
NUR 501 Module 1 Discussion Theory, Practice, & Research

Sample Answer for NUR 501 Module 1 Discussion Theory, Practice, & Research

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Roles and Responsibilities of the APRN when Prescribing Medication: 

Within the boundaries of their scope of practice, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), also known as nurse practitioners, are authorized to prescribe medicine. According to Sangster‐Gormley et al. (2011), when it comes to prescription medications, their duties and obligations include the following: 

The process involves conducting detailed patient evaluations to determine whether or not pharmacological therapy is suitable. 
Identification of medical conditions and the development of treatment strategies which may involve the administration of medicines. 
The process of conducting and interpreting diagnostic tests in order to monitor the efficacy of medication and ensure the safety of patients. 
Collaborating with other healthcare professionals is vital to guarantee coordinated treatment and patient safety. 
Education of the patient on the usage of medication, dose, administration, potential adverse effects, and drug interactions including interactions between medications. 
It is important to monitor the patient’s reaction to drug therapy and make the necessary modifications to treatment regimens. 

2. Describe the method used to determine what drug therapy to prescribe. 

The proper medication treatment for patients is determined by advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) via the use of a methodical strategy. The following steps are often included in this process: doing a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s medical history, which includes a review of the patient’s current and previous medicines, allergies, and comorbidities. 
The process of determining the underlying health issue by analyzing the patient’s clinical data and the symptoms that they are currently experiencing. 
The selection of the drug treatment that is both the most successful and the safest may be accomplished by consulting evidence-based practice guidelines, clinical protocols, and pharmacological resources. 
characteristics specific to the particular patient, including age, gender, weight, renal and hepatic function, and lifestyle factors, are taken into consideration. 
Participating in the process of establishing treatment objectives, addressing concerns, and ensuring that patients comply with recommended medication is a collaborative effort. 

3. Discuss responsibilities for patient education and teaching based on the prescribed therapy.  
In the context of patient guidance and instruction regarding prescribed therapies, advanced practice registered nurses perform a vital part.  

The responsibilities they have include providing patients and caregivers with a breakdown of the purpose of prescription medications in addition to the benefits of taking them. 
It is vital to provide specific instructions concerning medicine administration, dose, frequency, and length of treatment. 
Providing patients with data on possible adverse reactions, side effects, and precautions that may be performed to minimize the risks. 

An explanation of the importance of taking medications as prescribed and the methods that may be used to overcome obstacles to adherence. 
This involves addressing the questions, worries, and misconceptions that patients have about the specific medications. 
In addition to monitoring the patient’s comprehension, continued assistance and reinforcement should be provided as needed.  
The nurse practitioner should also monitor and continue to evaluate the patient for possible side effects and patient compliance. 

4. Discuss Scheduled drugs and prescribing restrictions for each scheduled drug.  

According to the regulations set out by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), schedule medications are divided into a number of distinct categories, ranging from Schedule I to Schedule V, depending on the intensity of their propensity for abuse and dependency. The limits on prescription that apply to each scheduled medicine are as follows: 
Schedule I medications have the most significant misuse risk and no medicinal use in the US. Therefore, these drugs cannot be prescribed, supplied, or delivered. Marijuana, heroin, mescaline, LSD, MDMA, and methaqualone are Schedule I substances. 
Due to their high misuse potential, Schedule II substances may cause serious psychological or physical dependency. However, these drugs may be prescribed, supplied, or delivered medically. Fentanyl, oxycodone, morphine, methylphenidate, hydromorphone, amphetamine, pentobarbital, and secobarbital are Schedule II substances. Schedule II prescriptions cannot be refilled at the drugstore. 
As Schedule III drugs, they have an intermediate abuse potential between Schedule II and IV. Anabolic steroids, testosterone, and ketamine are Schedule III substances. 
Schedule IV medicines are less addictive than Schedule II but more dangerous than Schedule V. Schedule IV pharmaceuticals include diazepam, alprazolam, and tramadol. 
Schedule V medicines have the lowest misuse potential. Schedule V medicines include pregabalin, diphenoxylate/atropine, and dextromethorphan. 

