
Human Activities and Harm

Human Activities and Harm
Order ID# 45178248544XXTG457 Plagiarism Level: 0-0.5% Writer Classification: PhD competent
Style: APA/MLA/Harvard/Chicago Delivery: Minimum 3 Hours Revision: Permitted
Sources: 4-6 Course Level: Masters/University College Guarantee Status: 96-99%


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Human Activities and Harm


Minnesota and Wisconsin have a lot of lakes, and Midwesterners love our lakes.  We visit them often, but human activities may actually be hurting/destroying the lakes we love.    please watch the 2 videos . Also feel free to perform internet research. Then, explain 3 ways we are hurting our lakes. This could be changes humans have made or accidental actions/activities that build up over time to damage the environment.



Our lake, our legacy : protecting Minnesota life at the lake

Lake Shoreline Loving our lakes to death




Who was Deborah really? This intriguing biblical figure appears in Judges 4-5, which recount

her role in the war against the Canaanites. The text tells us she was a prophetess who judged

Israel at that time, and that the Israelites came to her for judgement. But what kind of judge

was she – juridical or advisory? And was she also a military deliverer who played a key role

in the battle?

In this essay, I’ll argue that despite not being portrayed as the ultimate deliverer in the war

narrative, Deborah functioned as an exceptionally gifted leader – a prophetess, judicial judge,

wise woman, and charismatic personality. My focus will be on closely examining the text

itself to understand the depiction of Deborah’s roles and character.

Starting   with   what   the   text   states   explicitly,   the   exposition   in   Judges   4:4-5   introduces

Deborah as “a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth,” who “was judging Israel at that time.”

People would come to her for judgment as she held court under the Palm of Deborah between

Ramah   and   Bethel.   Interestingly,   there’s   no   indication   here   that   God   raised   her   up   as   a

deliverer, in contrast to other judges like Othniel and Ehud.

As the story continues, Deborah summons Barak and tells him God commands him to lead

the fight against Sisera. But Barak insists Deborah accompany him, saying he won’t go unless

she does. She agrees but declares the glory of victory will then go to a woman. This exchange

hints at Deborah’s authority – Barak needs her prophetic presence to guarantee success. Yet on

the battlefield itself, Deborah fades into the background. Barak and the Lord take center stage

in routing the enemy, while Jael ultimately slays Sisera in his sleep.

Later Jewish tradition was clearly uncomfortable with the notion of a woman wielding such

power, as evidenced by the denigrating rabbinic statements about female rulers. But many

modern interpreters have celebrated Deborah as a remarkable female leader in a patriarchal

age, or even assimilated her to male heroes like Moses and Samuel. As tempting as such

comparisons may be, however, in the end I believe we must let Deborah be Deborah, in all

her memorable distinctiveness. She stands as a unique testimony to the diverse ways God

empowers individuals to serve His purposes and people.

Who is the true star of the show in the Deborah-Barak-Jael narrative of Judges 4-5? A close

reading suggests it is Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, whose unexpected actions make her

the surprising heroine who brings the enemy to his knees. Like a skilled circus ringmaster

guiding the audience’s gaze, the prose narrator and poetic songwriter use various techniques

to   shape   how   we   see   this   pivotal   character.   Through   Jael’s   authoritative   speech,   her

subversive actions, and her connections to other key figures, these ancient authors paint a

vivid portrait of a woman in command. But they don’t stop there – Jael emerges as more than

a   human   warrior;   she   is   an   instrument   of   divine   warfare   in   the   hands   of   Israel’s   true

Commander,   YHWH.   Let’s   examine   the   textual   evidence   for   each   angle   of   Jael’s





Who was Deborah really? This intriguing biblical figure appears in Judges 4-5, which recount

her role in the war against the Canaanites. The text tells us she was a prophetess who judged

Israel at that time, and that the Israelites came to her for judgement. But what kind of judge

was she – juridical or advisory? And was she also a military deliverer who played a key role

in the battle?

In this essay, I’ll argue that despite not being portrayed as the ultimate deliverer in the war

narrative, Deborah functioned as an exceptionally gifted leader – a prophetess, judicial judge,

wise woman, and charismatic personality. My focus will be on closely examining the text

itself to understand the depiction of Deborah’s roles and character.

Starting   with   what   the   text   states   explicitly,   the   exposition   in   Judges   4:4-5   introduces

Deborah as “a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth,” who “was judging Israel at that time.”

People would come to her for judgment as she held court under the Palm of Deborah between

Ramah   and   Bethel.   Interestingly,   there’s   no   indication   here   that   God   raised   her   up   as   a

deliverer, in contrast to other judges like Othniel and Ehud.

As the story continues, Deborah summons Barak and tells him God commands him to lead

the fight against Sisera. But Barak insists Deborah accompany him, saying he won’t go unless

she does. She agrees but declares the glory of victory will then go to a woman. This exchange

hints at Deborah’s authority – Barak needs her prophetic presence to guarantee success. Yet on

the battlefield itself, Deborah fades into the background. Barak and the Lord take center stage

in routing the enemy, while Jael ultimately slays Sisera in his sleep.

Later Jewish tradition was clearly uncomfortable with the notion of a woman wielding such

power, as evidenced by the denigrating rabbinic statements about female rulers. But many

modern interpreters have celebrated Deborah as a remarkable female leader in a patriarchal

age, or even assimilated her to male heroes like Moses and Samuel. As tempting as such

comparisons may be, however, in the end I believe we must let Deborah be Deborah, in all

her memorable distinctiveness. She stands as a unique testimony to the diverse ways God

empowers individuals to serve His purposes and people.

Who is the true star of the show in the Deborah-Barak-Jael narrative of Judges 4-5? A close

reading suggests it is Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, whose unexpected actions make her

the surprising heroine who brings the enemy to his knees. Like a skilled circus ringmaster

guiding the audience’s gaze, the prose narrator and poetic songwriter use various techniques

to   shape   how   we   see   this   pivotal   character.   Through   Jael’s   authoritative   speech,   her

subversive actions, and her connections to other key figures, these ancient authors paint a

vivid portrait of a woman in command. But they don’t stop there – Jael emerges as more than

a   human   warrior;   she   is   an   instrument   of   divine   warfare   in   the   hands   of   Israel’s   true

Commander,   YHWH.   Let’s   examine   the   textual   evidence   for   each   angle   of   Jael’s




Excellent Quality




45-41 points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.

Literature Support

91-84  points

The background and significance of the problem and a clear statement of the research purpose is provided. The search history is mentioned.


58-53 points

Content is well-organized with headings for each slide and bulleted lists to group related material as needed. Use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance readability and presentation content is excellent. Length requirements of 10 slides/pages or less is met.

Average Score


40-38 points

More depth/detail for the background and significance is needed, or the research detail is not clear. No search history information is provided.

83-76  points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is little integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are included. Summary of information presented is included. Conclusion may not contain a biblical integration.

52-49  points

Content is somewhat organized, but no structure is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. is occasionally detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met.

Poor Quality


37-1 points

The background and/or significance are missing. No search history information is provided.

75-1 points

Review of relevant theoretical literature is evident, but there is no integration of studies into concepts related to problem. Review is partially focused and organized. Supporting and opposing research are not included in the summary of information presented. Conclusion does not contain a biblical integration.

48-1 points

There is no clear or logical organizational structure. No logical sequence is apparent. The use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. is often detracting to the presentation content. Length requirements may not be met

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