
Knowledge Development in Nursing Discussion Essay Paper

Knowledge Development in Nursing Discussion Essay Paper

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Assignment instructions

PowerPoint on the Ways of Knowing (WOK), focus topic on Emancipatory

Please add a note  at the bottom of the slides that will help narrating the PowerPoint.

Please cover these followings contents in the PowerPoint

  1. The concept of Emancipatory knowing
  2. The dimensions of Emancipatory knowledge development
  3. Formal expressions of Emancipatory knowing
  4. Emancipatory Application in Practice Setting
  5. Please also talk about praxis at some point in the PowerPoint which I think should be under the dimensions of emancipatory knowledge. Knowledge Development in Nursing Discussion Essay Paper


Please include images, picture, or graph in the PowerPoint.

Please you can also go to amazon and read the sample of the book Knowledge Development in Nursing: Theory and Process 11th Edition. Chapter 1 to help with the PowerPoint. Please feel free to add anything that you think is relevant to the topic.

I will also upload some pictures from the text book.

There are 5 dimensions of emancipatory knowledge development and they include the following:

Critical Questions: Emancipatory knowledge begins with asking essential questions such as “Who benefits?” and “What is wrong with this picture?” These questions help uncover barriers to freedom and identify necessary changes to rectify injustices. They serve as a starting point for critical analysis.

´Emancipatory cognition refers to the human ability to recognize societal and political injustices and envision better possibilities (Cappiali, 2023). Knowledge Development in Nursing Discussion Essay Paper

´The concept involves acknowledgment of potential alternatives aimed to transform the current state for improved well-being.

´Emancipatory cognition has dual significance:

üIt signifies the purpose and desired consequence of one’s actions.

üThe notion of emancipatory awareness finds its origins in philosophical thought.

´The concept underscores behaviors that stem from a recognition of equity within a societal and governmental framework..

´It transcends mere response to acknowledged inequalities and necessitates an ongoing cycle of praxis, contemplation, and proactive engagement..

´The concept cultivates awareness of the problematic conditions (Sterling, 2022).

´In nursing, the concept means questioning the nature of knowledge.

There are 5 dimensions of emancipatory knowledge development and they include the following:

Critical Questions: Emancipatory knowledge begins with asking essential questions such as “Who benefits?” and “What is wrong with this picture?” These questions help uncover barriers to freedom and identify necessary changes to rectify injustices. They serve as a starting point for critical analysis.

Creative Processes of Critiquing and Imagining: This dimension involves the creative processes of critiquing and imagining. Critiquing involves a comprehensive analysis of existing social conditions from various perspectives, including race, ethnicity, class, gender, and more. Imagining, on the other hand, focuses on envisioning a better, more equitable world by exploring new possibilities for change.

Formal Expressions (Activism as Methods): This dimension involves bringing together individuals directly affected by injustices and their allies to discuss, define, and plan for sustainable change. Activist projects enable people to share their lived experiences and realize that they are not alone in facing unjust and inequitable circumstances. Knowledge Development in Nursing Discussion Essay Paper

Authentication Processes: This dimension emphasizes the need for verification and validation of information and ideas generated through critical questions, critiquing, and imagining. Authentication processes ensure that the knowledge and insights derived from these dimensions are based on rigorous analysis and evidence.


Integrated Practice Expression of Emancipatory Knowing (Praxis): Praxis represents the culmination of emancipatory knowledge development. It involves putting knowledge into action to bring about social change. Praxis is a dynamic and continuous process that combines critical reflection with purposeful action aimed at dismantling social injustices and promoting equality.

Formal expressions of emancipatory knowing serve as essential vehicles for articulating, disseminating, and advancing the cause of social justice. These expressions encompass a diverse array of mediums including the following;

Firstly, manifestos are dynamic and fervent declarations that not only pinpoint the problematic aspects of society but also ignite the passion for change. They outline concrete actions required to rectify injustices and provide vivid descriptions of the ideal society activists envision, rallying others to the cause.

Secondly, critical analyses delve into the roots of inequality, scrutinizing the ‘how’ and ‘why’ behind existing disparities. They identify the marginalized and disadvantaged, shedding light on their struggles, ultimately catalyzing empathy and mobilization for change.

Thirdly, visions for the future are detailed blueprints of the world as it should be – an inspiring portrayal of an equitable and just future. They offer a clear destination for the movement and serve as a source of hope and motivation. Knowledge Development in Nursing Discussion Essay Paper

Fourthly, action plans provide a practical roadmap to realize the envisioned future, breaking down complex goals into achievable steps (Barrett & Carper, 2021). They act as a guide for activists and stakeholders, ensuring that their efforts are purposeful and strategic.

Moreover, formal expressions are not limited to words alone; they can manifest as diverse art forms, literature, or innovative designs. Any credible medium that aids in the liberation of oppressed groups is a valid formal expression of emancipatory knowing, showcasing the boundless creativity and determination of those committed to social justice.

´Emancipatory can be applied in:

üInclusive Curriculum Development in Education: Emancipatory practice in education involves developing curricula that challenge traditional narratives and include diverse perspectives (Dahal & Luitel, 2023).

üCommunity Health Equity: Can be used to work closely with marginalized communities to identify healthcare disparities and social determinants of health (Popay, 2021).

üCan be used to promote diversity and inclusion within an organization. Knowledge Development in Nursing Discussion Essay Paper

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