DEA-registered practitioners can prescribe restricted medications. The pharmacist must receive Schedule II prescriptions in writing or electronically via an authorized controlled drug prescribing computer system. Registered practitioners may phone in emergency prescriptions for Schedule II drugs in several states, but a documented prescription is required within seven days (Lopez et al., 2023) 
Lopez, M. J., Preuss, C. V., & Tadi, P. (July 30, 2023). Drug Enforcement Administration Drug Scheduling. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from  
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Sangster‐Gormley, E., Martin‐Misener, R., Downe‐Wamboldt, B., & DiCenso, A. (2011). Factors affecting nurse practitioner role implementation in Canadian practice settings: an integrative review.   Journal of advanced nursing, 67(6), 1178-1190. 
Sample 2
Roles and Responsibilities of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner When Prescribing Medication 
APRN Roles and Responsibilities in Medication Prescription 
 The APRN role is significant in the nursing practice that has existed for more than a century. Typically, APRNs involve registered nurses who have accomplished degree programs in master’s and doctorate with advanced training and education surpassing registered nurses, playing varied significant roles and responsibilities (Boehning & Punsalan, 2023). 
One of the responsibilities involves conducting assessments and diagnosis. Traditionally, APRNs are known for performing comprehensive patient assessments. This constitutes examining patients physically, conducting diagnostic tests, and medical examinations for pinpointing the accurate diagnosis and right options for treatment (Boehning & Punsalan, 2023). The other role and responsibility involves medication prescriptions. APRNs are expected to prescribe medications to patients according to the obtained assessment findings constituting physical examination, assessment findings, and practice scope regulations (Boehning & Punsalan, 2023). 
Used Method to Determining the Drug Therapy to be Prescribed 
One of the methods involves prescribing drug therapy-based or evidence-based medicine guidelines. Traditionally, evidence-based medicine utilizes the scientific approach for current data organization and application for the improvement of healthcare decisions (Lopez et al., 2023). This approach is regarded to be ideal as the suitable science is amalgamated with the clinical experience and the values of patients to come up with suitable patient’s medical decisions The other method involves the considerations of patients’ specific characteristics like gender, allergies, lifestyle, or comorbidities. This is significant for preventing possibilities of harmful interactions from emerging resulting in adverse health outcomes. Another method incorporates the evaluation of treatment options efficacy and treatment. This is essential for wellness enhancement and prevention of aftermath adverse reactions capable of interfering with the patient’s wellness and health status. 
Patient Education and Teaching Grounded on the Prescribed Therapy Responsibilities  
One of the responsibilities involves issuing comprehensive and accurate information on medication. Patients need to be informed accordingly on their prescribed medication. This constitutes the purpose for administering the medication, the dosage level to be administered, and the therapy duration. Through the patient getting informed on these essential aspects, they will be knowledgeable on what is expected of them to embrace the medication, influencing their abilities to comply with the medications. The other responsibilities incorporate educating the patient accordingly on the medications’ side effects and adverse reactions. Typically, the patient being informed amicably about the medications’ adverse reactions is essential for their safety improvement and detection of signals, impacting their wellness optimally. 
Schedule Drugs Prescriptions Restrictions 
Schedule drugs are categorized into five typically the five categories are influenced by the proper use and benefits. The schedules range from I to V whereby schedule I drugs are attributed to have increased abuse risks and their medical use in the United States (U.S) is not recognized accordingly. On the contrary, the schedule V drug possibilities for abuse are minimal (Lopez et al., 2023). 
 Categorically, Schedule I drugs have increased abuse possibilities with no medical use that is recommended. In most instances, schedule I medications cannot be prescribed, administered, or dispensed. Schedule II drugs have higher possibilities for abuse with adverse physical or psychological dependence (Lopez et al., 2023). Schedule III drug abuse possibilities are intermediate. Schedule IV drugs’ possibilities for abuse are more than Schedule V but less than Schedule II (Lopez et al., 2023). Schedule V drugs have reduced possibilities for abuse among the substances being controlled (Lopez et al., 2023). 
Benning, A. P., & Punsalan, L. D. (2023, March 1). Advanced practice nurse roles – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  
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Lopez, M., Preuss, C. V., & Tadi, P. (2023, July 30). Drug enforcement administration drug scheduling – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  
Links to an external site. 
Tenny, S., & Varacallo., M. (2022, October 24). Evidence based medicine – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  

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