: Marriage


Scenario B: Sex/Gender

Scenario A: Marriage
Two friends, Taylor and Alex, are enjoying dessert after a show at the local arts theater. Taylor draws your attention to a very cozy couple at a table in the corner. “I wonder what show they watched,” Taylor says with a smirk. You gasp and report that you know the woman (she is your neighbor), but the man is not her husband. “Maybe they’re in an open relationship,” Taylor remarks nonchalantly.

Compose your initial post as if you are Taylor. In your initial post, be sure to do the following:

Explain how marriage is an expression of cultural norms and values.
Describe at least two different forms of marriage.
Apply the principles of cultural relativism.
Scenario B: Sex/Gender
You and a friend, Elliott, are enjoying your conversation at a local coffee shop when you both take a bathroom break. You arrive at the two bathroom doors and see each door labeled with the sign below.

All-Gender Restroom.

Upon returning to the table, Elliott remarks, “What’s up with those bathrooms? Women should use the women’s room and men should use the men’s room.” You decide to take this opportunity to share what you have learned about sex and gender.

Compose your initial post as if you were responding to your friend, Elliott. In your initial post, be sure to do the following:

Distinguish sex and gender.
Describe at least two different ways that gender identity is expressed; include at least one way that gender identity is expressed in your culture and at least one-way gender identity is expressed in another culture.
Apply the principles of cultural relativism.


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