
Neurobiology of crisis as theories and skills for crisis counselling covered

In this post, we’ll explore the neurobiology of crisis, as well as theories and skills for crisis counseling covered in Chapters 4 and 6. The neurobiology of the brain is both adaptive and maladaptive and understanding this duality can help with healing. Theories offer clinicians an increased understanding of the human reactions to crisis, as well as what options we have in crisis intervention. Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:

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Summarize the contributions of at least two counseling theories that you can relate to as you prepare yourself for how you will take care to avoid vicarious traumatization or second-hand trauma. Post the PDF of your completed Crisis Intervention Theories and Models matching exercise and use this to guide your discussion.
Describe what personal and professional challenges you might face in dealing with client crises and how you will implement effective self-care practices. Do you have a self-care plan in place?
Learning about the neurobiological effects of trauma can feel daunting. After all, we are counselors and not neuroscientists. However, we are in a unique position to help our clients understand more about their brains and the effects of trauma. What from Chapter 4 would you include in your counseling and how would you do this?
What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest?

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