
NUR 600 Assignment 3.2 Using the Seven Attributes with a Subjective Abnormal Finding

Sample Answer forr NUR 600 Assignment 3.2 Using the Seven Attributes with a Subjective Abnormal Finding
Assignment 3.2: Using the Seven Attributes with a Subjective Abnormal Finding  
Subjective abnormal finding: Nasal discharge 
Location: Nasal cavity. 
Quality: Thin, clear, and watery nasal secretions. 
Quantity or severity: Copious amount of nasal secretions. The client uses 3-4 handkerchiefs per day. 
Timing: The nasal discharge began three days ago. It is constant, and the client has to blow the nose every 5-10 minutes. 
The setting in which it occurs: The nasal discharge occurs more when the patient is outdoors, but it still occurs when the client is indoors. 
Aggravating or relieving factors: Aggravated by exposure to cold and being outdoors. The client associates the nasal discharge with winter. Relieved to some degree by taking warm water and OTC antihistamine syrup.  
Associated manifestations: In addition to nasal discharge, the patient reports sneezing, nasal congestion, reduced sense of smell, eye redness, and itchy nose, eyes, ears, and palate. 

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