
Level 5 – Unit 16 Inclusive Practice Assignment Brief Solutions

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Level 5 – Unit 16 Inclusive Practice Assignment Brief


This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding of inclusive practice. It includes factors influencing learning, and legislation relating to inclusive practice. It also includes roles and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice, how to create and maintain an inclusive learning environment and evaluating own inclusive practice.

Essential Content

LO1 Understand factors which influence learning

Impact of personal, social, and cultural factors on learning. Different teaching and learning methods to accommodate different learning preferences and different abilities and/or needs (including one-to-one, paired work, small group teaching, whole group teaching), minimising potential institutional/social/cultural/personal barriers to learning.

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Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning (categorisation of objectives, knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation), Differentiated outcomes, embedding language/literacy/ numeracy (LLN), different assessment methods, legislation impacting on practice. Impact of different cognitive, physical, and sensory abilities on learning. Learning theory (andragogy, behaviourism, cognitivism, humanism, socially situated learning), motivation theory (e.g. Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor).

LO2 Understand the impact of policy and regulatory frameworks on inclusive practice

Policy and regulatory frameworks: Legislation and codes of practice (health and safety, equal opportunities), own role in promoting equality (teaching materials, translating legislation in practice, diversity and inclusion, impact on teaching and classroom practice, range of differences which might present in a classroom situation), promoting (data protection, consumer legislation and other legislation relating to subject specialism), regulatory requirements (safeguarding, child protection), make a positive contribution, record keeping, codes of practice (Education and Training Foundation, subject specialist codes of practice), boundaries of teaching role.

Influence of policy and regulatory frameworks on organisational policies: Legislation and codes of practice (health and safety, equal opportunities), own role in promoting equality (teaching materials, translating legislation in practice, diversity and inclusion, impact on teaching and classroom practice, range of differences which might present in a classroom situation), promoting (data protection, consumer legislation and other legislation relating to subject specialism), regulatory requirements (safeguarding, child protection), make a positive contribution, achieve and enjoy, achieve economic wellbeing, record keeping, codes of practice (Education and Training Foundation, subject specialist codes of practice), boundaries of teaching role. Influence of policy and regulatory frameworks on inclusive practice.

Legislation and codes of practice (health and safety, equal opportunities), own role in promoting equality (teaching materials, translating legislation in practice, diversity and inclusion, impact on teaching and classroom practice, range of differences which might present in a classroom situation), promoting (data protection, consumer legislation and other legislation relating to subject specialism), regulatory requirements (safeguarding, child protection), make a positive contribution, achieve and enjoy, record keeping, codes of practice (Education and Training Foundation, subject specialist codes of practice), boundaries of teaching role.

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LO3 Understand roles and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice

Summarise role and responsibilities: Teaching and training cycle (identify needs, plan, design, deliver, assess, evaluate), Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG), signposting, liaising with other professionals, meeting organisation requirements, systems, procedures, maintaining standards, quality assurance, keeping records, registers, results, health and safety in the workplace, policies and practice in organisations, own professional requirements. Relationship between role and roles of other professionals.

Role of collegiality and collaboration in local and regional areas, role of support agencies, learner referral, signposting, learner support opportunities, learning support opportunities, the different teams with which you interact in your daily work (e.g. external support agencies, external regulatory bodies, internal administrative support, internal quality assurance teams), limits of responsibility.

Points of referral: Identifying support needs of learners, screening, initial assessment, diagnostic assessment, identifying key staff within organisations responsible for referral, identifying sources of learner support and learning support.

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LO4 Understand how to create and maintain an inclusive learning environment

Key features and benefits: Organisational policy and practice, classroom management, motivational theory (e.g. Maslow), engagement, participation, achievement, inclusive language, representation of cultural differences, avoiding stereotyping, access.

Equality and diversity: Protected characteristics (e.g. race, gender, disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, transsexuality, maternal status, marital status, civil partnership status), equality act, equal opportunities and equality and diversity policies, inclusion, differentiation, schemes of work, lesson planning, different teaching and learning methods to accommodate different learning preferences and different abilities and/ or needs (including one-to-one, paired work, small group teaching, whole group teaching), minimising potential institutional/ social/cultural/personal barriers to learning, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning (categorisation of objectives, knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation), differentiated outcomes, embedding language/literacy/ numeracy (LLN), different assessment methods, legislation impacting on practice.

Promote inclusion: Learning preferences, different teaching and learning methods (strengths and limitations, classroom management, lesson planning, extension activities, differentiated outcomes), Blooms’ Taxonomy of Learning (categorisation of objectives – knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation), SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely), self-reflection.

Review strategies for effective liaison: Teachers, mentors, learning support specialists, written/verbal/non-verbal communication, range of media.

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LO5 Understand how to evaluate own inclusive practice

Effectiveness of inclusive practice: Models of reflection (e.g. Schön, Gibbs, Brookfield, Johns, Atkins, and Murphy), self-reflective practice, models of evaluation (e.g. Kirkpatrick), learner evaluation (qualitative information), programme evaluation (qualitative and quantitative information), identifying assessment outcomes as basis for improvement/target setting.

Identify strengths and areas for improvement: Models of reflection (e.g. Schön, Gibbs, Brookfield, Johns, Atkins, and Murphy), self- reflective practice, models of evaluation (e.g. Kirkpatrick), learner evaluation (qualitative information), programme evaluation (qualitative and quantitative information), identifying assessment outcomes as basis for improvement/target setting.

Plan opportunities to improve skills: Action planning, setting SMART targets (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely), strengths and limitations of own skills and knowledge (e.g. experience, qualifications, currency of skills and knowledge), liaison with other agencies and learning professionals, current research relating to inclusive practice.

Assignment Brief

Purpose of this assignment

This unit will focus on developing an understanding on inclusive teaching and learning practices. This will be achieved by covering factors that influence learning and legislation relating to inclusive practice. The unit also looks at the roles and responsibilities in the context of inclusive practice and how to develop and sustain an inclusive learning environment.


You are to look at your placement and understand how inclusive practice can be embedded, taught and included. You are to understand how liaising with other staff can make effective inclusive practice and you are to reflect upon your own teaching and understand how you can create and maintain a safe and inclusive environment.

You will also familiarise yourself with policies and regulatory frameworks on inclusive practice.

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Assignment Brief & Guidance

Task 1 – Written Report: Understanding factors that influence an inclusive learning environment at your placement (LO1, LO4).

In your report you must review the following:

  • Key features and benefits of developing an inclusive learning environment (4.1).
  • Strategies that support an effective liaison between HE practitioners in promoting inclusive teaching and learning practices (4.4).
  • Impact of different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on the current teaching and learning strategies (or approaches) (1.2).
  • Impact of personal, social, and cultural factors on learning (1.1).

Finally, analyse ways to promote equality and value diversity and promote inclusion (4.2, 4.3).

Task 2 – Self-Reflective Report: Promoting and supporting inclusive teaching and learning practice (LO2, LO3, LO5).

Your Self-reflective report will provide a summary on the policy and regulatory frameworks relating to inclusive practice (2.1), you will explain how such policy and regulatory frameworks influence both your placement policies and your own practice in relation to inclusive practice (2.2, 2.3).

You will provide a summary on your own role and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice (3.1) and explain the relationship between your role and the roles of other professionals involved in inclusive practice (3.2). You will explain a time when you have identified points of referral and collaborated effectively with another professional to meet the students learning needs (3.3).

Finally, you will review the effectiveness of your own inclusive practice (5.1) and identify your own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to inclusive practice and explain how you plan to improve your inclusive teaching and learning practices (5.2, 5.3).

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